Governadora do RN recorre de condenação por improbidade

28/02/2013 11h22 - Atualizado em 28/02/2013 11h23
Governadora do RN é condenada por improbidade administrativa

Ação remete à gestão de Rosalba Ciarlini à frente da prefeitura de Mossoró.

Segundo advogado, recurso deve ser protocolado até o fim desta semana.

Do G1 RN
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Rosalba Ciarlini se emocionou ao responder críticas do presidente do Sindicato dos Médicos do RN, Geraldo Ferreira (Foto: Ricardo Araújo/G1)Governadora irá recorrer de decisão judicial
(Foto: Ricardo Araújo/G1)
A governadora Rosalba Ciarlini irá recorrer da decisão do juiz da 5ª Vara da Fazenda Pública, Airton Pinheiro, que a condenou por improbidade administrativa durante sua gestão como prefeita do município de Mossoró (2001-2004). A informação é do advogado Thiago Cortez que atua na defesa da governadora.
O advogado explicou que a própria sentença judicial reconhece a insignificância do dano e, portanto, não deveria reconhecer improbidade. “Além disso, vamos alegar cerceamento de defesa porque o juiz negou a oitiva das testemunhas que pedimos”, disse Thiago Cortez.
Ainda de acordo com o advogado da governadora Rosalba Cairlini, o recurso deverá ser protocolado até o fim desta semana.
A condenação
De acordo com o Ministério Público, Rosalba Ciarlini praticou autopromoção nas placas de divulgação de obras do município de Mossoró, constando nas mesmas a indicação de seu nome, o que, segundo o MP, caracteriza improbidade administrativa, por ofensa ao princípio constitucional da impessoalidade.
Nesta quarta-feira (27) o Tribunal de Justiça divulgou nota informando que a governadora foi condenada por improbidade administrativa durante a sua gestão como prefeita do município de Mossoró (2001-2004). De acordo com a sentença do juiz Airton Pinheiro, Rosalba Ciarlini deverá ressarcir os custos do município com a confecção de placas publicitárias, objeto da ação, bem como deverá pagar multa civil no valor de R$ 30 mil.

Governadora do RN é condenada por improbidade administrativa

Joaquim Barbosa pretende encerrar processo do mensalão até julho

Barbosa planeja concluir até julho processo do mensalão
Réus ainda deverão apresentar recursos
28/02/2013 18h04 - Atualizado em 28/02/2013 18h13

Somente após análise dos recursos, condenados poderão cumprir penas.
Afirmação foi dada a correspondentes internacionais, segundo assessoria.

