War & Conflict Assad: Russia action in Syria vital to save Middle East Defiant Syrian leaders tells Iranian TV that US-lead coalition against ISIL has failed, as Moscow ramps up bombings.

Assad: Russia action in Syria vital to save Middle East

Assad tells Khabar Iranian TV that the chances of success for his coalition with Russia "are great and not insignificant" [Reuters]
Defiant Syrian leaders tells Iranian TV that US-lead coalition against ISIL has failed, as Moscow ramps up bombings.

Les intempéries dans les Alpes-Maritimes sont-elles dues au réchauffement climatique ?

  • Alpes-Maritimes : lourd bilan après des pluies d’une intensité exceptionnelle
  • A Mandelieu-la-Napoule : « Cet épisode est apocalyptique, on a jamais vu cela »
  • Il était « difficile de prévoir des intempéries d’une telle intensité en un temps si court »
  • Scènes de désolation après les intempéries dans les Alpes-Maritimes Portfolio

    Les violentes intempéries dans les Alpes-Maritimes sont-elles dues au réchauffement climatique ?

    Le Monde.fr | • Mis à jour le | Propos recueillis par
    Un homme montre les dégâts des intempéries dans la ville de Biot (Alpes-Maritimes), le 4 octobre.

    Les très violents orages qui se sont abattus, samedi 3 octobre au soir, sur les Alpes-Maritimes, faisant au moins 17 morts, posent de nouveau la question de la responsabilité du changement climatique en cours. S’il n’est pas possible de conclure aujourd’hui à un lien avec le réchauffement, la hausse des températures conduira à une augmentation de l’intensité et de la fréquence des « épisodes cévenols », explique Philippe Drobinski, directeur de recherches au CNRS et coordinateur d’HyMeX.

    Ce programme, mené par Météo-France et le CNRS, en partenariat avec d’autres instituts internationaux, mobilise 400 scientifiques sur dix ans (2010-2020) afin d’améliorer la compréhension et la modélisation du cycle de l’eau en Méditerranée, de sa variabilité – en particulier des événements de pluies intenses – et de ses caractéristiques sur une décennie.
    Qu’est-ce qu’un « épisode cévenol » ?
    Philippe Drobinski : Il s’agit d’épisodes de pluies brèves et intenses, et de crues rapides, qui surviennent sur tout l’arc méditerranéen, depuis l’Espagne jusqu’à l’Italie et la Croatie, particulièrement à la fin de l’été et au début de l’automne. Sous l’effet d’une dépression qui vient de la péninsule ibérique, un air chaud chargé d’humidité remonte vers l’Europe en provenance de la Méditerranée. Il se heurte aux barrières montagneuses des Alpes, du Massif central et des Pyrénées. Quand il rencontre ces reliefs, l’air monte et se refroidit, entraînant la formation de précipitations. Cela déclenche des orages répétés et de fortes accumulations de pluie, souvent plus de 100 mm en une journée.
    Ces épisodes sont-ils en hausse ces derniers temps ?
    Les ingrédients qui conduisent à la formation de ces phénomènes ont toujours existé : les conditions d’automne ont toujours été favorables pour amener de l’air humide sur les contreforts alpins. Mais pour l’instant, on ne dispose pas de statistiques suffisamment robustes pour conclure à une augmentation de ce genre d’épisodes ces dernières années.
    Le réchauffement climatique est-il en cause dans les intempéries de ce week-end ?
    Non, on ne peut pas attribuer l’événement des Alpes-Maritimes de samedi au changement climatique car on manque encore de recul. Il est difficile de faire le lien entre la tendance de fond du réchauffement et les épisodes météorologiques ponctuels. Pour les canicules, le signal est beaucoup clair : si l’augmentation de la température est très forte, on peut la déceler dans la variabilité naturelle du climat (entre les jours et les nuits, les différentes années, etc). En ce qui concerne les précipitations au contraire, ce signal est pour l’instant complètement noyé dans cette variabilité naturelle : on n’est pas capable de dire si tel épisode qui survient est attribuable au changement climatique ou pas.
    Une rue ravagée par les intempéries à Cannes, le 4 octobre.
    La question est de savoir si la cause des événements dramatiques de ces dernières années réside dans l’aggravation des pluies diluviennes en automne ou la vulnérabilité des populations face à ces phénomènes. Si les zones urbaines s’agrandissent, si l’hydrologie urbaine (notamment les réseaux de canalisation d’eau) ne permet pas d’absorber les quantités d’eaux qui viennent du ciel, si la régulation humaine des rivières n’est pas suffisante, on peut avoir des événements catastrophiques. Il est très difficile de dire s’il y a un responsable dans l’histoire qui s’appelle réchauffement climatique ou urbanisation galopante.
    Le changement climatique pourra-t-il aggraver ces phénomènes à l’avenir ?
    Les lois de la physique nous disent que ce type d’événements risquent de devenir plus fréquents et plus intenses dans un contexte de réchauffement climatique. De manière générale, sous l’effet de la hausse de la température, l’atmosphère retient davantage de quantité de vapeur d’eau, ce qui entraîne plus de précipitations par la suite.
    La situation est plus complexe dans le cas précis de l’arc méditerranéen. D’un côté, les températures augmentant, le climat devient de plus en plus aride et il pleut moins en moyenne. Mais d’un autre côté, la Méditerranée joue un rôle crucial dans l’apport d’eau de l’atmosphère et constitue un réservoir essentiel dans la formation des précipitations. Avec la chaleur, davantage d’eau s’évapore de la Méditerranée, qui est ensuite retenue dans l’atmosphère et conduit à une intensification des précipitations intenses.
    Quelles sont les premières conclusions du programme HyMeX ?
    Nous avons mené deux importantes campagnes en 2012 et en 2013, lors desquelles nous avons récolté des données qui permettent de mieux comprendre quels sont les ingrédients à l’origine de ces épisodes cévenols. Nous avons procédé à des mesures extrêmement précises grâce à de nombreux outils : des observations satellites, des avions Lidar (lasers aéroportés) qui mesurent la quantité de vapeur d’eau de l’atmosphère, des ballons qui dérivent horizontalement pour comprendre comment les masses d’air s’humidifient au fur et à mesure qu’elles passent de la Méditerranée sur le continent, des radars qui analysent comment les précipitations se forment en mer et comment elles évoluent en arrivant sur le continent.
    HyMex a donc permis de tester une batterie de nouvelles observations et de voir leurs effets sur l’amélioration des prévisions météo. Le programme a notamment contribué à évaluer et améliorer la nouvelle version du modèle de prévision de Météo-France Arome, qui dispose d’une maille de calcul de 2,5 km, nettement plus fine que celle de ses prédécesseurs.
    L’objectif d’un programme qui court jusqu’en 2020 est également de comprendre comment ces épisodes cévenols fonctionnent d’une année sur l’autre, et de voir si des tendances émergent sur dix ans, notamment du point de vue de l’impact du changement climatique.
     Audrey Garric (propos recueillis par)
    Chef adjointe du service Planète/Sciences du Monde 
  • copy  http://www.lemonde.fr/

