Manning cleared of 'aiding the enemy' but found guilty of five espionage charges
Live • Bradley Manning convicted of multiple Espionage Act violations
• Acquitted of most serious 'aiding the enemy' charge
• Army private faces maximum jail sentence of 130 years
- Manning cleared of 'aiding the enemy' but convicted of espionage charges
- At school in Wales, he was a whizz on computers who didn't quite fit in
- Family statement: 'Brad loved his country and was proud to wear its uniform'
- James Ball: a shameful moment in US history
- Bradley Manning: whistleblower or traitor?
- What we know from the WikiLeaks documents
- Have gay rights groups abandoned Manning?
Bradley Manning verdict: guilty of most charges but not 'aiding enemy' – live
• Bradley Manning faces maximum 130-year sentence
• Convicted of most charges against him at Fort Meade
• Not guilty of most serious 'aiding the enemy' charge
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• Read our latest news storyJames Ball, the Guardian's data editor, writes that "the Obama administration didn't merely go through the motions" in pursuit of Bradley Manning; military authorities "imposed a charge that should have sparked far greater alarm than it did".
They argued that by talking to the media, Manning had "aided the enemy" – a charge tantamount to treason, which can carry the death penalty (though this was not pursued in Manning's case).
This is not so much the beginning of a slippery slope for a democratic nation as a headlong plummet. A guilty verdict would have redefined the media – from outlets such as WikiLeaks to bastions of the establishment like the New York Times – as proxies for the enemy. It would have ended any distinction between a traitor selling military secrets to the highest bidder and someone speaking to a journalist on a matter of conscience and for no reward.
By finding Manning not guilty on this dangerous charge (though guilty of espionage and theft), military judge colonel Denise Lind has pulled the US back from the precipice – for now. But that outcome does not alter the fact that such a charge was sought by prosecutors in the first place.
Manning leaves Fort Meade today after hearing the judge's verdict.
Bradley Manning leaves a military court facility in Maryland after being convicted of espionage and theft charges on Tuesday. Photograph: SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images Bill Keller, former editor of the New York Times, heralded the not
guilty verdict on the aiding the enemy charge as a "victory of common
sense over petty vindictiveness", writes Ed Pilkington:
Under Keller's editorship in 2010, the New York Times joined forces with the Guardian and Der Spiegel to publish many of the first WikiLeaks disclosures.
Keller said that in his opinion, Manning had displayed a complicated mix of personal and political motives, but that the judge had been right to dismiss the US government's allegation that he had knowingly assisted al-Qaida by transmitting documents to WikiLeaks. "I haven't seen any evidence he intended or even imagined that his disclosures would help America's enemies."
The former Times editor said Lind had spared America serious consequences by avoiding setting a precedent that would have exposed all future official leakers to the accusation that they "aided the enemy". He said that had a guilty verdict been delivered, even innocuous journalism such as public opinion polls might have been emperiled.
"If you follow that logic every poll that says Americans want to get out of Afghanistan, every story about popular discontent over drone strikes or surveillance, every statement that casts the country in an unfavorable light – it all boosts morale at al-Qaida headquarters, and thus aids the enemy."
Amnesty International has said "it’s hard not to draw the conclusion that Manning's trial was about sending a message: the US government will come after you".
Widney Brown senior director of international law and policy at the human rights charity, said in a statement that the US government's "priorities are upside down".
The US government has refused to investigate credible allegations of torture and other crimes under international law despite overwhelming evidence.
You can read the full Amnesty International statement here.
Yet they decided to prosecute Manning who it seems was trying to do the right thing - reveal credible evidence of unlawful behaviour by the government. You investigate and prosecute those who destroy the credibility of the government by engaging in acts such as torture which are prohibited under the US Constitution and in international law.
The government’s pursuit of the ‘aiding the enemy’ charge was a serious overreach of the law, not least because there was no credible evidence of Manning’s intent to harm the USA by releasing classified information to WikiLeaks.
The American Civil Liberties Union has accused the US government of "seeking to intimidate" anyone who might consider whistle blowing in the future in prosecuting Manning under the Espionage Act. Here's the ACLU's full statement commenting on the Manning verdict:
While we're relieved that Mr. Manning was acquitted of the most dangerous charge, the ACLU has long held the view that leaks to the press in the public interest should not be prosecuted under the Espionage Act," said Ben Wizner, director of the ACLU's Speech, Privacy and Technology Project. "Since he already pleaded guilty to charges of leaking information – which carry significant punishment – it seems clear that the government was seeking to intimidate anyone who might consider revealing valuable information in the future.