Mariana Oliveira Do G1, em Brasília
Comente agora
O presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), ministro Joaquim Barbosa, afirmou nesta quinta-feira (28) a correspondentes internacionais que pretende concluir o processo do mensalão, julgando todos os eventuais recursos dos condenados, até o mês de julho. Só depois do chamado "trânsito em julgado", com a decisão sobre os recursos, as penas dos condenados podem começar a ser cumpridas.
O presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal, Joaquim Barbosa, na última sessão do mensalão (Foto: Carlos Humberto/SCO/STF)O presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal,
Joaquim Barbosa, na última sessão do mensalão
(Foto: Carlos Humberto/SCO/STF)
A afirmação, publicada em agências internacionais, foi confirmada pela assessoria de imprensa do tribunal na tarde desta quinta. A assessoria destacou que Barbosa ponderou que o prazo depende de não ocorrer nenhum contratempo no processo.
Na prática, a conclusão do processo representa o trânsito em julgado, quando já não cabe mais recurso à decisão. Isso possibilitará o cumprimento das penas de prisão a 22 dos 25 condenados em regime semiaberto ou fechado - dois tiveram penas convertidas em prestação de serviços e um foi condenado a regime aberto, quando não há prisão.
Participaram da entrevista com o presidente do Supremo, segundo a assessoria, representantes das agências Reuters (Inglaterra), AFP (França), EFE (Espanha), Dow Jones (Estados Unidos), Prensa Latina (Cuba), Espectador (Uruguai) e outros. O presidente do tribunal não autorizou a divulgação do áudio para a imprensa brasileira, mas deve liberar a transcrição da entrevista ainda nesta quinta.
Para a apresentação de recursos, ainda é necessário elaborar o acórdão, em que os ministros da corte disponibilizam os votos escritos dados durante o julgamento e fazem a revisão nas transcrições para publicação.
Dos 11 ministros que participaram do julgamento, somente cinco entregaram seus votos revisados (Joaquim Barbosa, Gilmar Mendes, Marco Aurélio Mello, Ayres Britto e Cezar Peluso, os dois últimos já aposentados). Entre os outros seis, Rosa Weber e Luix Fux informaram que estão prestes a liberar. Celso de Mello diz que deve entregar até o fim de março. Ricardo Lewandowski e Celso de Mello não têm previsão. A ministra Cármen Lúcia ainda não respondeu sobre o voto.
Quando todos liberarem os votos, será publicado o acórdão do julgamento, que é o documento que resume as decisões tomadas. Depois disso, advogados de defesa terão cinco dias para apresentação de embargos, que precisarão ser julgados pela corte. Ainda cabe embargo do embargo. Depois disso, o processo termina, ou seja, transita em julgado e as penas de prisão podem começar a ser cumpridas.
Decisões do julgamento do mensalão
O julgamento do mensalão foi concluído em 17 dezembro, após quatro meses e meio e 53 sessões.
O tribunal decidiu condenar 25 dos 38 réus do processo e fixou as punições de cada um. Durante o julgamento, o Supremo entendeu que existiu um esquema de compra de votos no Congresso Nacional durante os primeiros anos do governo do ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Os ministros entenderam que houve desvio de dinheiro público, de contratos da Câmara dos Deputados e do Banco do Brasil, para abastecer o esquema criminoso.
Dos 38 réus do processo, um deles teve o processo remetido para a primeira instância. Outros 12 acabaram inocentados. Dos 25 considerados culpados, o réu que obteve maior pena foi Marcos Valério, apontado como o operador do esquema do mensalão, que repassava o dinheiro a parlamentares. Valério foi condenado a mais de 40 anos de prisão.
Caso as condenações sejam mantidas, quatro deputados federais devem perder o cargo: José Genoino (PT-SP), João Paulo Cunha (PT-SP), Pedro Henry (PP-MT) e Valdemar Costa Neto (PR-SP).

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Sem local para internação, Justiça libera adolescentes infratores no RN

Juiz alega que centros educacionais do estado não têm estrutura adequada.
Em quatro dias, 11 voltaram para casa, mesmo tendo cometido homicídios.

Do G1 RN
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Adolescentes que cometem infrações em Natal estão sendo liberados de cumprirem medidas sócio-educativas. A medida vem sendo adotada pelo juiz da 3ª  vara da Infância e da Juventude de Natal, Homero Lechner. O motivo é, segundo o juiz, é o fato de que o estado não está fornecendo condições estruturais para que o Poder Judiciário possa determinar o que prevê o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA).
Segundo nota emitida pelo Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Norte nesta quinta-feira (28), em quatro dias, o juiz pôs em liberdade 11 adolescentes que praticaram atos infracionais até mesmo de natureza grave.
Ainda de acordo com o magistrado, a liberação é preocupante, uma vez que os jovens cometeram crimes graves, como homicídio e tráfico de drogas.“Um deles tem uma lista que faz inveja a qualquer bandido de grande porte. Os crimes destes adolescentes são os mais variados e vão desde assaltos a ônibus, passando pelo tráfico de drogas e até homicídios ”, apontou o juiz.
Homero Lechner disse também, que mais de dez ofícios foram enviados para o Ministério Público com informações sobre o quadro atual dos centros educacionais – definido por aquele como "em decadência" - a fim de que a Procuradoria Geral de Justiça cobre do Estado as devidas providências.
“Além do ECA, o Estado, enquanto Poder Executivo, precisa cumprir a Lei 12.594 de 2012. Mas, não está cumprindo e isso nos obriga a liberar esses adolescentes para as ruas novamente”, lamentou Lechner.
As medidas aplicadas em meio aberto também estão comprometidas, de acordo com o juiz. “As medidas da liberdade assistida ou prestação de serviços também estão sem condições de aplicação. A rede pública municipal não tem estrutura para isso”, completou.
De acordo com os juízes que compõem as varas da Infância, entre eles o magistrado José Dantas de Paiva, as cobranças por melhoria na rede são sistemáticas, direcionadas a órgãos como a Fundac, para que as providências sejam tomadas pelo Poder Executivo, a fim de se ampliar as condições físicas e de pessoal nas unidades.
“Nosso desejo é o que o MP efetive uma ação de Improbidade Administrativa contra o Governo que não está cumprindo com o seu papel e gerando essa sensação de impunidade na sociedade. É o MP que tem legitimidade para isso", desabafou o juiz. “Tenho liberado esses adolescentes muito a contragosto” finalizou.