Netanyahu: Israel trava luta até a morte contra terrorismo palestino

  • 04/10/2015 - 21:20

    Netanyahu: Israel trava luta até a morte contra terrorismo palestino

    O primeiro-ministro israelense, Benjamin Netanyahu, em Nova York, no dia 1º de outubro de 2015
    O primeiro-ministro israelense, Benjamin Netanyahu, declarou neste domingo que seu país está "travando uma luta até a morte contra o terrorismo palestino", e ordenou novas e duras medidas, após ataques que deixaram dois israelenses mortos em Jerusalém.
    "Estas medidas incluem a demolição acelerada das casas dos terroristas", declarou, em uma mensagem de vídeo publicada pelo site de notícias israelense na internet Ynet.
    Netanyahu chamou seus ministros da Defesa e da Segurança Interior e outros altos funcionários de segurança imediatamente depois de aterrissar em Israel o avião que o trazia de volta de Nova York após ter discursado na Assembleia Geral da ONU.
    O primeiro-ministro instruiu sobre medidas "para prevenir o terrorismo, assim como para dissuadir e punir os agressores".
    Entre outras medidas, encontra-se a de ampliar o recurso da tão polêmica prisão administrativa (sem julgamento) de suspeitos de "terrorismo", assim como a de aumentar os oficiais das forças de segurança em Jerusalém e na Cisjordânia ocupada.
    Também prevê manter afastados "incitadores" (não determinados) da Esplanada das Mesquitas (Monte do Templo para os judeus).
    Neste domingo, a polícia tomou a medida de fechar a Cidade Velha de Jerusalém aos palestinos, após os ataques do sábado na parte antiga da cidade, em um dos quais um palestino matou dois israelenses e feriu uma criança. Na manhã deste domingo, um adolescente israelense também foi ferido.
     copiado    http://www.afp.com

Extrema pobreza cai para 10% da população mundial em 2015 (BM)

  • 04/10/2015 - 21:30

    Extrema pobreza cai para 10% da população mundial em 2015 (BM)

    Catadores de lixo são vistos em depósito de lixo, em Lahore, Paquistão, no dia 5 de junho de 2015
    A extrema pobreza deve cair pela primeira vez este ano, atingindo menos de 10% da população mundial, sem deixar de ser "muito preocupante na África subsaariana", aponta um relatório do Banco Mundial (BM) divulgado neste domingo.
    Um total de 702 milhões de pessoas, contra 902 milhões em 2012, deverão viver este ano abaixo da linha de pobreza, com um valor que a instituição subiu de 1,25 para 1,90 dólar por dia, levando em conta a inflação, assinala o relatório.
    Em 2012, quando foram divulgados os últimos dados, os menos favorecidos representavam 13% da população mundial, proporção que era de 29% em 1999.
    "Somos a primeira geração na História que pode eliminar a extrema pobreza", elogiou Jim Yong Kim, presidente da instituição, que realiza na próxima semana sua Assembleia Geral em Lima, juntamente com o Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI).
    Segundo Kim, esta redução é resultado de um crescimento dinâmico da economia e do investimento em saúde e educação, além de mecanismos de proteção social que impediram milhões de pessoas de "voltar a cair na pobreza".
    O executivo espera que a melhora "dê um novo impulso" à comunidade internacional, paralelamente à aprovação recente pela ONU dos novos objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável, que incluem a erradicação da extrema pobreza.
    copiado    http://www.afp.com

