ATENÇÃO! Senhores, legisladores, cuidem da soberania do nosso Brasil, não devemos aceitar as leis da fifa, e sim as nossas, temos as nossas leis próprias. Nós brasileiros estamos atentos.

29/02/2012 07h00 - Atualizado em 29/02/2012 08h37

 Comissão vota nesta quarta propostas para mudar Lei da Copa

Foram apresentados dez destaques ao texto-base, aprovado nesta terça.
Dois deles proíbem a venda de bebida alcoólica nos jogos do Mundial.

Nathalia Passarinho Do G1, em Brasília

A comissão especial da Câmara vota na manhã desta quarta-feira (29) dez destaques (propostas de alteração) ao texto-base da Lei Geral da Copa, aprovado nesta terça pelos deputados.

Após essa votação, a matéria seguirá para o plenário da Câmara e ainda terá que passar pelo Senado antes de ir à sanção presidencial - veja no fim da reportagem os principais pontos da Lei Geral.

Dois destaques, um de autoria do vice-líder do PSB, deputado Glauber Braga (RJ), e outro do deputado Zequinha Marinho (PSC-PA), propõem proibir a venda de bebidas alcoólicas nos jogos do Mundial.

O texto do relator da matéria na comissão especial, deputado Vicente Cândido (PT-SP), autoriza a comercialização de todo tipo de bebida nos estádios durante o campeonato.

A lei não estende a liberação para outros campeonatos de futebol. O Estatuto do Torcedor veta a presença nos estádios de "bebidas ou substâncias proibidas ou suscetíveis de gerar ou possibilitar a prática de atos de violência".

De acordo com o parecer de Cândido, a "venda e o consumo de bebidas, em especial as alcoólicas, nos locais de oficiais de competição, são admitidos desde que o produto esteja acondicionado em copos de plástico, vedado o uso de qualquer outro tipo de embalagem".

A liberação do álcool na Copa do Mundo é uma das exigências da Federação Internacional de Futebol (Fifa), já que alguns patrocinadores do campeonato são empresas fabricantes de bebidas.

O mesmo destaque do deputado Glauber Braga suprime artigo do texto-base que prevê detenção de três meses a um ano a quem “expuser marcas, negócios, estabelecimentos, produtos, serviços ou praticar atividade promocional não autorizada pela Fifa” nas chamadas “áreas exclusivas”- reservadas aos patrocinadores.

Outro destaque altera a redação de um parágrafo do texto que trata de direitos de transmissão televisiva dos jogos.

Os outros sete destaques apresentados pedem apenas a votação em separado de trechos da lei. Um dos artigos que poderá ser analisado separadamente é o 27º, que trata da possibilidade de multa ao torcedor que desistir do ingresso comprado.

O artigo diz que cabe à Fifa estabelecer os “critérios para cancelamento, devolução e reembolso de ingressos”, com a possibilidade de estabelecer “cláusula penal no caso de desistência da aquisição do ingresso após a confirmação de que o pedido foi aceito ou após o pagamento do valor.”

Logomarca da Copa de 2014, protegida pela Lei Geral da Copa (Foto: Divulgação)Logomarca da Copa de 2014, protegida pela Lei
Geral da Copa (Foto: Divulgação)

Texto-baseO texto-base da Lei Geral da Copa, aprovado nesta terça pela comissão especial, estabelece a venda de meia-entrada apenas para idosos e 300 mil ingressos populares para estudantes e beneficiários de programas de transferência de renda.

Esses trechos da lei não foram questionados por meio de destaques.

Veja abaixo os principais pontos do texto-base da Lei Geral da Copa.


Ingressos grátis: Conforme o relator, a Fifa se comprometeu a negociar com sindicatos e entidades a distribuição de ingressos grátis a operários que atuam na construção de estádios brasileiros. A expectativa é de que cada um tenha direito a ir a pelo menos um jogo gratuitamente. O texto prevê negociação para concessão de ingressos a indígenas e proprietários de armas de fogo que aderirem a campanhas de desarmamento.

Meia-entrada e ingresso popular: O texto estabelece a venda de meia-entrada apenas para idosos (Estatudo do Idoso) e 300 mil ingressos populares a US$ 25, cerca de R$ 43 na cotação atual, para estudantes e beneficiários de programas de transferência de renda. A proposta afasta a incidência de outras leis federais ou estaduais que estabeleçam meia-entrada. Com isso, se for aprovado o Estatuto da Juventude, que prevê meia-entrada para estudantes de todo o país, a legislação não teria validade durante os jogos da Copa do Mundo.

Categorias de preços: A Copa do Mundo terá quatro categorias de ingressos, sendo que a "categoria 1" será a mais cara - em torno de US$ 900. A "categoria 2" deverá ter entradas a US$ 450 e a "categoria 3", ingressos de US$ 100. A "categoria 4" terá entradas a US$ 50, mas estudantes, idosos e beneficiários de programas de transferência de renda pagarão metade desse valor, o chamado ingresso popular.


Marca: A lei prevê mecanismos de proteção da marca da Fifa e dos símbolos da Copa para evitar o registro de marcas semelhantes. Empresas não patrocinadoras que fizerem publicidade vinculada à Copa, exibição de partidas, venda de ingressos, entre outros, terão que indenizar a Fifa em valores relativos aos danos sofridos pela entidade.

Restrição comercial: A Fifa poderá definir áreas de restrição comercial em volta dos estádios, sem prejudicar os estabelecimentos em funcionamento desde que eles não tenham associação com os jogos . Segundo o relator, isso significa que o comércio não poderá fazer publicidade de concorrentes de patrocinadores no entorno dos estádio, mas poderá vender os produtos normalmente.

Crimes: O texto da lei prevê tipos de crimes até 31 de dezembro de 2014 pela reprodução ou falsificação de símbolos da Fifa e divulgação de produtos relacionados à Copa. A pena é de detenção de três meses a um ano mais multa e só valerá mediante representação da Fifa.


A proposta autoriza a venda de bebidas alcoólicas nos estádios brasileiros somente durante os jogos da Copa do Mundo. O texto não estende a liberação para outros campeonatos. A medida é alvo de contestação porque o Estatuto do Torcedor veta a presença nos estádios de "bebidas ou substâncias proibidas ou suscetíveis de gerar ou possibilitar a prática de atos de violência".


O texto aprovado pela comissão especial prevê que o período de férias escolares em 2014 seja modificado para que não haja aulas durante a Copa do Mundo. As datas, porém, não foram definidas pois cabe a cada secretaria de educação definir as datas.