Jimmy Savile 'breakfast club' police officers investigated

Savile 'breakfast club' investigated 

Police officers who used to regularly visit Jimmy Savile's home for a Friday morning coffee while on duty are investigated.
Jimmy Savile West Yorkshire Police said some officers were part of Savile's "Friday morning breakfast club"
Police officers who used to regularly visit Jimmy Savile's home in Leeds while on duty are being investigated.
West Yorkshire Police said some officers were part of the disgraced broadcaster's "Friday morning breakfast club", and enquiries were taking place "to establish who attended and what the nature of the relationship was".
The force said there was "no evidence of any wrongdoing" at this stage.
Allegations that Savile abused hundreds of people emerged after his death.
'Invited by Savile' A series of inquiries are being carried out by police, the BBC, the NHS and other organisations, and more than 90 people are pursuing legal action in the wake of the allegations.
In a statement, West Yorkshire Police said: "Local officers working in the community were invited by Savile to his home for a coffee.
"At that time the force was encouraging community officers to interact more with residents in their area.
"The officers usually visited on a Friday. It was usual for other friends of Savile to be present drinking coffee and chatting."
The force added: "If any issues come to light which warrant further scrutiny, we will investigate fully."
Savile lived in a penthouse apartment in Roundhay Park in Leeds.


更新时间 2013年2月28日, 格林尼治标准时间12:09
  • 英国一所大学禁止“发薪日贷款”的广告,以免大学生陷入“以债养债”的恶性循环。
    12:06 GMT

    更新时间 2013年 2月 28日, 星期四 - 格林尼治标准时间12:06

    英国一所大学禁止校园内张贴“发薪日贷款”(payday loan)的广告,以免大学生债务缠身。
    东伦敦大学(University of East London)禁止任何提供短期、无担保、高利率贷款的公司在校园内作广告,包括杂志、海报或在线广告。


    东伦敦大学学生事务负责人史密斯(Gareth Smith)表示,“发薪日贷款不适合学生,因为学生没有固定收入来还款。”
    提供发薪日贷款的公司,例如QuickQuid,Wonga,和Payday UK向借款者收取高达4,000%的年利率,引起广大的批评。



更新时间 2013年2月28日, 格林尼治标准时间16:48



更新时间 2013年2月28日, 格林尼治标准时间17:39


更新时间 2013年2月28日, 格林尼治标准时间20:15

更新时间 2013年2月28日, 格林尼治标准时间20:08


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  • 英媒:61398部队—中国网战中心
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    更新时间 2013年2月28日, 格林尼治标准时间19:32



    耿雁生还说,当前网络安全已经成为国际性问题,它不仅影响到社会领域,而且也影响到军事领域,中国也是 网络攻击的受害者。目前,中国的网络安全防护还比较薄弱,着眼提高信息化能力水平,强化网络安全防护,是军队军事训练的重要内容之一。解放军建立了“网上 蓝军”,这是根据训练的需要,为提高部队的网络安全防护水平而设立的。


    中国国防部发言人在2013年的首次例行记者会上否认中国目前有网络站部队。就此有记者提出质疑,发言 人耿雁生回应说:“在解放军举行的有些演训活动中,有一些部队扮演着所谓“网络蓝军”,他们的主要任务是提高网络系统的安全防护能力,这跟具有攻击性的网 络战部队是完全不同的”。