UpdatedManning family issue statement
The family of Bradley Manning has issued a statement to the Guardian giving their reaction to today’s verdict. The statement is written by Manning’s US-based aunt, who has asked to remain anonymous, speaking on behalf of the soldier’s family:
While we are obviously disappointed in today’s verdicts, we are happy that Judge Lind agreed with us that Brad never intended to help America’s enemies in any way. Brad loves his country and was proud to wear its uniform.
We want to express our deep thanks to David Coombs, who has dedicated three years of his life to serving as lead counsel in Brad’s case. We also want to thank Brad’s Army defense team, Major Thomas Hurley and Captain Joshua Tooman, for their tireless efforts on Brad’s behalf, and Brad’s first defense counsel, Captain Paul Bouchard, who was so helpful to all of us in those early confusing days and first suggested David Coombs as Brad’s counsel. Most of all, we would like to thank the thousands of people who rallied to Brad’s cause, providing financial and emotional support throughout this long and difficult time, especially Jeff Paterson and Courage to Resist and the Bradley Manning Support Network. Their support has allowed a young Army private to defend himself against the full might of not only the US Army but also the US Government.
UpdatedColonel Denise Lind, the military judge presiding over the court
martial of the US soldier, delivered her verdict in curt and pointed
language, writes Ed Pilkington from Fort Meade:
“Guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty,” she repeated over and over, as the reality of a prolonged prison sentence for Manning on top of the three years he has already spent in detention dawned.
The one ray of light in an otherwise bleak outcome for the Army private was that he was found not guilty of the single most serious charge against him - that he knowingly “aided the enemy”, in practice al-Qaida, by disclosing information to the WikiLeaks website that in turn made it accessible to all users including enemy groups. Lind’s decision to avoid setting a precedent by applying the swingeing “aiding the enemy” charge to an official leaker will invoke a sigh of relief from news organisations and civil liberties groups who had feared a guilty verdict would send a chill across public interest journalism.
Lind also found Manning not guilty of having leaked an encrypted copy of a video of a US airstrike in the Farah province of Aghanistan in which many civilians died. Manning’s defence team had argued vociferously that he was not the source of this video, though the soldier did admit to later disclosure of an unencrypted version of the video and related documents.
The judge also accepted Manning’s version of several of the key dates in the WikiLeaks disclosures, and took off some of the edge from other less serious charges. But the overriding toughness of the verdict remains: the soldier was found guilty in their entirety of 17 out of the 22 counts against him, and of an amended version of four more.
Once the counts are cumulatively added up, the prospects for the Army private are bleak. Barring reduction of sentence for mitigation, which becomes the subject of another mini-trial dedicated to sentencing that starts tomorrow, he will face a substantial chunk of his adult life in military custody.
The consequences for Manning, and for the wider world of whistleblowing and official leaking in the digital age, will take time to sink in.
Bradley Manning's defense attorney David Coombs and Coomb's wife Tanya Monestier arrive at court for the verdict in Manning's military trial at Fort Meade, Maryland. Photograph: Gary Cameron/Reuters UpdatedSummary
Bradley Manning has been found not guilty of aiding the enemy but still faces up to 130 years in prison after being found guilty on several counts of theft and espionage.
The military judge hearing the case, Army Col Denise Lind, gave her verdict at 1pm on Tuesday. The aiding the enemy charge was the most serious, as it carried a maximum sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole.
However Manning could still face an effective life sentence after being convicted on numerous other counts. He was found guilty of five charges of theft and five charges of espionage as well as other offenses. His convictions carry a maximum sentence of up to 130 years in prison.
Manning's sentencing hearing will begin tomorrow.
UpdatedAlexa O'Brien, who has been in court for every day of Manning's trial, tweeted the individual charges Manning faced and the judge's verdict on each as it was given.
Although Manning has been cleared of the aiding the enemy charge, his convictions mean he could still face a lengthy prison sentence.
What we know
Information is still filtering out of Fort Meade – we will have a full report from Ed Pilkington shortly – but for the moment, this is what we know:
• Bradley Manning has been found not guilty of aiding the enemy
• Manning has been found guilty of five espionage charges
• He has been found guilty of five theft charges
Manning found not guilty of aiding the enemy
Manning has been found not guilty of the most serious charge of "aiding the enemy". However the private has been found guilty on five counts of violating the espionage act.