Dez suspeitos de recrutar jihadistas presos na Espanha e Marrocos

04/10/2015 - 18:20

Dez suspeitos de recrutar jihadistas presos na Espanha e Marrocos


Polícia espanhola prende suspeitos de recrutar pessoas para o EI, em Madri, no dia 4 de outubro de 2015, em foto cedida pelo ministério do Interior
Dez suspeitos de tentar recrutar combatentes para o grupo Estado Islâmico (EI) foram presos na Espanha e no Marrocos, anunciou o ministério espanhol do Interior.
Os suspeitos foram presos em uma operação conjunta dos serviços de inteligência do Marrocos e a polícia espanhola.
Entre os presos, há duas mulheres acusadas de fazer parte de uma rede internacional para "para radicalizar, doutrinar e recrutar novos adeptos, principalmente outras mulheres, para o Daesh" (EI em árabe) e enviá-los para a Síria e o Iraque", segundo o comunicado.
A operação conjunta anterior, em 25 de agosto, resultou na prisão de 14 supostos recrutadores de jihadista
copiado    http://www.afp.com

Unos 630.000 migrantes entraron ilegalmente a la Unión Europea este año

  • 04/10/2015 - 22:10

    Unos 630.000 migrantes entraron ilegalmente a la Unión Europea este año

    Una mujer abraza a un niño tras haber conseguido alcanzar la isla griega de Lesbos cruzando el mar Egeo desde Turquía el 2 de octubre de 2015
    Alrededor de 630.000 personas entraron ilegalmente en Europa en lo que va del año, afirmó Fabrice Leggeri, jefe de la agencia de la UE de vigilancia de fronteras Frontex, en entrevista con el grupo de prensa francés Ebra.
    "Hemos registrado unos 630.000 cruces ilegales de fronteras, al finalizar septiembre", indica Leggeri y precisa que Frontex tiene previsto despachar "60 aviones con migrantes ilegales de retorno" en 2015 contra 39 el año anterior, en esta entrevista que publicarán el lunes periódicos regionales.
    Señala el jefe de Frontex que "los Estados miembros deben comprender que en lugar de desplegar cientos de policías en sus fronteras nacionales, sería mucho más útil que los enviaran a la frontera exterior" de Europa.
    "Si cada Estado encara la crisis en su región, sin coordinar con sus vecinos, los flujos (de migrantes) seguirán pasando de un país al otro, en detrimento de todos", advierte.
    Aunque expresa su satisfacción porque el número de efectivos de Frontex en Grecia, actualmente menos de un centenar, se duplicará, sostiene que "si tuviéramos 1.000 o 2.000 guardias fronterizos europeos para ayudar a las autoridades griegas, eso tendría un efecto espectacular sobre la crisis en esa frontera".
    Mientras que los europeos planean instalar 'hotspots' en Grecia e Italia para recibir a los migrantes y evaluar los pedidos de asilo, Leggeri recuerda que solo un "promedio de 39%" de los rechazos son ejecutados efectivamente, principalmente por la negativa de sus países de origen de volver a recibir a sus ciudadanos.
    "Seamos realistas: si queremos poder reenviar a los migrantes irregulares a sus países de origen, son necesarios lugares de retención, en particular en los hotspots", afirma.
    Interrogado sobre la puesta en marcha de un cuerpo europeo de guardias fronterizos, Leggeri asegura que eso "no es previsible a medio plazo, y el objetivo es ser eficaces rápidamente".
    Destaca además la necesidad "una gestión más integrada de las fronteras, de una red europea de vigilancia de la cual Frontex es la prefiguración. Y prever una capacidad de acción autónoma en algunos casos: por ejemplo, que Frontex pueda intervenir en una crisis sin esperar a que el Estado concernido haga el pedido".
    Asegura por último que "la presión migratoria es un desafío a largo plazo" dado que "no veo una solución a corto plazo en Siria y en el Cuerno de África, ni para la diferencia de desarrollo ente Europa y el África subsahariana".
     copy  http://www.afp.com/es/

Christine Lagarde: Brasil vive "tiempos difíciles"

  • 04/10/2015 - 22:20

    Christine Lagarde: Brasil vive "tiempos difíciles"