Bradley Manning pleads guilty to some Wikileaks charges

28 February 2013 Last updated at 20:30 GMT

Manning pleads guilty to some chargesUS Army PFC Bradley Manning is escorted by military police as he departs the courtroom at Fort Meade, Maryland 25 April, 2012

Bradley Manning, the US Army private accused in the Wikileaks case, pleads guilty to lesser charges but may still be prosecuted for aiding the enemy.
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  • Bradley Manning court sketch 28 February 2013 In court, Bradley Manning read a statement explaining his actions, saying he did not believe the leaks would harm the US

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    The US soldier accused of leaking large numbers of secret documents to Wikileaks has pleaded guilty to 10 of the 22 charges against him.
    But Pfc Bradley Manning, 25, denied the most serious charge against him, aiding the enemy, and may still be prosecuted.
    A military judge will now decide whether to accept the guilty pleas, with which he faces 20 years in prison.
    On Thursday, Pfc Manning told a court he divulged the documents to spark public debate about US actions.
    At the military court in Fort Meade, Maryland, the judge, Col Denise Lind, must now decide whether to accept the guilty pleas.
    Prosecutors can still pursue a trial on the remaining 12 charges, including aiding the enemy, which carries a potential life sentence.
    'Open diplomacy'


    Bradley Manning does not deny providing Wikileaks with around half a million classified documents, but he does dispute the charge that he did this to aid America's enemies.
    For the first time, the young private had an opportunity to explain to the court why he did what he did.
    Despite the objections of the prosecution, he was allowed to read from a 35-page statement in which he said the classified documents represented what he called "the underground realities" of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    The soldier's supporters continue to regard him as a heroic whistleblower, subjected to cruel and humiliating punishment by a vindictive military. The Army may still want to prove him a traitor.
    Pfc Manning said on Thursday he believed the material would stimulate public discussion.
    "I believed that if the general public, especially the American public, had access to the information... this could spark a domestic debate on the role of the military and our foreign policy in general," Pfc Manning told the court.
    He said he would plead guilty to sending the documents to Wikileaks in violation of military regulations but would not plead guilty to a violation of federal espionage laws.
    "I thought these cables were a prime example of the need for a more open diplomacy," said Pfc Manning, who addressed the court in uniform.
    "I believed that these cables would not damage the US. However, I believed these cables would be embarrassing."
    The soldier also mentioned his shock at discovering a video of an aerial combat mission in Iraq in which two employees from the Reuters news agency were killed.
    "The most alarming aspect of the video to me was the seemingly delightful bloodlust the aerial weapons team happened to have," he said, comparing the troops to children "torturing ants with a magnifying glass".
    Largest-ever leak Pfc Manning is accused of sending thousands of battlefield reports from both Afghanistan and Iraq, 250,000 diplomatic cables, and other classified material to the Wikileaks website in 2009 and 2010 while working as an Army intelligence analyst in Baghdad.
    It is considered the largest-ever leak of secret US government documents.
    The Obama administration has said the leaks threatened valuable military and diplomatic sources.
    Supporters, who consider him a whistleblower who exposed war crimes and helped trigger the upheavals of the Arab Spring, held events on Saturday to mark his 1,000th day of detention.
    The judge has ruled any eventual prison sentence should be reduced by 112 days due to his treatment at a maximum security facility in Virginia earlier in the case.
    He has since been transferred to a medium-security jail.

Bangladesh war crimes verdict sparks deadly clashes

28 February 2013 Last updated at 18:46 GMT

Deadly clashes over Bangladesh trialPolice personnel march towards the activists of Jamaat-e-Islami, Bangladesh"s biggest Islamist party, during a clash in Rajshahi

At least 30 people die in Bangladesh in clashes sparked by a death sentence handed down to a senior Islamist leader for war crimes.
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    Roadblock set up by Jamaat activists in Gaibandha Jamaat supporters blocked roads in Gaibandha, where a police station was attacked