UpdatedFrom Fort Meade, Ed writes:
As we wait for Colonel Denise Lind to enter court, a military lawyer is talking us through some of the possible next steps in the case after the verdict. He's confirmed a couple of interesting points:
* The maximum sentence that Manning could face is life in military custody if he is found guilty of "aiding the enemy" and 154 years in jail if he is found guilty of all the remaining 20 counts. There is no minimum sentence for any of the total of 21 charges.
That means that theoretically Lind could find Manning guilty of all 21 offences, then go on to sentence him in a few days or weeks to let him walk from court having reduced his actual sentence to nothing. Don't hold your breath though.
* If the soldier is eventually sentenced to more than six months in custody, or given a punitive discharge, he will automatically be entitled to an appeal to the Army Court of Criminal Appeals. That suggests that a lengthy and fraught appeals process is all but certain.
Yochai Benkler, law professor and director of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, appeared as a witness for Manning's defence.
On Comment is free recently he explained why the 'aiding the enemy' charge Manning faces is a threat to journalism, arguing that the judge's refusal to dismiss the charge "establishes a chilling precedent: leaking classified documents to the these newspapers can by itself be legally sufficient to constitute the offense of 'aiding the enemy', if the leaker was sophisticated enough about intelligence and how the enemy uses the internet".
Debra Van Poolen, 44, a Manning supporter, has spent every day of the eight-week trial on the public benches of the courtroom in Fort Meade, Maryland, writes Ed Pilkington from Fort Meade.
She’s spent the time sketching the US soldier, so she has developed a pretty intimate sense of his demeanour.
Poolen is donating 80% of the proceeds from the sale of her sketches to the Bradley Manning Support Network's legal defense fund andClaire Lebowitz's Washington DC production of the play "bradass87", she says.
“He’s been incredibly attentive 100 per cent of the time,” she says. “Usually he’s sitting on the edge of his seat, often with a pen in his hand, often taking notes, staring straight ahead at whatever is happening in court at the time.”
Catching a convincing likeness of the Army private in her drawings has been a challenge, Van Poolen says, because he is so tiny, barely 5ft 2inches tall. “I’m always amazed by how small his hands are, they look like the hands of a woman or a boy.
“He’s so small that I find it hard to draw the features of his face accurately, though I think I’ve managed to get him down in a couple of sketches.”
Debra Van Poolen has spent the last eight weeks in the Fort Meade courtroom, sketching Bradley Manning. Photograph: Debra Van Poolen A supporter of Bradley Manning protests outside the main gate before the reading of the verdict in Manning's military trial at Fort Meade. Photograph: James Lawler Duggan/Reuters The judge is due to start delivering her verdict from 1pm, but there could be problems with getting the verdict out quickly, according to numerous reports.
UpdatedThe scores of Bradley Manning supporters who have started to gather on a street corner outside the Fort Meade military base don’t look a particularly glum bunch – in fact they seem to be in high spirits under a blazing Maryland sun, Ed Pilkington writes from the court.
But ask them what they think today’s verdict holds for the WikiLeaks source and they speak with one gloomy voice.
“I’m afraid it’s going to go against Manning completely,” says Bill Wagner, 75, a former official at NASA HQ. Paradoxically, he thought that a wall-to-wall guilty verdict might in the long run have a beneficial impact as “at least it would get people’s attention.”
As we’re speaking, the driver of a car passing by the base shouts out at us: “They ought to hang him!” which puts the opinions of the Manning crowd in perspective.
Joel Greenfield, a trainee electrician aged 23, has driven all the way from Los Angeles to catch the end of the trial and despite such commitment he too is feeling despondent. “Three years is enough” says the placard he is carrying.
“I realise what’s going to happen here today - they are going to find him guilty.” Greenfield is putting all his hopes for a not guilty verdict into just one charge, the most serious one “aiding the enemy”.
In his view, if Manning is convicted of this charge then “that means the American people are the enemy. He exposed war crimes, he told the American people what our government was doing in our name.”
Karen Steele’s cowgirl hat comes in handy on such a blisteringly hot day. She’s attended almost every day of pre-trial hearings and much of the eight week trial proper.
Her observation of the trial judge, Colonel Denise Lind, who will deliver the verdict alone in the absence of the jury, makes her feel pretty depressed too. “My heart tells me that this girl is all military,” she says, referring to Lind. “I fear Bradley’s going down for a long time.”
UpdatedBuzzfeed has updated its detailed look at "Who is Bradley Manning?" – featuring lots of photos and accounts from his early life up to his military career and arrest. It's a good piece and gives some perspective on what Manning's upbringing and military career.