A União poderá decretar feriados nacionais durante os jogos da seleção. A lei prevê que estados e municípios também poderão declarar feriados nos dias de jogos em seus territórios.


Lei autoriza uso de aeroportos militares para embarque e desembarque de passageiros e cargas. Para a utilização, o texto prevê a assinatura de um termo de cooperação que vai prever recursos para o custeio das operações.


Flexibiliza a emissão e concessão de vistos a estrangeiros. Ele propõe a criação de vistos especiais gratuitos para permanência de turistas e pessoas que irão trabalhar durante o evento. Esse tipo de permissão, conforme o texto, valeria por até 90 dias para turistas e até 31 de dezembro de 2014 para demais estrangeiros.


A lei prevê que a União assuma a responsabilidade civil de danos resultantes em razão de incidente ou acidente de segurança relacionados ao evento. A União será responsável por disponibilizar para a Fifa segurança, serviços médicos e serviços de imigração.


Destinação de uma espécie de premiação a atletas vencedores das Copas do Mundo de 1958, 1962 e 1970 que estejam hoje "em difícil situação financeira". A ideia é conceder um prêmio de R$ 100 mil de uma só vez aos jogadores, titulares ou reservas. Ainda prevê a concessão de auxílio especial mensal que, com a renda do beneficiário, atinja o valor máximo da aposentadoria concedida pelo governo, hoje em R$ 3.691,74.

Fontes: Relator Vicente Cândido (PT-SP) e substitutivo 5 do PL 2330/2011 (Projeto da Lei Geral da Copa) apresentado em 27/02/2012 copiado :

Olympia Snowe to step down from US Senate

File photo of Senator Olympia Snowe, 13 October 2009

Olympia Snowe voted for some Democrat-backed legislation like Obama's stimulus bill

The senior US senator for the state of Maine, Olympia Snowe, will not seek re-election in November and is to retire after 33 years in Congress.

In a statement, Ms Snowe, seen as a moderate Republican, expressed frustration over an "atmosphere of polarisation" in Congress.

The move is seen as a boost for Democrats, who hope to retain their majority in the 100-seat Senate.

She said she had "no doubt" she would have won re-election.

Ms Snowe was first elected to the Senate in 1994, having previously served in the House of Representatives as well as in both bodies of the Maine state legislature.

Democratic opportunity?

Ms Snowe's retirement opens up the possibility of a Democrat winning her seat in November's election, analysts say.

Democrats currently control the Senate by a margin of 51 seats to 47, but have seven seats open for election in November - several seen as vulnerable to Republican challengers. With Ms Snowe's retirement, Republicans will have three open seats.

Fellow Maine senator and Republican Susan Collins called Ms Snowe's decision a "complete surprise".

In a statement, Ms Snowe said she saw the "vital need for the political center in order for our democracy to flourish and to find solutions that unite rather than divide us".

There were opportunities outside the Senate to serve her state, she said.

One Snowe campaign aide told Politico that Ms Snowe had struggled with her decision for weeks.

Candidates seeking her seat will declare by 15 March to meet a filing deadline.

Overhaul in approach to elderly care 'needed'


Elderly patient Nursing standards have been criticised in a series of reports

Related Stories

Being compassionate should be as important as being clever when it comes to the recruitment of staff to care for the elderly, experts say.
The recommendation was one of a series made by the Commission on Improving Dignity in Care for Older People to improve standards in hospitals and care homes in England.
The group said too many vulnerable people were currently being "let down".
The review comes after a series of critical reports into elderly care.
Cases of neglect have been documented by the likes of the Health Service Ombudsman and Patients Association in the past year.
And so the commission was set up by Age UK, the NHS Confederation and the Local Government Association to set out a blueprint for how the NHS and social care sector should tackle the issue.
Patronising language In total, the commission published 48 draft recommendations which will be consulted on over the next month before a final action plan is published in the summer.
The measures cover issues such as making dignity a priority at board level, encouraging staff at all levels to challenge bad practice and ensuring patronising language, such as "old dear", is not used.
The report said language which denigrates older people should be as unacceptable as racist or sexist terms.

Start Quote

In too many cases, people have been let down when they were vulnerable and most needed help”
Sir Keith Pearson Commission on Improving Dignity in Care for Older People
Another key recommendation involved the role of ward sisters, which the report said should be given the authority by management to take action when standards slip.
But it is the issue of staff training which there will be most focus on. There have been suggestions in the past that nurse training has become too academic.
Some places have started to trial ways of testing the emotional intelligence and bedside manner of students.
The commission said it should become commonplace for universities and professional bodies to take into account compassionate values as much as they do qualifications.
Sir Keith Pearson, co-chairman of the commission, said: "We've been deeply saddened by the reports highlighting the undignified care of older people in our hospitals and care homes.
"In too many cases, people have been let down when they were vulnerable and most needed help. We want this report to be a call to arms."
But Peter Cater, general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, suggested the most important factor when it came to standards was ensuring there were enough staff.
"It is absolutely critical that hospitals and care homes employ safe numbers of nurses with the correct skill mix. This is the key challenge that must be met."
Roswyn Hakesley-Brown, of the Patients Association, said the recommendations were a "step forward".
But she added without action on the ground it would be of no comfort to the people "who contact our helpline every day to tell us their loved ones are being left without adequate pain relief, are not being helped to eat and drink or who are left to lie in their own faeces because a nurse says she is too busy to help them to the toilet".
Care services minister Paul Burstow said the commission had made some good recommendations and he would be looking to work with the group to improve standards.

tojornalista britânico retirado de Homs



por DN.PTHoje
Fotojornalista britânico retirado de Homs
Fotografia © REUTERS
Paul Conroy, que tinha sido ferido num ataque na semana passada no qual morreu a sua colega Marie Colvin, foi retirado da cidade síria de Homs, estando já no vizinho Líbano.
De acordo com os media britânicos, o fotojornalista, que trabalhava principalmente para o 'Sunday Times', foi retirado às escondidas do distrito de Baba Amr com a ajuda da oposição síria. A jornalista francesa Edith Bouvier, do 'Le Figaro', que também ficou ferida no ataque, continua em parte incerta.
"Acabámos de receber notícias de Beirute. Tenho-o ao telefone", confirmou o pai de Paul, Les Conroy, à AP.
O fotojornalista de 47 anos tinha lançado um apelo na semana passada em vídeo para que o retirassem de Homs. Segundo ele, tem "três feridas produndas na perna" e estilhaços no abdómen.