    La directora gerente del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), Christine Lagarde, hablando de la situación financiera mundial, en Washington el 30 de septiembre de 2015
    La directora general del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), Christine Lagarde, estimó que Brasil, "motor del crecimiento en América Latina", vive "tiempos difíciles" pero que el país va por el buen camino "con los esfuerzos hechos para restaurar el excedente presupuestario primario en 2016".
    En una entrevista con el diario O Globo, publicada el sábado, Lagarde dijo que "la economía sufrirá una fuerte contracción este año debido a la reducción de la inversión y el consumo, y que es probable que siga siendo negativa en 2016".
    En la víspera de la apertura de la asamblea anual del Fondo Monetario Internacional en Lima, donde serán difundidas el martes las nuevas previsiones, Lagarde señaló que es la "crisis política causada por la investigación en curso en Petrobras, que ha creado incertidumbres, y que, a su vez, afectó a la confianza del consumidor y las empresas".
    "Así que no hay duda de que Brasil pasa por momentos difíciles y esto se traduce en un aumento en la tasa de desempleo y el deterioro de las condiciones de crédito", dijo. Y añadió que "para mejorar la situación y recuperar la confianza, la inversión y, finalmente, el crecimiento, lo esencial es restablecer el equilibrio presupuestario".
    La directora del FMI aboga por "un abordaje sólido, estratégico y ambicioso (de la política fiscal), cuyo eje se basa en el aligeramiento de las presiones crónicas y estructurales de los gastos" para llevar "la relación deuda/PIB a niveles razonables y estimular la confianza".
    "Saludamos los esfuerzos hechos por las autoridades para restablecer el superávit presupuestario (primario) en 2016, que supone un paso en la dirección correcta para asegurar la sostenibilidad fiscal".
    En la actualidad el gobierno brasileño está tratando de impulsar en el Parlamento su programa de austeridad para relanzar el crecimiento de la séptima economía mundial, que entró en recesión en el segundo trimestre.
    El país tiene un crecimiento reducido o nulo en los últimos cinco años. El constante deterioro de la economía, agravada por las tensiones políticas y la fuerte caída de la popularidad del gobierno hizo que la agencia de calificación Standard & Poor's degradase la deuda de Brasil a la categoría "especulativa".
    "Estas medidas (...) son esenciales para el crecimiento sostenible y para preservar el extraordinario progreso logrado por Brasil en la lucha contra la pobreza y la desigualdad en las últimas décadas", defendió la mandataria del FMI.
    "Esperamos que Brasil suspenderá las medidas necesarias para garantizar que el país siga siendo el motor de crecimiento de la región", concluyó Lagarde.
    copy  http://www.afp.com/es/

Pimentel lamenta morte de José Eduardo Dutra

Ex-Veja e Época denuncia o silêncio mafioso da mídia

Ex-Veja e Época denuncia o silêncio mafioso da mídia

Jornalista Luis Costa Pinto, que já foi editor de Veja e Época, classificou como "omertá" o silêncio das duas revistas semanais sobre as contas de US$ 5 milhões do presidente da Câmara, Eduardo Cunha (PMDB-RJ), na Suíça; "O silêncio das revistas semanais, em suas capas, desconhecendo a chegada aos Brasil dos documentos que comprovam a existência de contas secretas de Eduardo Cunha e de sua família na Suíça não é omissão. É omertá", disse ele; Globo e Abril partem do princípio de que Cunha, mesmo culpado, pode ser útil na tentativa de derrubar a presidente Dilma Rousseff; ele, que foi o autor da celebre entrevista que desencadeou o impeachment de Fernando Collor, também ironizou o fato de Veja ter sido capaz de descobrir contas falsas de Romário, mas não enxergar as reais de Cunha
4 de Outubro de 2015 às 14:52

247 – O jornalista Luis Costa Pinto, que já foi editor de Veja e Época, classificou como "omertá" o silêncio das duas revistas semanais sobre as contas de US$ 5 milhões do presidente da Câmara, Eduardo Cunha (PMDB-RJ), na Suíça.
"O silêncio das revistas semanais, em suas capas, desconhecendo a chegada aos Brasil dos documentos que comprovam a existência de contas secretas de Eduardo Cunha e de sua família na Suíça não é omissão. É omertá", disse ele.
Aparentemente, Globo e Abril partem do princípio de que Cunha, mesmo culpado, pode vir a ser útil na tentativa de derrubar a presidente Dilma Rousseff – daí o silêncio mafioso sobre as suas contas na Suíça.
Costa Pinto, que foi o autor da celebre entrevista com Pedro Collor, que desencadeou o impeachment de Fernando Collor, também ironizou o fato de Veja ter sido capaz de descobrir contas falsas de Romário na Suíça, mas não enxergar as reais de Cunha no mesmo país.
"Fechou a tampa do baú. Pode enterrar", disse ele.
  copiado  http://www.brasil247.com/pt/

GU quer afastar Nardes do caso das 'pedaladas'

GU quer afastar Nardes do caso das 'pedaladas'

Informação foi confirmada pelo chefe da Advocacia-Geral da União, Luis Inácio Adams, e o pedido de afastamento será apresentado nesta segunda-feira; tese é de que o ministro Augusto Nardes (foto), do Tribunal de Contas da União, antecipou seu voto em diversas manifestações à imprensa, o que é proibido pela Lei Orgânica da Magistratura; Nardes chegou a dizer, por exemplo, que o TCU "fará história" no julgamento previsto para esta quarta-feira; rejeição das contas da presidente Dilma Rousseff em virtude das chamadas 'pedaladas fiscais' é uma das esperanças da oposição para tentar viabilizar um golpe parlamentar contra a presidente Dilma Rousseff
4 de Outubro de 2015 às 16:33