My colleague Ed Pilkington is at Fort Meade and reports that the mood is not positive among Manning's supporters.
The silence of gay rights groups over the fate of Bradley Manning has been "deafening", Christopher Carbone writes today for Comment is Free:
First, Manning is the opposite of everything that these groups seek to portray as the image of "gay Americans". I use those quotes because the majority of LGBT Americans don't conform to these upwardly mobile, white, polished, virile male stereotypes. Manning doesn't look like CNN anchor Anderson Cooper. With his slight frame, lower-class background, questioning of his gender identity, inability to hold down a typical job, general dorkiness and dysfunctional family life, Manning does not fit the poster boy image that GLAAD or the Human Rights Campaign would hold up and promote. It's bizarre because Manning is actually what many, if not most, LGBT people have been at one point or another – an outsider, a loner, a person who does not fit in or conform.
Second, organizations like the HRC, which had net assets of over $32.7m at the end of last year and claims more than a millions members and supporters, happens to have the financial backing of major military industrial corporations, including Lockheed Martin, which is sponsoring the HRC's upcoming national gala in Washington DC and Booz Allen Hamilton, a corporate partner for the national event, as well as Northrop Grumman a sponsor of their Los Angeles gala.
UpdatedManning arrives at court
Bradley Manning has arrived at Fort Meade, according to reporters at the court. A verdict is expected at around 1pm, although it is unclear at the moment how quickly information will filter out. Journalists are not allowed to tweet or email from the courtroom, but can leave to file updates.
Bradley Manning arrives alongside a military official at a US military court facility for the verdict in his trial at Fort Meade, Maryland Photograph: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images UpdatedMy colleague Ed Pilkington has followed the Manning trial since it began. He was in court in Fort Meade last Thursday as the prosecution "unleashed a wave of rhetoric against the army private" in closing arguments.
At the culmination of almost four hours in front of the judge, [Major Ashden Fein, the lead prosecutor] sought to press home the most serious and contentious charge against Manning – that he knowingly "aided the enemy" by transmitting state secrets to WikiLeaks.
The next day Manning's lawyer, David Coombs, "ridiculed the prosecution case as a 'diatribe'", Ed wrote.
"He was not a humanist; he was a hacker who described his fellow soldiers as 'dykes' or 'global idiots'. He was not a troubled young soul; he was a determined soldier with the ability, knowledge and desire to harm the US. He was not a whistleblower; he was a traitor."
Over four hours of intense closing arguments at Fort Meade in Maryland, David Coombs set up a moral and legal clash of characterisations, between the Manning that he laid out for the court, and the callous and fame-obsessed Manning sketched on Thursday by the US government. "What is the truth?" the lawyer asked Colonel Denise Lind, the presiding judge who must now decide between the two accounts to reach her verdict.
"Is Manning somebody who is a traitor with no loyalty to this country or the flag, who wanted to download as much information as possible for his employer WikiLeaks? Or is he a young, naive, well-intentioned soldier who has his humanist belief central to his decisions and whose sole purpose was to make a difference."
A military judge today announces her decision in the trial of the former intelligence analyst, Bradley Manning, accused of the biggest-ever leak of US state secrets.
The judge, Colonel Denise Lind, is expected to give her verdict in about three hours' time, at 1pm ET on Tuesday. Manning faces 21 counts including espionage, computer fraud and theft charges. He has already offered a guilty plea to 10 lesser charges.
The most serious charge – that he knowingly "aided the enemy" by transmitting intelligence to WikiLeaks – carries a possible sentence of life in a military prison without the chance of parole. But Manning will not be sentenced today – that will be decided after a further hearing.
During the eight-week trial, which ended on Friday, the US government has argued that Manning knew he was helping al-Qaida when he released more than 700,000 documents to WikiLeaks.
Manning's legal team has sought to depict Manning as a naive but well-intentioned young man, who was motivated by deep Humanist beliefs and who wanted to prompt a debate within US society about the costs of war.
Debate has also centered over whether WikiLeaks is a journalistic organisation, in the same manner as the New York Times or the Guardian, who published key revelations. Lind's verdict could have potentially serious implications for the future of investigative journalism in the US.
Follow live updates here through the morning and as Lind announces her decision. Our correspondent Ed Pilkington is at Fort Meade and we will be hearing from him throughout the day.
COPY http://www.theguardian.com/uk
Manning cleared of 'aiding the enemy' but found guilty of five espionage charges
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