Parlamento grego aprova novos cortes orçamentais

por DN.ptHoje
Deputados gregos aprovaram hoje à noite novos cortes orçamentais para garantir o segundo resgate dos credores internacionais e impedir que o país entre em incumprimento descontrolado em março.
O canal televisivo oficial do Parlamento de Atenas mostrou como os deputados da coligação governamental garantiram a aprovação de mais cortes na despesa no montante de 3200 milhões de euros.
Uma maioria de 202 deputados em 283 presentes aprovaram as medidas que se destinam a vigorar em 2012.
As medidas vão incidir sobre cortes nas pensões de reformas mais elevadas da função pública, nos vencimentos dos dirigentes do poder local e na fusão de organismos públicos.
Atenas deve reembolsar mais de 15 mil milhões de euros em orbigações quevencem a 20 de março, o que não está em condições de o fazer sem assistência financeira externa.
Os socialistas do Pasok e os conservadores da Nova Democracia, que integram a coligação governamental dirigida pelo antigo vicwe-presidente do Banco Central Europeu, Lucas Papademos, dispõem de 193 deputados num total de 300.
O líder da Nova Democracia, Antonis Samaras, convidara o Parlamento a aprovar estas medidas impopulares, que continuam a suscitar protestos da esquerda nas ruas de Atenas, para que se "feche um capítulo miserável" da história da Grécia.

Rubem Fonseca: O que é preciso ter para ser escritor

                                          Rubem Fonseca: O que é preciso ter para ser escritor


Rubem Fonseca: O que é preciso ter para ser escritor


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Gente que Conta - João Palma - "PGR defende Ministério Público que mais ninguém defende"

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Schäuble prefere sudoku a discutir dívida grega

Alemanha (COM VÍDEO)


Schäuble prefere sudoku a discutir dívida grega
Wolfgang Schäuble, ministro das Finanças de Berlim, jogava sudoku enquanto o Parlamento discutia um novo resgate à Grécia. A distração do ministro foi captada por uma câmara da Taggesschau.
Enquanto a chanceler Angela Merkel se esforçava em defender no Parlamento alemão a entrega de mais 130 milhões de euros ao Governo de Atenas, o ministro das Finanças parecia mais preocupado com outros números: os do sudoku. Preocupação visível aos 40 segundos do vídeo:
A explicação para a atitude de Wolfgang Schäuble poderá estar no mail que, umas horas antes do debate, enviou aos 620 deputados. "Não temos garantias de que o caminho escolhido leve ao êxito, mas as perspectivas de êxito das alternativas parecem-me inferiores", afirma o ministro no referido mail.

Polícia detém quatro membros da rede "Anomymous"

por LusaHoje
Polícia detém quatro membros da rede "Anomymous"
A Polícia Nacional espanhola anunciou hoje a detenção de quatro membros da organização de ciberativistas "Anonymous" acusados de vários delitos de ataque a páginas na Internet, denominados "ataques Dos" de negação de serviço.
Segundo informou a Polícia Nacional, os detidos foram responsáveis por vários ataques informáticos que causam que um serviço ou recurso online se torne inacessível a utilizadores legítimos.
São ainda responsáveis, segundo as autoridades, por "ataques a páginas Web de partidos políticos, instituições e empresas e pela publicação de dados privados na rede"
Em comunicado, a Polícia explica que as detenções ocorreram no âmbito da operação internacional Exposure, de combate ao cibercrime e que em Espanha dois dos detidos estão em prisão preventiva e dois outros, menores, em liberdade condicional.
Foram ainda constituídas arguidas 10 pessoas na Argentina, seis no Chile e cinco na Colômbia tendo sido confiscados 25 computadores, discos rígidos e outros dispositivos de armazenamento e bloqueados dois servidores na Bulgária e na República Checa.
Entre os detidos, contam-se o ciberativista "Thunder" ou "Pacotgron" -- alegadamente encarregado de administrar e gerir a infraestrutura utilizada pela "Anonymous" em Espanha e na América Latina.

Eletrobras pode perder até R$5 bi com renovação de concessões

terça-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2012 19:33 BRT

RIO DE JANEIRO, 28 Fev (Reuters) - A renovação das concessões do setor elétrico que vencem a partir de 2015 poderão significar em uma perda de receita de até 5 bilhões de reais para a Eletrobras, segundo disse o presidente da estatal, José Carvalho da Costa Neto, nesta terça-feira.

O executivo informou que os cálculos preliminares apontam para essa perda máxima, embora ele avalie que as perdas podem ser menores que os 5 bilhões projetados.

"Nosso 'business plan' está sendo concluído já levando em conta o vencimento da concessão e vamos tomar medidas de tal maneira a manter a capacidade de investimento e market share", disse ele a jornalistas.

"A perda de receita tem várias hipóteses e o máximo de perda seria de 5 bilhões... O valor de 5 bilhões é o máximo, mas tenho impressão que pode não acontecer", acrescentou ele, ao lembrar que a receita anual da holding é de 32 bilhões de reais. COPIADO

A expectativa é que o governo opte pela renovação onerosa das concessões do setor elétrico que expiram a partir de 2015, o que afetaria a receita das empresas uma vez que a energia produzida e transmitida a partir de ativos amortizados passaria a ser vendida a preços mais baixos.

Costa Neto espera compensar essa perda com grandes projetos hidrelétricos como Santo Antônio , Jirau, Teles Pires, parte de Belo Monte e a usina nuclear de Angra 3. "Eles (os empreendimentos novos) podem repor até com sobre essa perda de receita", estimou ele.

O executivo adiantou que o plano de negócios da empresa até 2021 prevê investimento médio anual de 13 bilhões de reais. Para este ano, a estatal pretende aplicar 13 bilhões de reais contra 10 bilhões no ano passado.

O plano estratégico aponta ainda que os investimentos vão possibilitar um incremento na geração de 2,5 gigawatts em média por ano até 2021. "A Eletrobrás tem 38 por cento da geração do país e precisamos continuar o investimento para manter o market share das nossas operações", completou ele.