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    At least 30 people have died in clashes in Bangladesh sparked by a death sentence handed to a senior Islamist leader for war crimes.
    A tribunal sentenced Delwar Hossain Sayeedi to death for crimes including murder, torture and rape during the country's 1971 war of independence.
    The verdict was cheered by his opponents but supporters of his Jamaat-e-Islami party clashed with police.
    Jamaat say that the tribunal is biased against the party.
    Sayeedi is the third person to be convicted by the tribunal so far, and the most senior.
    As well as those killed, hundreds were injured in clashes between police and Jamaat supporters across the country.
    In the northern Gaibandha district, three police officers were beaten to death when about 2,000 Jamaat supporters went on the rampage in protest at the verdict and attacked a police station.
    Jamaat-e-Islami leader Delawar Hossain Sayedee (C) in Dhaka in August 2011 Delwar Hossain Sayeedi has denied all 19 charges against him
    Police reported that a Hindu temple and houses belonging to Hindu families had been attacked in Noakhali.
    Violence was reported in several other locations across the country.
    Thousands of police were deployed in the capital Dhaka to maintain security there.
    Angry demonstrations Lawyers for Sayeedi say they plan to appeal in the Supreme Court.
    Jamaat rejects the tribunal and staged a strike on Thursday in protest. After the verdict was announced it called a further two-day stoppage for Sunday and Monday.
    The party was opposed to Bangladeshi independence but denies any role in war crimes committed by pro-Pakistan militias.
    Official estimates say more than three million people were killed in the war.
    On hearing the verdict, anti-Jamaat protesters who had gathered at a busy intersection in the city erupted into cheers.
    The verdict is the third issued by the controversial tribunal, which is trying a total of nine Jamaat leaders and two members of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party.
    Sayeedi was accused of working with the Al-Badr group during the independence struggle and carrying out numerous atrocities, including forcibly converting Hindus to Islam.

    Bangladesh independence war, 1971

    • Civil war erupts in Pakistan, pitting the West Pakistan army against East Pakistanis demanding autonomy and later independence
    • Fighting forces an estimated 10 million East Pakistani civilians to flee to India
    • In December, India invades East Pakistan in support of the East Pakistani people
    • Pakistani army surrenders at Dhaka and its army of more than 90,000 become Indian prisoners of war
    • East Pakistan becomes the independent country of Bangladesh on 16 December 1971
    His critics say that during the war, he formed a small group to loot and seize the property of Bengali Hindus and those who supported independence.
    The tribunal found Sayeedi guilty of eight out of the 20 charges levelled against him. These were murder, torture, rape and forcibly converting Hindus to Islam.
    Earlier this month, another Jamaat leader, Abdul Kader Mullah, was sentenced to life for crimes against humanity.
    In January, former party leader Abul Kalam Azad was found guilty in absentia of eight charges of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death.
    Recent weeks have seen a series of angry demonstrations demanding the execution of Jamaat leaders being tried by the tribunal. But there have also been protests against the court.
    The special court was set up in 2010 by the current Bangladeshi government to deal with those accused of collaborating with Pakistani forces who attempted to stop East Pakistan (as Bangladesh was then) from becoming an independent country.
    But human rights groups have said the tribunal falls short of international standards.

South Africa shock as 'police dragging' video man dies

28 February 2013 Last updated at 20:14 GMT

Man 'dragged by SA police van' diesThe man tied to a police van

South Africa's police watchdog is investigating the death of a Mozambican taxi driver who was allegedly handcuffed to the back of a police van and dragged through the streets.
Video footage of incident

The incident was captured on mobile phone - courtesy South Africa Daily Sun

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South Africa's police watchdog is investigating the death of a Mozambican taxi driver who was allegedly handcuffed to the back of a police van and dragged through the streets.
Video footage taken by a bystander of the incident, near Johannesburg, has been shown in the local media.
President Jacob Zuma condemned the death, describing the footage as "horrific" and "disturbing".
Rights groups often accuse South African police of brutality.
Local media reported that police initially assaulted the 27-year-old driver, accusing him of parking his vehicle incorrectly in Daveyton, east of Johannesburg.
The video shows a large crowd gathering, as uniformed policemen tie him to a van, dragging him as they drive away.
'Police vigilantes' He was later taken into custody, where he died, local media report.