247 – A Advocacia-Geral da União tentará afastar o ministro Augusto Nardes, do Tribunal de Contas da União, da relatoria do caso que trata das chamadas 'pedaladas fiscais'.
A informação foi confirmada pelo chefe da Advocacia-Geral da União, Luis Inácio Adams, e o pedido de afastamento será apresentado nesta segunda-feira.
A tese é de que Nardes antecipou seu voto em diversas manifestações à imprensa, o que é proibido pela Lei Orgânica da Magistratura. Nardes chegou a dizer, por exemplo, que o TCU "fará história" no julgamento previsto para esta quarta-feira.
"Eles [ministros do TCU] estão submetidos às mesmas regras de todos os magistrados do país. [...] Falar antes é uma situação de impedimento e de prejuízo ao processo. Nesse caso, se agrava pela reiteração e pela intenção. Há uma intenção de rejeição", disse Adams, neste domingo (4). "Quando magistrado quer fazer história, ele passa a ser agente político".
Quem também participou da entrevista foi o ministro José Eduardo Cardozo. Ele reforçou que ministros e juízes não podem divulgar posicionamento antes do fim do processo. "Quem prejulga não julga. Você tem que ouvir tudo, estar atento a tudo. Um juiz que dá opinião antes do julgamento acaba se vinculando publicamente a uma postura", disse.
Rejeição das contas da presidente Dilma Rousseff em virtude das chamadas 'pedaladas fiscais' é uma das esperanças da oposição para tentar viabilizar um golpe parlamentar contra a presidente.
 copiado  http://www.brasil247.com/pt/

Edinho: 'Situação do PT é grave. Negar é equívoco' Veja aqui a entrevista completa.

Edinho: 'Situação do PT é grave. Negar é equívoco'

José Cruz/Agência Brasil: O novo ministro-chefe da Secretaria de Comunicação Social da Presidência da República, Edinho Silva, durante coletiva após cerimônia de posse, no Palácio do Planalto (José Cruz/Agência Brasil)
Ministro da Secretaria de Comunicação Social da Presidência, Edinho Silva avalia que o PT passa por um momento delicado; "Não sou hipócrita. A situação do PT é grave. Negar isso seria um equívoco"; ele admite também que "foi um erro" seu partido peitar Eduardo Cunha (PMDB-RJ) na disputa pela presidência da Câmara; apesar de dizer que o governo passa por uma crise "inegável", o ministro diz que o PT e a presidente Dilma estão absolutamente tranquilos em relação aos pedidos de impeachment; "O impeachment não é uma questão política, é jurídica. Para que tenha um impeachment, você tem de ter um fundamento jurídico. O governo não se preocupa com essa pauta" de Outubro de 2015 às 12:48

Brasília 247 - Ministro da Secretaria de Comunicação Social da Presidência da República, Edinho Silva avalia em entrevista ao jornal Correio Braziliense admite o momento delicado pelo qual passa o PT. "Não sou hipócrita. A situação do PT é grave. Negar isso seria um equívoco"
Edinho comenta a relação com o PMDB, e diz que 'todo governo tem que ceder aos anseios de seus aliados, se não não governa', mas pondera que antes, qualquer reforma administrativa deve ser feita com o povo como prioridade. Ele admite que "foi um erro" o PT peitar Eduardo Cunha na disputa pela presidência da Câmara, com o deputado Arlindo Chinaglia.
Apesar de dizer que o governo passa por uma crise "inegável", o ministro da Comunicação diz que o PT e a presidente Dilma estão absolutamente tranquilos em relação aos pedidos de impeachment que tramitam na Câmara.
"O impeachment não é uma questão política, é jurídica. Para que tenha um impeachment, você tem de ter um fundamento jurídico. O governo não se preocupa com essa pauta. A nossa preocupação é ter um desafio imenso pela frente, que é a retomada do crescimento econômico, da geração de empregos, da distribuição de renda, geração de oportunidades".
Tesoureiro da campanha de Dilma em 2014, Edinho Silva falou também sobre a investigação aberta contra ele no Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) para apurar a doação de R$ 7,5 milhões supostamente desviados da Petrobras.
"O que tem contra mim é uma delação premiada de alguém que, portanto, negociou redução de pena. Eu li integralmente a delação do empresário (Ricardo Pessoa). Ele diz que eu o pressionei elegantemente e no parágrafo abaixo diz que nunca se sentiu pressionado. Na mesma delação. Respeito o pedido de abertura de inquérito do procurador. Ele deve ter visto na delação coisas que eu leigo, não vi. Prefiro, inclusive, que haja inquérito porque não quero dúvidas sobre o meu trabalho à frente da coordenação financeira da campanha da presidenta Dilma. Assumi a coordenação financeira já com o processo de investigação em andamento. Fui chamado para ocupar essa função em junho. Relutei. Todos sabem e humildemente digo, eu seria certamente um dos deputados mais votados do PT de São Paulo".
Edinho avalia ainda que a reforma administrativa feita pela presidente Dilma Rousseff chega num momento adequado e de forma acertada. Veja aqui a entrevista completa.
copiado  http://www.brasil247.com/pt/