(Por Rodrigo Viga Gaier e Leila Coimbra)

Estudo revela novos indícios sobre ressurreição de Jesus

publicado em 28/02/2012 às 19h14:


Nova York, 28 fev (EFE).- Um grupo de arqueólogos e especialistas em assuntos religiosos apresentou em Nova York as conclusões de uma pesquisa que apresenta indícios da ressurreição de Jesus a partir de um túmulo localizado em Jerusalém há três décadas. "Até agora me parecia impossível que tivessem aparecido túmulos desse tempo com provas confiáveis da ressurreição de Jesus ou com imagens do profeta Jonas, mas essas evidências são claras", afirmou nesta terça-feira à Agência Efe o professor James Tabor, diretor do departamento de estudos religiosos da Universidade da Carolina do Norte, um dos responsáveis pela pesquisa. O túmulo em questão foi descoberto em 1981 durante as obras de construção de um prédio no bairro de Talpiot, situado a menos de quatro quilômetros da Cidade Antiga de Jerusalém. Um ano antes, neste mesmo lugar, foi encontrado um túmulo que muitos acreditam ser de Jesus e sua família. Ao lado do professor de Arqueologia Rami Arav, da Universidade de Nebraska, e do cineasta canadense de origem judaica Simcha Jacobovici, Tabor conseguiu uma permissão da Autoridade de Antiguidades de Israel para escavar o local entre 2009 e 2010. Em uma das ossadas encontradas, que os especialistas situam em torno do ano 60 d.C., é possível ver a imagem de um grande peixe com uma figura humana na boca, que, segundo os pesquisadores, seria uma representação que evoca a passagem bíblica do profeta Jonas. A pesquisa, realizada com uma equipe de câmeras de alta tecnologia, também descobriu uma inscrição grega que faz referência à ressurreição de Jesus, detalhou à Agência Efe o professor Tabor, que acrescentou que essa prova pode ter sido realizada "por alguns dos primeiros seguidores de Jesus". "Nossa equipe se aproximou do túmulo com certa incredulidade, mas os indícios que encontramos são tão evidentes que nos obrigaram a revisar todas as nossas presunções anteriores", acrescentou o especialista, que acaba de publicar um livro com todas as conclusões de sua pesquisa, "The Jesus Discovery". O professor reconhece que suas conclusões são "controversas" e que vão causar certo repúdio entre os "fundamentalistas religiosos", enquanto outros acadêmicos seguirão duvidando das evidências arqueológicas da cristandade. Anteriormente, essa mesma equipe de pesquisadores participou do documentário "O Túmulo Secreto de Jesus", produzido pelo cineasta James Cameron. Na obra, os arqueólogos encontraram dez caixões que asseguram pertencer a Jesus e sua família, incluindo Virgem Maria, Maria Madalena e um suposto filho de Jesus. Segundo o documentário, as ossadas encontradas supostamente apresentavam inscrições correspondentes às identidades de Jesus e sua família, o que acaba reforçando a versão apresentada no livro "O Código da Vinci", de Dan Brown, o mesmo que indica que Jesus foi casado com Maria Madalena e que ambos teriam tido um filho juntos. EFE elr/fk

Após discussão sobre futebol, jovem é espancado dentro de hospital da baixada e vai parar no CTI

Eduardo Naddar / Ag. O Dia / 18/10/2010
Rocha Faria

Família de estudante acusa um policial militar de participar das agressões
Carlyle Jr., do R7 | 28/02/2
Um estudante de 23 anos foi parar no CTI (Centro de Tratamento Intensivo) do Hospital Estadual Rocha Faria, em Campo Grande, zona oeste do Rio, após ser espancado dentro da unidade de saúde Doutor José Bueno Lopes, em Seropédica, na Baixada Fluminense.

Na madrugada do último dia 16, Helton David Berriel dos Santos foi pedir ajuda no local após se envolver em uma briga com outro jovem em um bar no centro do município. Segundo a família da vítima, o rapaz, acompanhado do irmão, um policial militar, espancou Helton na frente de médicos e funcionários da unidade.

De acordo com a polícia, os dois jovens teriam brigado por causa de uma discussão sobre futebol. O pai de Helton, Dervandro dos Santos, de 44 anos, diz que o filho iniciou as agressões quando deu um chute no rosto do outro rapaz.

Após a confusão, o suspeito, segundo Dervandro, foi em casa buscar o irmão policial militar, que teria ameaçado a vítima. De acordo com Dervandro, a dupla agrediu o estudante na porta do DPO (Destacamento de Policiamento Ostensivo), que fica próximo à unidade de Saúde Doutor José Bueno Lopes. O pai da vítima diz que os irmãos invadiram o hospital e espancaram Helton violentamente.

- Eles não podiam ter feito isso com o meu filho. O irmão policial poderia ter prendido o Helton, já que ele participou da briga no bar e não fazer o que fez.

Testemunhas negam envolvimento de PM

O caso foi registrado na Delegacia de Seropédica (48ª DP). De acordo com a chefe do Departamento de Polícia da Baixada Fluminense, Tercia Amoedo, as testemunhas que já foram ouvidas no inquérito disseram que o PM, que é lotado na UPP (Unidade de Polícia Pacificadora) do morro de São Carlos, apenas tentou separar a briga entre os dois jovens.

- A versão oficial é que o policial militar tentou apaziguar a briga entre o irmão e a vítima. Por isso, a polícia, a princípio, não investiga a participação do PM no inquérito. Se há testemunhas que viram o policial envolvido na ação, elas devem procurar a delegacia.

Em depoimento, o agressor também disse que o irmão foi ao local apenas para separar a briga. A polícia já intimou o policial militar a prestar esclarecimentos. Funcionários do posto de saúde foram ouvidos na tarde desta terça-feira (28) e não confirmaram a participação do PM na confusão.

A polícia já está com os boletins médicos da vítima. Se a análise dos documentos ou exame de corpo de delito comprovarem as agressões, o suspeito pode responder por tentativa de homicídio.

Procurado pelo R7, o secretário municipal de Saúde de Seropédica, Alexandre Passos, negou que a dupla de irmãos tenha invadido a unidade médica. Segundo ele, Helton e outro jovem, que estava acompanhado de um homem, procuraram atendimento no posto ao mesmo tempo. Lá, de acordo com Passos, eles reiniciaram a briga.

- O guarda municipal, que estava fazendo a segurança da unidade de saúde, tentou conter a briga. Os funcionários, desconfiados de que o acompanhante de um dos jovens estivesse armado, procuraram ajuda no DPO, que fica ao lado da unidade. Depois disso, os dois se evadiram da unidade.

Passos disse ainda que Helton recebeu os primeiros atendimentos na unidade de Seropédica antes de ser transferido para o Hospital  Rocha Faria. A Secretaria Estadual de Saúde informou na tarde desta terça-feira que o estado de saúde do estudante é estável.

Jovem espancado na Ilha do Governador

No dia 2 de fevereiro, o estudante Vitor Suarez Cunha, de 21 anos, foi espancado por cinco jovens de classe média alta no bairro Jardim Guanabara, na Ilha do Governador, zona norte.