Start Quote

The fact that the crowd watched and did nothing to help, some even cheering, is a sad indictment of the state of our society”
Kate Lorimer Oposition MP
"We are investigating an incident involving the death of a man, allegedly at the hands of the police. We are shocked by the footage which has been released," Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) spokesman Moses Dlamini was quoted by AFP news agency as saying.
"The circumstances surrounding his death are still allegations... Let's find out what really happened."
In a statement, President Zuma said: "Members of the South African police service are required to operate within the confines of the law in executing their duties.
"The visuals of the incident are horrific, disturbing and unacceptable. No human being should be treated in that manner."
The opposition Democratic Alliance party (DA) called for the officers involved to be suspended and for a thorough investigation to be carried out.
"The fact that it was police who were the vigilantes in this case shows that we cannot trust the [South African Police Service] to uphold the law," said provincial parliamentarian Kate Lorimer, AFP reports.
"The fact that the crowd watched and did nothing to help, some even cheering, is a sad indictment of the state of our society."
Rights group Amnesty International said there was an "increasingly disturbing pattern" of police brutality in South Africa.
The IPID had received 720 cases for investigation, including suspicious deaths in police custody, from April 2011 to March 2012, said Amnesty's southern Africa director Noel Kututwa, AFP reports.
South Africa's police commissioner Riah Phiyega condemned the incident.
"The matter is viewed by the National Commissioner in a very serious light and it is strongly condemned," she said in a statement.
The police department did not confirm if the officers involved in the incident had been suspended, AFP reports. Mr Dlamini said the IPID did not have the power to suspend the officers.
"We can only investigate and recommend suspension, we have no power to say that they should be removed from their jobs," he was quoted as saying.
There was outrage last August when police shot dead 34 striking miners at the Marikana platinum mine in South Africa's North West province.
A judge-led inquiry appointed by President Jacob Zuma is investigating the shooting.


Derby death blaze accused conversations played in court

Death blaze covert recordings played 

Covert hotel recordings of three people accused of killing six children in a house fire have been played to a court.
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    Michael and Mairead Philpott in court The court was played covertly recorded conversations

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    Covert recordings by police of conversations between a couple accused of killing their six children in a house fire have been played in court.
    Mick and Mairead Philpott were heard talking in a hotel room, which was being monitored 24 hours a day.
    In one recording played to Nottingham Crown Court, Mr Philpott is heard saying "you haven't told the truth have you?", referring to the fire, last May.
    They and Paul Mosley deny six counts of manslaughter after the fire in Derby.
    Det Con Martin Hare said recording equipment was placed in the room four days after the fire in Victory Road, Allenton, which was constantly monitored until the end of the month when the three were arrested.
    'Run through flames' The jury heard Mr Philpott was heard to say a number of times the room might be bugged and tells Mr Mosley to "Shush", when they were discussing the night of the fire.
    On one occasion, Mr Philpott is heard to ask his wife about what she had told her work colleagues about the fire: " You haven't told the truth have you?".
    The court was also played a conversation discussing what the Philpotts told officers in the days after the blaze.
    After she was interviewed by officers, Mr Philpott, 56, asked his 31-year-old wife "What did you say about me trying to get in?"
    Mrs Philpott was heard to answer: "You tried everything you could to get in, like I said to them, 'I wanted to run through the flames up the stairs'."
    Her husband was heard to ask: "Was you crying when you said it? How bad?"
    Sex act She replied: "Not really, really bad, but I was crying."
    Mr Mosley, 46, visited the couple in their room and parts of the recordings were played to jurors that prosecutors said showed sexual activity had also taken place.
    On one occasion Mr Philpott referred to his wife performing a sex act on Mr Mosley, which the prosecution said was done to keep Mr Mosley on side.
    Jade Philpott, 10, John, nine, Jack, eight, Jesse, six, and Jayden, five, died in the fire. Their brother Duwayne, 13, died later in hospital.
    The trial of Mr and Mrs Philpott, formerly of Victory Road, and Mr Mosley, of Cecil Street, Derby, continues.