Europe Refugee crisis: Greece finds a legacy for its Olympics by housing refugees in empty stadiums

Olympic legacy? Greece houses refugees in empty stadiums

World View: Residents on Lesbos say the first Syriza government, which took power in January, did nothing about the refugees flooding through

Refugee crisis: Greece finds a legacy for its Olympics by housing refugees in empty stadiums

World View: Residents on Lesbos say the first Syriza government, which took power in January, did nothing about the refugees flooding through

They have been squatting in Victoria Square, in the heart of Athens, for months: a fraction of the tens of thousands of refugees flooding into Greece from Turkey, hoping to move on to Austria and Germany but blocked here.
But now the Greek government’s immigration minister has hit on a solution that, with hindsight, looks obvious. He has opened up one of the many stadiums on which Greece lavished vast sums for the 2004 Olympics and which – with the exception of the striking football stadium, refashioned for the Games by Sergio Calatrava – have been quietly rusting away unused ever since.
They have been glaring symbols of the reckless extravagance of those pre-bust years, but also of the inertia and rigidity of successive governments in failing to put them to any profitable purpose.
In recent days, some 400 to 500 refugees were ferried by bus to the Galatis indoor Olympic hall in the city, used for table tennis and gymnastics in 2004, while hundreds more were transferred to the former Olympic hockey stadium.
Yiannis Mouzalas, junior interior minister in charge of immigration in the new Syriza-led coalition government, told reporters in Victoria Square, “I ask residents to be patient… Victoria Square will be cleared. We are trying to reduce the pressure on the population so that it will maintain the stance of solidarity it has shown until now. We do not want them to become susceptible to far-right, racist and xenophobic views…”
An Afghan refugee holds some blankets as refugees wait to be transferred from Victoria Square to one the stadiums in Athens
Residents on the island of Lesbos told me during a recent visit that the first Syriza government, which took power in January, had done nothing about the refugees flooding through. But when Alexis Tsipras’s government resigned in August, the immigration minister of the caretaker administration that replaced it – the same Mr Mouzalas – had visited the island and taken some crucial steps. They were relieved to learn that Mr Tsipras has decided to keep this effective minister in place after returning to power last month. This week Mr Mouzalas again showed his worth.
Given the scale of the influx, other venues may also be opened up and dusted down for the new arrivals. One contender is the Olympic village, 12 miles north-west of the city, a large grid of neat cement homes, designed to house 10,000. It’s another symbol of how thoroughly Greece’s brave new aspirations curdled after the crash. Once the games were over, thousands of Greeks entered a lottery to win the right to buy a home in the village at a bargain price. Some of those who won the lottery are still there. But the utopian hopes for the place quickly crumbled as businesses left due to lack of demand, and planned schools and nurseries were never completed.
At the village’s only café, a rudimentary place, old geezers kill time gossiping. My arrival enlivened their morning a little. They explained how they were expected to pay back their mortgages in the normal way, but after the crash, a few of them stopped paying, and when the banks took no action the rest also stopped. Now they are squatting in their own homes. Most of them had planned to vote for Syriza, in the belief that, even though Mr Tsipras had signed up to the harsh bailout terms imposed by Brussels, he didn’t mean to follow through.
That may or may not turn out to be the case. But in the meantime, if Mr Mouzalas casts his eye in their direction, they may find their village enlivened in ways they did not expect.

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Archbishop Is Focus of Papal Meeting With Kim Davis Vatican Clarifies Position on Kim Davis Francis in America: Before Pope Francis Met Kim Davis, He Met With Gay Ex-Student

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    Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the papal envoy, is said to have invited Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk, to meet the pope. Credit Pool photo by Charles Rex Arbogast
    Shortly after the election of Pope Francis, Carlo Maria Viganò, the papal nuncio to the United States, spoke effusively about his official reception by the pontiff in the library of the Apostolic Palace in Rome.
    “That is a man you may talk to with an open heart,” Archbishop Viganò said in an interview at the time, calling his audience, “extremely nice, extremely warm.”
    Archbishop Viganò could be in for a chillier reception the next time he returns to the Vatican.
    The archbishop, who was exiled to the United States in 2011 after losing a high-altitude Vatican power struggle that became public in an infamous leaks scandal, now finds himself at the center of another papal controversy. This time, the Vatican is suggesting that Archbishop Viganò is responsible for giving papal face time to Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk whose refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples has made her a heroine to social conservatives.
    The encounter struck a dissonant note in a papal visit that seemed designed to avoid the battlefields of the culture wars. News of the meeting has proved to be manna for conservatives frustrated by Francis’ de-emphasis of social issues and hungry for more of a papal focus on religious liberty and doctrinal opposition to same-sex marriage.
    Archbishop Viganò, an amiable 74-year-old northern Italian with an appreciation for good red wine, declined to comment, though people close to him rejected the notion that the Vatican was blaming him.
    But the Rev. Thomas Rosica, a Vatican spokesman, said on Friday that the office of Archbishop Viganò had extended the invitation to Ms. Davis and that the pope was probably not briefed about her case. And the Rev. Federico Lombardi, the chief Vatican spokesman, depicted the meeting as one meet-and-greet among many.
    A lawyer for Ms. Davis, Mathew D. Staver, said in an interview that the Vatican’s version of events was “absolute nonsense” and that “somebody is trying to throw some people under the bus.”
    The wronged party, several church observers and Mr. Staver suggested, was Archbishop Viganò.
    Mr. Staver said his client’s meeting with the pope was indeed private and that “if there was a line or other people, they would not have been able to keep this quiet as long as they have.” He then detailed the choreography involved in setting up the meeting.
    He said Archbishop Viganò personally contacted Ms. Davis late in the day on Sept. 14 suggesting a private meeting with Pope Francis on Sept. 24. On the eve of the meeting, he said Ms. Davis received a voice mail message on her cellphone confirming the meeting and instructing her to keep her noticeably long hair up.
    “I told her this morning, ‘Do not delete those,’” said Mr. Staver. He said, “we were led to believe that the invitation did come directly from Pope Francis.”
    Mr. Staver said a conservative deacon, Keith Fournier, introduced him to Archbishop Viganò back in April before speaking at a National Organization for Marriage rally on the Washington Mall in opposition to same-sex marriage. As Mr. Staver descended from the stage, Archbishop Viganò made a point to “thank me for my message,” the lawyer said.