Segundo testemunhas, o espancamento começou quando o estudante tentou evitar a agressão a um morador de rua. Após ser agredido com socos e pontapés, o rapaz passou por uma cirurgia de reconstrução da face.
012 às 18h25COPIADO :

Câmera flagra policial eletrocutando adolescente americana em frente à escola

Publicado em 28/02/2012 às 16h35:     

Câmera flagra policial eletrocutando
adolescente americana em frente à escola

O incidente ocorreu na Pensilvânia e a jovem tinha apenas 14 anos
Do R7, com agências internacionais

Anonymous hackers: Police arrest 25 in four countries

Masked hacker in France (file photo) The Anonymous group is a loose collection of hackers and online activists

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Police in Latin America and Europe have arrested 25 suspected members of the Anonymous hacking group, according to Interpol.
The authorities in Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Spain carried out the arrests and seized 250 items of IT equipment and mobile phones, Interpol says.
Those arrested are aged between 17 and 40.
The operation follows cyber attacks on Colombian and Chilean websites.
Interpol says the websites of the Colombian Ministry of Defence and the presidency, Chile's national library, and the Chilean electricity company Endesa were attacked.
Spanish authorities say four people were arrested as part of the operation in Spain, in Madrid and Malaga.
Two of them remain in custody, while the other two, including a minor, were released on bail.
Spain's interior ministry said that one of the four arrested was the alleged manager of Anonymous' computer operations in Spain and Latin America.
Anonymous is a loose international network of online activists which describes itself as an "internet gathering". Its protests often take the form of disrupting websites and services.
Many Anonymous protests tackle issues of free speech and preserving the openness of the net.

Apple iPad 3 expected on 7 March following press event


Apple press invite picture, appearing to show new iPad Apple's press invite appeared to show a person using an iPad - possibly the new device

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Apple has announced an event on 7 March at which the company is expected to launch its latest iPad tablet.
Invitations sent to journalists read: "We have something you really have to see. And touch."
While not officially confirming the product's launch, the message was accompanied by an image showing what looked to be an iPad touchscreen.
The iPad range, which first launched in 2010, has sold over 50 million units worldwide.
It is not yet known when the new device will be available for sale.
Last year, sales of the iPad 2 began in the US nine days after the launch announcement - which also took place in March.
Apple's first two versions of the iPad transformed the market for tablet computers and made it one of the fastest-growing sectors of the computer industry.
Patent woes However, recently Apple's dominant position in the tablet market has been challenged by a string of tablets powered by Google's Android operating system.
Later this year, industry experts expect a new category of tablet devices powered by Microsoft's forthcoming Windows 8 operating system.
Microsoft will announce details for the consumer versions of Windows 8 at an event in Barcelona on Wednesday evening.
The tablet market - just like the smartphone market - has been subject to intense patent wars chiefly between Apple and its key challenger Samsung.
Apple is also embroiled in a dispute over the naming rights for the iPad with Asian electronics firm Proview.COPY :

Nepal in new bid to finally settle Mount Everest height


Mount Everest The precise height of the world's highest peak has been disputed for more than 150 years

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Nepal is seeking help from the international community to settle a long-running dispute about the height of Mount Everest, officials have said.
China has long argued about how the peak's height should be measured, and the countries appeared to have agreed Nepal's figure of 8,848m in 2010.
The dispute has never seemed fully settled, however, and shifting geology in the region could also add confusion.
Nepal is now seeking international help to support a new, official measurement.

Start Quote

This project will be basically about foreigners doing the job for us even when we have technology, software, and expertise to do so much on our own”
Buddhi Narayan Shrestha Nepali border expert
With outside funding, expertise and equipment, it hopes to complete the job and finally, quantitatively settle the matter within the next couple of years.
"Since we lack the capacity to do the job on our own, we are preparing a project plan with the request for donors and we will soon be sending them out," Krishna Raj BC, director general of Nepal's Survey Department, told BBC News.
He said the three-year project was finally getting underway, with much remaining to be done.
"Funding and technology have been the main constraints. We don't have, for instance, the equipment that works in a place with -45C temperature," he said.
"We basically need data from gravity instruments, levelling points and the global positioning system (GPS) to get a complete picture.
"For all these technologies to work, first there has to be infrastructure in places like the Everest base camp, and then we need to mobilise Sherpas up and down the mountain with someone who can handle all those technologies.
"And then finally, the data will have to be processed in such a way that it will be acceptable to the international scientific community."
Height of controversy The need for a fresh measurement has arisen mainly as a result of the dispute with China, which rules Tibet, on whose borders the mountain range also sits.
GPS equipment Tough equipment - and the expertise behind it - could finally settle the matter
China had argued the world's highest mountain was nearly 4m shorter than Nepal's official figure, contending it should be measured to its rock height.
Nepal has said that the snow height should also be included, as with other peaks in the world.
The disagreement surfaced in past meetings on the two countries' Himalayan borders, and recently scheduled talks on the matter were postponed.
Nepali officials say even if the issue of Everest comes up during border talks, they will stick to what Nepal maintains is the official height of the mountain.
But they also say a fresh measurement has become necessary to "set the record straight once and for all."
Geologists say the Himalayan peaks are young and still growing as the Indian subcontinent slides under the Eurasian plate, causing the mountains to rise further.
Officials said a Danish university and an Italian NGO were already trying to help the Survey Department to make formal measurements.
But they added that these foreign organisations have limited funds and capacity to offer, and therefore more support from international community is required.
They said it was yet to be decided how much funding would be sought, and some critics have said the project may become too donor-dependent.
"The project to measure the height of the Everest is being developed in such a way that Nepalese officials and experts will have quite less say," said Buddhi Narayan Shrestha, a border expert and former director general of the Survey Department.
"This project will be basically about foreigners doing the job for us even when we have technology, software, and expertise to do so much on our own."
The height of Everest has been disputed ever since the first measurement was made in 1856, with the broadly accepted height of 8,848m first recorded by an Indian survey in 1955.
In 1999, an American team used GPS technology and recorded a height of 8,850 metres - a figure now used by the US National Geographic Society - but again, Nepal did not accept that and continued to use its own official figure.COPY :

Oetzi the Iceman's nuclear genome gives new insights


Sampling the body of Oetzi (Samadelli Marco/EURAC) "The Iceman" has been the subject of constant study for more than 20 years