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RBS lost £5.2bn in 'chastening' year

28 February 2013 Last updated at 20:12 GMT

RBS lost £5.2bn in 'chastening' yearRBS sign

Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) has reported its fifth year of losses since it was bailed out by the government in 2008, hit by fines and mis-selling charges.

RBS boss Stephen Hester says restructuring has "defused an economic time bomb"
Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) has reported its fifth annual loss since it was rescued by the government in 2008.
The bank made a pre-tax loss of £5.17bn, hit by a series of charges. The year before, it lost £766m.
In a statement, the bank said it had been a "chastening" year, during which it sought to "put right past mistakes".
It has set aside money to cover PPI mis-selling, the mis-selling of interest rate swaps and its fine for attempting to fix Libor.
RBS is 81% owned by the government.
Much of the pre-tax loss came from a £4.6bn accounting charge for changes in the value of its own credit, which is a measure of how much it would cost to buy back its own liabilities.
The bank has taken a £5bn charge for loan impairments, which are write-offs to cover loans that are unlikely to be repaid.
Of that figure, £1.4bn came from its Ulster Bank division, pushing it into a loss of more than £1bn.


The rise in the operating profit is certainly an encouraging sign for RBS, allowing Stephen Hester to talk about light at the end of the tunnel.
But the footnote in the results that lists the factors excluded by operating profits runs to seven lines, covering embarrassing things like compensation for mis-selling PPI and interest rate swaps, and fines for trying to fix Libor.
Mr Hester says he hopes to have the worst of the skeletons out of the closet by the end of the year, because it is this cleaning up process that will make the bank fit to sell.
'Another choppy year'
It reported an operating profit of £3.5bn, which excludes all of the special charges and is a considerable improvement on the previous year's performance.
In a conference call for journalists, chief executive Stephen Hester warned of "another choppy year ahead of us", but added that "the light at the end of the tunnel is coming much closer".
The fine for attempting to fix the inter-bank lending rate, Libor, knocked £381m off the bank's profits, although it said it would be recovering £302m of that by reducing 2012 bonuses and clawing back previous ones.
It has taken a charge of £700m in the year for money it expects to have to pay out to cover mis-selling interest rate swaps.
It also took a £450m charge in the last three months of the year to cover mis-selling of Payment Protection Insurance, taking its total provision to £2.2bn.
RBS set aside £215m to pay bonuses to its investment bankers, which Mr Hester stressed was considerably lower than other comparable banks.
Mr Hester said that the list of charges was "a powerful critique" of where the banking industry had gone wrong in the past, but added that he was confident that the "biggest and most wrenching cases can be recognised by the end of the year".

Royal Bank of Scotland Group

Last Updated at 28 Feb 2013, 16:30 GMT *Chart shows local time Royal Bank of Scotland Group intraday chart
price change %
323.90 p -
He also told the BBC that the bank would be in a "condition fit to sell" before the next election in 2015, but added: "There is no guarantee that the shares will be worth more than the government paid for them by that time."
In a later news conference, RBS said it wanted to be able to give the government the option to start selling its stake in the bank as soon as 2014.
The initial plan may be to sell a quarter of the bank, with the rest being sold over the following few years.
Citizens sale RBS has announced that it is going to begin the process of selling some of its US business, Citizens, on the stock exchange in about two years.
The announcement was welcomed by Chancellor George Osborne as a sign of a greater focus on the UK.
"I have been very clear that I want to see RBS as a British-based bank, focused on serving British businesses and consumers, with a smaller international investment bank to support that activity, rather than to rival it," he said.
"I welcome RBS's announcement today to accelerate that strategy."
Treasury Minister Sajid Javid: "It's a choppy period in the financial markets but RBS are making the right decisions"
However, Chris Leslie, Labour's shadow financial secretary to the Treasury, cautioned against selling off RBS too soon.
"The timing of the return of RBS to the private sector is a decision for ministers, but it must be based on the best long-term interests of the taxpayer, not driven by George Osborne's short-term political timetables," he said.
"As Ed Balls said in 2011, any profits from the sale of government shares in the banks should be used to repay the national debt. That is the fiscally responsible thing to do."

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