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Officials Back Deep Cuts in Atlantic Cod Harvest to Save Industry
Katherine Taylor for The New York Times
The Lady Jane, a fishing boat,
in Gloucester, Mass. The New England Fishery Management Council voted
to impose reductions of 77 percent in the Gulf of Maine cod catch.
Published: January 30, 2013
PORTSMOUTH, N.H. — Fishery management officials meeting here on
Wednesday voted to impose drastic new cuts to the commercial harvest of cod
along the Atlantic coast, arguing that the only way to save the
centuries-old cod fishing industry was to sharply limit it.
Katherine Taylor for The New York Times
Andrew McConiskey, 27, guiding cod off the Lady Jane.
In the 1600s, the lowly cod was so abundant in the cold North Atlantic
waters that, along with boatbuilding and timbering, it provided the
foundation of the New England economy. In the 1700s, a “sacred cod” was
bestowed on the State House in Massachusetts, where it hangs to this day
as a symbol of the importance of cod fishing to the region.
But over recent decades, the once bountiful cod has been so depleted
that government officials now say that it stands on the verge of
At a grim daylong session here, a deeply divided New England Fishery
Management Council voted to recommend reductions of 77 percent from last
year’s catch for each of the next three years for cod in the Gulf of
It also recommended cuts of 61 percent from last year for one year only
to the cod catch on Georges Bank, a vast area off Cape Cod, which was
named for the fish. The council’s recommendations are subject to
approval by the federal government, which is expected to put them in
place by May 1.
“We are headed, slowly, seeming inexorably, to oblivion,” said John
Bullard, the regional administrator of the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration and a member of the council, as he explained
his support for the catch limits. “I do not deny the costs that are
going to be paid by fishermen, families, communities. They are real.
They will hurt.”
The problem, he said, is not government inflexibility, as fishermen have
suggested, but the lack of fish. “It’s midnight and getting darker when
it comes to how many cod there are,” he said. “There isn’t enough cod
for people to make a decent living.”
But opponents said the limits would not help save the industry.
“Right now what we’ve got is a plan that guarantees the fishermen’s
extinction and does nothing to ameliorate it,” David Goethel, a New
Hampshire-based fisherman and biologist, said as he cast his vote
against the plan.
Fishermen were furious with the result.
“I’m leaving here in a coffin,” said Carlos Rafael, who owns a
commercial fishing business in New Bedford, Mass. “With all these cuts, I
won’t be able to keep half of my fleet working. I’ll have to cut down
from 20 groundfish boats to maybe 5or 6.”
Before the vote, fishermen had crowded into the meeting room, many pleading that the limits not be set so low.
“We have done everything that has been asked of us,” said Paul Vitale,
who fishes commercially in Gloucester, Mass. “I don’t want to go
anywhere else for work, as demented as that sounds.”
The plan reduces the catch of cod in the Gulf of Maine down to 1,550
metric tons a year for the next three years; the limit was 8,000 metric
tons a decade ago. The catch in Georges Bank would drop to 2,002 metric
tons, down from 12,000 from a decade ago.
“They’re huge, there’s no other way to describe it,” said Tom Nies, a fishery analyst for the council.
At its last peak in 2001, Mr. Nies said, the industry made about $100
million. It made about $80 million last year. The new limits could cut
the size of the industry for this year to about $55 million, for a loss
of $25 million.
But fishermen said the true impact of the cuts would go much deeper.
“It’s 80 percent of a really small number to begin with,” Mr. Goethe
said. He said the actual loss to the industry would be more like $60
million. “When you get down to cuts that small, there’s simply no place
to go,” he said.
Frank Mirarchi, a fisherman from Scituate, Mass., who primarily pursues
groundfish, said that the proposed limits would deprive him of his
living and that the cuts would ripple up and down the coast.
“This whole economy in this region is a really small microbusiness
economy,” Mr. Mirarchi said. “The fuel guy, the ice guy, the guy that
drives the fish truck from the landing port to the processing center,
fish cutters — a job here, a job there,” he said. “It’s not like closing
a big factory. It’s little jobs on nondescript piers that just kind of
disappear and nobody notices.”
A bumper sticker on a truck outside a fishery council meeting in Portsmouth, N.H.
The limits come after years of what many scientists, managers and
fishermen alike have said was mismanagement based on inconsistent or
overly optimistic estimates of where fish stocks were, and how they
could be rebuilt.
“I think the reality is that our understanding of where the stock is has
changed,” Mr. Nies said. “We last assessed these stocks back in 2008
and we thought they were growing quite well, and so the quotas were
going up. And then when we assessed them this year, we find out that
they in fact have not grown as we expected.”
The United States has watched the near total collapse of cod stocks in
Canada. The demise of the fish populations was hastened by the
widespread use of big trawlers equipped with radar and sonar systems
that enhanced the ability to catch the fish. They expanded the area and
depths that could be fished and sped up the process, diminishing the
ability of the remaining fish stocks to replenish themselves.
The big trawlers also swept up other fish that had little commercial
value but played important predator-prey roles in maintaining the
ecological balance of the species. Today the cod stock in the Gulf of
Maine is at 18 percent of what scientists deem to be a healthy
population; in Georges Bank, it is 7 percent.
While previous quota reductions have hurt fishermen, environmental
advocates and even fishermen have said that, despite high groundfish
prices, they are not landing their full quotas.
“We’re looking at landings that are the worst on record,” said Tom
Dempsey, a fisherman and council member who voted for the cuts. “The
problem with Georges Bank codfish is that it is a resource that is on
the verge of collapse. It scares the hell out of a whole lot of people
who build their business on Georges Bank codfish.”
According to NOAA’s Northeast Regional Office, fishermen have caught
less than 30 percent of the 2012 allotment of Georges Bank cod to date
and only slightly more than half of the allowable catch for the Gulf of
But some fishermen and environmentalists said that overfishing was not
the only reason for the paucity of cod, with some putting part of the
blame on climate change.
“We’re seeing a distinct ecosystem change,” Mr. Mirarchi said. “The
water’s warmer. We’re seeing species that normally never come into the
north lingering into the fall. Something else is going on besides just
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:Correction: January 30, 2013
An earlier version of a home page picture caption misstated the location of the fisherman Andrew McConiskey. He is shown in Massachusetts, not Maine.
Officials Back Deep Cuts in Atlantic Cod Harvest to Save Industry
New England fishery management officials say the only way to save the centuries-old cod fishing industry is to sharply limit it.
COPY http://www.nytimes.comCraig Dilger for The New York Times
Paul Vitale, a fisherman from Gloucester, on Wednesday.
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Craig Dilger for The New York Times
Frank Mirarchi, a commercial fisherman from Scituate,
Mass., spoke Wednesday at a New England fishery council meeting.
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