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New clues have emerged in what could be described as the world's oldest murder case: that of Oetzi the "Iceman", whose 5,300-year-old body was discovered frozen in the Italian Alps in 1991.
Oetzi's full genome has now been reported in Nature Communications.
It reveals that he had brown eyes, "O" blood type, was lactose intolerant, and was predisposed to heart disease.
They also show him to be the first documented case of infection by a Lyme disease bacterium.
Analysis of series of anomalies in the Iceman's DNA also revealed him to be more closely related to modern inhabitants of Corsica and Sardinia than to populations in the Alps, where he was unearthed.
'Really exciting' The study reveals the fuller genetic picture as laid out in the nuclei of Oetzi's cells.
This nuclear DNA is both rarer and typically less well-preserved than the DNA within mitochondria, the cell's "power plants", which also contain DNA.
Oetzi reconstruction (South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology/EURAC/Marco Samadelli-Gregor Staschitz) A reconstruction shows what Oetzi may have looked like before an arrow felled him
Oetzi's mitochondrial DNA had already revealed some hints of his origins when it was fully sequenced in 2008.
Albert Zink, from the Eurac Institute for Mummies and the Iceman in Bolzano, Italy, said the nuclear DNA study was a great leap forward in one of the most widely studied specimens in science.
"We've been studying the Iceman for 20 years. We know so many things about him - where he lived, how he died - but very little was known about his genetics, the genetic information he was carrying around," he told BBC News.
He was carrying around a "haplotype" that showed his ancestors most likely migrated from the Middle East as the practice of formal agriculture became more widespread.
It is probably this period of transition to an agrarian society that explains Oetzi's lactose intolerance.
Prof Zink said that next-generation "whole-genome" sequencing techniques made the analysis possible.
"Whole-genome sequencing allows you to sequence the whole DNA out of one sample; that wasn't possible before in the same way.
"This was really exciting and I think it's just the start for a longer study on this level. We still would like to learn more from this data - we've only just started to analyse it."

Portugal passes latest bailout review

Shoppers in Lisbon city centre The Portuguese are feeling the economic strain
Portugal has passed the latest review of its continuing spending cuts and economic reforms, the country's Finance Minister Vitor Gaspar has said.
It paves the way for the government to receive the next 14bn euros ($19bn; £12bn) round of bailout funds from the European Union, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund.
The move follows after inspectors from the so-called troika had been in Lisbon to assess the country's performance.
Portugal is to get 78bn euros in total.
Mr Gaspar said: "The result [of the evaluation] was positive despite unfavourable conditions.
"The mission confirmed the fulfilment of the criteria demanded by the terms."
Strike plan The Portuguese government has been working hard to continue to cut costs, despite a steep recession and an unemployment rate of 14%.
Terreiro do Paco Square Portugal's austerity programme has sparked major protests
In particular, the government is making important changes to labour conditions.
Last month, it reached an agreement with unions and employers to cut holidays and the compensation paid when workers are laid-off.
Under the deal, it was also made easier to hire and fire staff.
Measures like that have won praise from the troika and Portugal has, so far, received its bailout funds with much less drama than Greece.
But the gain has not come without pain for Portugal.
There have been deep cost cuts that are hitting public sector workers particularly hard, with many people facing a steep reduction in income.
That has prompted mass protests, and a general strike is planned for late March.
Unemployment warning Mr Gaspar also warned on Tuesday that the economic situation in the country would only worsen this year.
The government now predicts that the Portuguese economy will contract by 3.3% in 2012, compared with its previous estimate of 3%.
It also expects the unemployment rate to reach 14.5%.
Economist Diego Iscaro, of IHS Global Insight, said Portugal was likely to need a second bailout before the end of the year.COPY :

Romney and Santorum in key test in Michigan and Arizona

Mitt Romney and his wife Ann look at a photograph of George Romney in Michigan 28 February 2012 Mitt Romney has emphasised his family ties to Michigan as part of his appeal to voters

Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are going head-to-head as US voters in Michigan and Arizona choose their picks for Republican presidential candidate.

Both men have been campaigning intensively over the past few days. Latest polls give Mr Romney a marginal lead in Michigan, and a stronger advantage in Arizona.

Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul are focusing their efforts on other states.

Analysts say a victory in his home state of Michigan is key for Mr Romney.

He has long been seen as the front-runner and favourite for the nomination - and currently leads the race for delegates - but has struggled to win over a strong majority of conservative Republican voters.

The winner of the eventual nomination will go on to face President Barack Obama in the November election.
On Tuesday, Mr Romney appeared to acknowledge that he has had trouble winning over conservative voters in a state where he was expected to do well.

Mr Romney said his disconnect with the party's right-wing stemmed from his unwillingness to make "incendiary" comments.

Rick Santorum greets diners at the Rainbow Grill in Grandville, Michigan 28 February 2012 Rick Santorum has been riding a wave of momentum following a hat-trick of wins in recent votes

He accused his rivals of saying "outrageous things" in an effort to win the backing of the Republican base, adding that he was not prepared to set his "hair on fire" in a bid for support.

He also attacked Mr Santorum's recent move to target Democratic voters with an automated message criticising Mr Romney's record on bailouts for the automobile industry.

Mr Romney accused Mr Santorum of trying to "kidnap the primary process" by attempting to turn Democrats against him. He told Fox News on Tuesday morning that the tactic was "outrageous and disgusting... a terrible, dirty trick".

"This is a new low for his campaign and that's saying something," Mr Romney said.

Mr Santorum's recorded message to Democrats said: "Romney supported the bailouts for his Wall Street billionaire buddies but opposed the auto bailouts.

"That was a slap in the face to every Michigan worker and we're not going to let Romney get away with it," it continued.

Although only Republicans may participate in Michigan's primary, electoral rules allow voters to temporarily change their affiliation on the spot - giving Democrats the opportunity to cast a ballot on Tuesday.

Mr Santorum and his supporters have also spent about $2m (£1.3m) on advertising in Michigan.

On the campaign trail Mr Romney had played up his ties to Michigan, where his father was a former governor.

Whoever wins in Michigan could gain crucial momentum ahead of next week's "Super Tuesday" votes, which sees 10 states go to the polls.

Mr Gingrich, a former Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Texas Congressman Ron Paul are focusing their efforts on next week's vote.
Focus on economy
After spending much of the past week campaigning on social issues, on Monday Mr Romney, a former Massachusetts governor, turned his focus on the economy.

He challenged former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum for putting social issues at the centre of his campaign, saying: "If the economy is going to be the issue we focus on, who has the experience to actually get this economy going again?"

Mr Romney, who used to run a successful private equity firm, told supporters at a campaign event that Mr Santorum was a nice guy but he would not be able to create jobs.

Meanwhile, on the campaign trail, Mr Santorum told supporters it was a "joke" for Mr Romney to attack him for not being a real conservative.