    Archbishop Viganò, a cultural conservative born into a wealthy family in Varese, received the title of archbishop from John Paul II in 1992. He later joined the church’s diplomatic corps, which is one of the traditional sources of power in the Vatican, and in 2009 was installed by Pope Benedict XVI as secretary of the governorate of Vatican City State, a position not unlike the mayor of Vatican City.
    Benedict wanted the ambitious Italian to enact government reforms, but Archbishop Viganò’s efforts in that goal earned him powerful enemies. In early 2011, hostile anonymous articles attacking Archbishop Viganò began appearing in the Italian news media, the bulletin board of Vatican power politics. Archbishop Viganò appealed to Benedict’s second in command, Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, who instead echoed the articles’ complaints about his rough management style and removed Archbishop Viganò from his post.
    Those appeals and protests, later leaked by the pope’s butler, became the heart of the church scandal known as VatiLeaks, which many church observers say contributed to the resignation of Benedict XVI.
    In one missive copied to the pope, Archbishop Viganò wrote to Cardinal Bertone accusing him of getting in the way of the pope’s reform mission, but also of failing to make good on a promise to elevate him to cardinal. When faced with a transfer to the United States, he protested that the move would give heart to those opposed to his efforts to “clean up” the “corruption and abuse of power” in the Vatican.
    On July 7, 2011, he wrote to Benedict that on issues of malfeasance inside the Vatican, “the Holy Father has certainly been kept in the dark.”
    The question now is did Archbishop Viganò, left to linger in the United States as a new administration has taken power in Rome, keep Pope Francis in the dark or simply underestimate the off-message media storm that a meeting with Ms. Davis would provoke. Or, after executing orders from Rome, has he once again found himself being hung out to dry at the end of his career. In January, Archbishop Viganò will turn 75, the age at which bishops must submit a formal request to the Vatican for permission to resign. These requests are not automatically accepted, and bishops often stay in their appointments long after. It seems unlikely, church analysts say, that Archbishop Viganò will be one of them.
    “Life is always in progress,” Archbishop Viganò said in the 2013 interview about the shifting power structure under Francis. He added that the church would emphasize the dimension of charity, “of pardon, of mercy. As Pope Francis has said, this is his own style.”