The former senator also derided "climate science" and Wall Street bailouts - referring to legislative positions the former governor had supported.

He used an editorial in the Wall Street Journal to highlight his own principal economic initiatives.

US politics glossary
Use the dropdown for easy-to-understand explanations of political terms:
A state-level election held to nominate a party's candidate for office. Regulations governing them and the dates on which they are held vary from state to state. In some states, voters are restricted to choosing candidates only from the party for which they have registered support, however 29 states permit open primaries in which a voter may opt to back a candidate regardless of their nominal affiliation. In this case, strategic voting may take place with, for example, Republicans crossing over to back the perceived weaker Democratic candidate. Primaries first emerged as a result of the so-called progressive movement of the early 20th Century, which argued that leaving the nomination process purely to party bosses was inherently undemocratic.

In it, he took aim at his rival, saying Mr Romney was "attempting to distract from his record of tax and fee increases as governor of Massachusetts, poor job creation, and aggressive pursuit of earmarks", and that Mr Romney's plans did not go far enough.

His editorial followed remarks slamming Mr Romney at the weekend, who Mr Santorum described as "uniquely unqualified" to take on the key issues facing America.
Precarious lead
In recent weeks, Mr Santorum has mounted a strong challenge to Mr Romney in Michigan.

An average of polls in the state compiled by Real Clear Politics shows the former governor clinging to a narrow lead of 1.5%, although he maintains a more comfortable lead in Arizona.

A loss for Mr Romney in either state could establish Mr Santorum as a new frontrunner in the presidential race, correspondents say, and raise questions about Mr Romney's ability to appeal to his party's base.

Mr Santorum sprang an upset in the last round of voting, when he picked up three victories - in Missouri, Minnesota and Colorado - in a single night.

Mr Romney currently has 123 delegates, compared to Mr Santorum's 72, with 1,144 needed to secure the nomination.

Fifty-nine delegates are at stake in Tuesday's primary elections: 29 from Arizona and 30 from Michigan.COPY :

Syria unrest: Death toll passes 7,500, UN says


A woman is comforted at a funeral in Idlib, 25 February 2012 Scores of people have died in the past week alone, activists say
More than 7,500 people have died in Syria since security forces launched a crackdown on dissent last March, a senior United Nations official says.
Under-Secretary-General for political affairs Lynn Pascoe said there were "credible reports" the toll often exceeded 100 civilian deaths per day.
Syrian forces pounded residential areas in Homs and elsewhere, on Tuesday, killing scores, activists reported.
Meanwhile, a UK journalist hurt in Homs last week, was smuggled to safety.
Sunday Times photographer Paul Conroy is reported to be safe and well in Lebanon, but the whereabouts of Frenchwoman Edith Bouvier, who has a broken leg, and two colleagues is unclear.
The four journalists left Homs together but their convoy was shelled and they were separated, said the Avaaz campaign group, which said it co-ordinated the rescue attempt.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy withdrew an earlier statement that Ms Bouvier had reached safety in Lebanon.
The UN's new estimate of the number of deaths came at a meeting of the UN Security Council.
"There are credible reports that the death toll now often exceeds 100 civilians a day, including many women and children," said Lynn Pascoe.
"The total killed so far is certainly well over 7,500 people."
In Washington, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that President Bashar al-Assad fitted the definition of a war criminal.


The confusion surrounding the whereabouts of the wounded French reporter Edith Bouvier - and President Sarkozy's embarrassing admission that he had got it wrong in saying she had crossed safely into Lebanon - illustrate both the complications and the extreme dangers surrounding efforts to bring the trapped Western journalists to safety.
Necessarily, any attempt to extricate them has to be surrounded with secrecy, especially if it involves smuggling them across the Baba Amr battlefront and then the tense and dangerous terrain between Homs and the Lebanese border.
From several accounts, the four journalists came under shellfire as they were trying to escape, and the group got broken up.
The Avaaz group, which played a role in the operation, said many activists died while escorting the journalists.
The whereabouts of the missing three journalists remains unclear, though some relatives and other sources believe they may still be trapped in Baba Amr under shellfire.
She told a Senate hearing that an argument could be made for declaring the Syrian leader a war criminal.
Mrs Clinton added that such an action would complicate the chances of finding a solution to the violence - and tended to make it harder to persuade a leader to stand down.
An emergency meeting of the UN Human Rights Council was also held in Geneva, where commissioner Navi Pillay said atrocities against civilians were being committed.
Syria's representative to the UN, Faysal Khabbaz Hamoui, stormed out of the session, accusing countries of "inciting sectarianism and providing arms".
'Convoy shelled' With no clear word on the fate of Ms Bouvier and her colleagues, campaign group Avaaz said activists had died taking part in the rescue attempt.
Executive director Ricken Patel said the rescue group had been split in two by shelling after leaving Homs, and only Mr Conroy's group had been able to move forward.
Avaaz described the three other journalists - Ms Bouvier, Javier Espinosa from Spain and Frenchman William Daniels - as "unaccounted for".
Mr Conroy was apparently able to walk across the border into Lebanon during the night, but the BBC's Jim Muir in Beirut adds that the more seriously wounded Ms Bouvier would have had to be carried on a stretcher.

Campaign group Avaaz in Syria

  • Says it co-ordinated rescue attempt of Paul Conroy, Edith Bouvier and two other journalists from Homs
  • Has set up a network of citizen journalists and smuggled in foreign journalists
  • Claims to have delivered more than $1.8m of medical equipment to the worst-hit areas
  • Has helped collect and verify information on the scale of the crackdown on dissent
Confusion remains over Ms Bouvier's location.
She and Mr Conroy were both hurt in the attack in which journalists Marie Colvin and Remi Ochlik died. There has been no word on what has happened to their bodies.
Reports on Tuesday said Homs had come under some of its heaviest bombardment yet, with the government sending in units of an elite armoured division into rebel-held districts.
The activists' network the LCC said 65 people were killed on Tuesday. Death tolls remain very hard to verify as media access across the country is tightly restricted.
'Crimes against humanity' The emergency session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) discussed a confidential report delivered by a UN panel of experts that lists Syrian army officers and government officials who could be investigated for crimes against humanity.
Hillary Clinton: Assad 'fits definition' of war criminal
French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe has urged the 47 nations in the council to be prepared to submit a complaint against Syria to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague.
"The task of the council is to express the disgust of the entire world at the odious crimes that the Syrian state is committing against its people," he said.
But the meeting is unlikely to bring about any change from the government in Damascus which is currently fighting for its survival, says Jim Muir.
It is more likely to put pressure on countries such as Russia and China, which have opposed any international action against Syria, he adds.COPY :