U.S. Senators Hem and Haw on Saudi Arabia’s Human Rights Abuses

U.S. Senators Hem and Haw on Saudi Arabia’s Human Rights Abuses


Oct. 1 2015, 6:48 p.m.
Leading American politicians of both major parties appear to share an extreme reluctance to openly criticize the human rights abuses of Saudi Arabia, a U.S. ally that has ramped up executions of its own citizens, led a coalition bombing effort in Yemen that has killed thousands of civilians, and supported Sunni extremist groups throughout war-torn Syria.
Given the news this week that Saudi-led forces bombed a wedding party in Yemen, killing scores of civilians, as well as the decision by the Saudi government to behead and then crucify Ali Mohammed al-Nimr, the son of a government critic arrested as a teenager, I attempted to talk about the Saudi Arabian human rights record to a number of politicians at the Washington Ideas Forum, an event hosted by The Atlantic and the Aspen Institute to discuss “this year’s most pressing issues and ideas of consequence.”
Most were uninterested in commenting.
Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney smiled and repeatedly said, “Nice to see you,” when I asked if he had any concerns about the Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen.
I found Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., as he was getting out of his car. “As the co-founder of the Human Rights Caucus in the Senate, I do think we need to pay attention to human rights all over the world, regardless of where human rights violations arise,” he said.
I asked if he would comment specifically on Saudi Arabia. Coons ignored me and continued walking into the building, even though a staff member accompanying him had just informed the senator that he had “plenty of time” before his speech. The staff member offered to exchange contact information for a lengthier comment later. I emailed and did not hear back.
Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., stopped briefly to chat. “Obviously I’m concerned in particular with some of the indiscriminate bombing in Yemen and, as we think about the increasing responsibilities that all of the Gulf states have in the challenge against ISIL, it shows that one, they need to step up and they need to step up with more focus than the kind of indiscriminate bombing, frankly.”
I asked Warner if that meant there needed to be a pause in the bombing in Yemen. “That’s the comment I’ve made,” Warner replied, turning to leave the building.
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., spent the most time discussing the issue with me. But his answers were perplexing.
“They may be bombing civilians, which is actually not true,” McCain said, when asked about civilian casualties in Yemen.
“Civilians aren’t dying?” I asked.
“No, they’re not,” the senator replied. “Oh, I’m sure civilians die in war. Not nearly as many as the Houthis have executed,” McCain continued, referring to the Shiite militia waging an insurgency against the Sunni government in Yemen.
Asked about the recent reports of Saudi forces bombing a wedding party in Yemen, McCain said, “I’m sure in wars terrible things happen and the Houthis however are an extremist group backed by the Iranians who are slaughtering Yemenis.”
The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights has reported that more than 2,300 civilians have been killed in the Yemen conflict, and that both Houthi rebels and the Saudi-led forces share responsibility for the deaths. The UNHCHR spokesperson has told reporters, however, that the Saudi-led bombing campaign has caused most of the deaths.
I tried to ask McCain, who serves as chairman of the International Republican Institute, a U.S. government-backed human rights and democracy promotion nonprofit, if he had an opinion on the spate of executions in Saudi Arabia, which have averaged at a rate of one execution every two days.
“Of course I have always stood for human rights and will continue to keep standing for human rights,” he said.
Photo Caption: Saudi army artillery fire shells toward Yemen from a post close to the Saudi-Yemeni border.

Contact the author:

Lee Fanglee.fang@​theintercept.com@lhfang
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Africa Deadly blasts outside Nigerian capital Abuja Several people reported dead in blasts at a police station in Kuje and at a bus stop in Nyanya.

Deadly blasts outside Nigerian capital Abuja

Several people reported dead in blasts at a police station in Kuje and at a bus stop in Nyanya.
| Africa, Nigeria, Boko Haram


Deadly blasts outside Nigerian capital Abuja

Several people reported dead in blasts at a police station in Kuje and at a bus stop in Nyanya.

| Africa, Nigeria, Boko Haram

Two bomb blasts have rocked the outskirts of the Nigerian capital Abuja, including one target previously attacked by Boko Haram, the country's National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has said.
The explosions happened near a police station in Kuje and at a bus stop in Nyanya at about 10.30pm (21:30 GMT), said NEMA spokesman Manzo Ezekiel, adding: "There are a number of dead."
Kuje, near Abuja's airport, is about 40km from the city centre and seat of government.
The same bus station in Nyanya was hit twice last year. The first attack, on April 14 2014, left at least 75 dead and was claimed by Boko Haram, the second, on May 1, left at least 16 dead.
Ezekiel said the latest blasts happened almost simultaneously and appeared to use "the same kind of explosives used in the insurgency" in Nigeria's northeast, the AFP news agency reported.
"It was not an accidental explosion ... definitely it was a bomb," he added.
"At this time we can only confirm the explosions. Our officers are on the ground. There are a number of dead but we can't say anything about numbers now."
It is the first such incident in over a year in the capital city and there was no immediate claim of responsibility.
Bitrus Dabli, an Abuja resident who heard the Kuje blast, said: "Today there was a bomb blast that occurred in Kuje central market around 10:45.
"That was the actual time the bomb blast took place so I was at home by then, so when they called I came and saw the fire.
The place was still burning so everybody was afraid to go in there."
Labaran Aman, a NEMA rescue official, said more than ten people were critically wounded, even though he could not confirm the number of dead persons.
"Honestly speaking we heard of multiple explosions at Kuje and Nyanya and of course we have ambulances and rapid intervention vehicles prepositioned in directions in Abuja and we dispatched all of them to scene to help evacuate the injured to the hospital.
"So right now the critical injured are moved to national hospital and from the Nyanya axis they are being moved to Asokoro general hospital.
"We cannot ascertain the actual number of dead at this moment but we have more than ten critically injured."
Civilian deaths
Nigeria's military has claimed a series of successes against Boko Haram in recent weeks, as it works towards a deadline to end the insurgency by early November set by President Muhammadu Buhari.
Boko Haram, which wants to implement Islamic law, was pushed out of most of the vast swaths of territory it controlled at the start of the year, but they have dispersed and returned to tactics of raiding towns and hitting soft targets with bombs
But indiscriminate attacks on civilians continue.
At least 10 people were killed and 39 others injured when four suicide bombers blew themselves up in the Borno state capital, Maiduguri, in northeast Nigeria, on Thursday.
Boko Haram were also suspected of killing 11 people during attacks on three villages in the neighbouring state of Adamawa late on Wednesday and early Thursday.
Amnesty International this week said at least 1,600 people had been killed in Boko Haram violence in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger since June.
An AFP tally puts the death toll at more than 1,260 in Nigeria alone since Buhari came to power on May 29.
Source: AFP
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