China violence: 12 dead in Kashgar city in Xinjiang

Armed police officers at a square in Kashgar, Xijiang province (August 2011) Xinjiang province has had high levels of security since riots in 2009 (file photo)
Chinese state media says 12 people have died in riots near the north-western city of Kashgar in Xinjiang province.
The Xinhua news agency reported that rioters killed 10 people, while police shot dead two of the rioters.
The report gives no detail as to what might have triggered the violence.
Security has been high in the north-western province since riots in 2009 in the capital Urumqi between the Muslim Uighurs, who are the largest ethnic group, and Han Chinese migrants.
Nearly 200 people were killed in that unrest, most of them Han, according to officials.
Uighur grievances Tuesday's violence took place in a market in Yecheng county, according to Xinhua, which says police are still hunting some of the rioters.
Almost half of Xinjiang's residents are Uighurs, Turkic-speaking Muslims with cultural and ethnic links to Central Asia.
Many complain that large-scale migration of Han Chinese workers from the east has cost them jobs and is eroding their culture.
China has invested heavily in Xinjiang and the region's rich oil and gas deposits are vital to its booming economy.
Map of China
Uighur allegations of discrimination and marginalisation have been behind anti-Han and separatist sentiment in Xinjiang since the 1990s.
Further violence broke out in July 2011 and left 32 people dead.
A hostage-taking incident in December led to the death of seven kidnappers - part of a "terror gang," according to Chinese state media.
China claims it faces an organised terrorist threat from radical Muslims in Xinjiang, but Uighur activists say citizens are angry at Beijing's heavy-handed rule in the region.

Senegal's Abdoulaye Wade accepts election run-off

Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade (R) arrives on 27 February 2012 for a public declaration at the presidential palace in Dakar. Analysts say President Abdoulaye Wade will struggle in the second round on 18 March.

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Senegal's leader Abdoulaye Wade has admitted that he will now go to a run-off after failing to win more than 50% in the first round of voting.
"The numbers are clear, we are headed to a second round," his spokesman Amadou Sall said.
Unofficial figures show Mr Wade, 85, is likely to face former Prime Minister Macky Sall in the run-off.
European Union observers have criticised the lack of official results from Sunday's contentious elections.
'Inconceivable' delay Senegal's election commission has yet to release any provisional results, which are being announced by local media as they trickle in from polling stations.
Earlier unofficial results - with more than half of the vote counted - gave Mr Wade 32%, with his closest rival Macky Sall on 25%. There were 12 other candidates.
Analysts say Mr Wade is likely to struggle in the second round, when the field narrows to two candidates.
Mr Wade's bid for a third term has sparked weeks of violent protests, leading to about six deaths.

Abdoulaye Wade vs Macky Sall

President Abdoulaye Wade (l) and Macky Sall (r)
Abdoulaye Wade (left)
  • Age: 85
  • Veteran opposition candidate
  • Finally elected in 2000, promising change
  • Has plans for huge projects to develop Senegal
  • Accused of grooming his son, Karim, to succeed him
Macky Sall (right)
  • Age: 50
  • Mayor of western city of Fatick
  • Former prime minister
  • Fell out with president after summoning Karim Wade to answer questions in parliament
  • Only opposition candidate to run nationwide campaign
Polling day itself was largely peaceful - but the BBC's Umaru Fofana in Dakar says people are now becoming impatient and suspicious that there are no official results.
Election officials previously said provisional results would be available on Tuesday - but then put that back to Friday, saying they were acting within the law.
EU observers have questioned this delay.
"In the internet-era, it is inconceivable that the Senegalese will need to wait until Friday to know the official results,'' the head of the delegation of European parliamentarians, Cristian Dan Preda said.
A second round - due on 18 March - is inevitable, according to foreign observers.
"Any other outcome seems statistically impossible after what we know and hear," EU observer mission chief Thijs Berman said.
Until late on Monday, Mr Wade had been confident that he would be able to get enough votes to win an outright victory.
"To all of my supporters, my allies, my sympathisers, I ask that you remain mobilised," Mr Wade read from a prepared statement as he met reporters for the first time since the elections.
"At this very hour... everything is still possible - victory or a run-off," he said.
Our correspondent says the president also said that he would be opening talks with opposition candidates ahead of the second round.
The president was booed as he cast his vote on Sunday in the capital, Dakar - and he lost in his own constituency in the middle-class Dakar neighbourhood of Point E, Senegal's national APS news agency reports.
Mr Sall, who is running for the first time, told the BBC that it would be "easy" to win in the second round, as he said all opposition candidates had agreed to unite behind whoever emerged as Mr Wade's challenger.
Senegal's constitutional court ruled in January that Mr Wade could stand again on the grounds that his first term had not counted since it began before the two-term limit was introduced in 2001.
Senegal, a former French colony, is seen as a stable democracy with an unbroken series of elections since independence in 1960.
It remains the only West African country where the army has never seized power.

Occupy eviction: St Paul's Cathedral protest displaced

Sleeping protesters Many of the St Paul's protesters have moved to the nearby Finsbury Square camp

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Many anti-capitalist protesters evicted from St Paul's Cathedral have moved to a nearby camp - with one activist warning there is "more to come".

Police and bailiffs evicted Occupy London protesters and removed tents just after midnight.

But hours later many could be seen in Finsbury Square, on the northern edge of the financial district.

There has been a mixed reaction to the eviction from businesses close to the cathedral.

Naba Yogarajah, who runs Portland Food and Wine, said he was relieved the protest had ended because there had been increased shoplifting.

"We had to call the police every night," he said.
'Good message'
Financier David Buik, of BGC Partners, said: "There comes a time when sympathy runs out.

Start Quote

Gentlemen and ladies, it's time to move on”
David Buik Financier

"You can literally come out of the door and say, there's the barometer, it's changed.

"Gentlemen and ladies, it's time to move on."

But James Goodwin, of nearby Repro Copy Printing, said: "I'm a bit sad to see them go.

"I think they did have a good message for everyone and I don't think they caused much trouble for the local community."

Many of the evicted protesters have simply moved to their other less-well known camp in Finsbury Square, about a mile up the road.

They are unlikely to face eviction soon, with Islington Council - which owns the land - yet to begin any legal action.

Paul Randle-Jolliffe, an activist, said: "The intent was to start public debate.

Naba Yogarajah Naba Yogarajah is glad to see the back of the protest

"And there's a lot more to come."

Another Occupy activist, who gave his name only as Phil, said: "What we have achieved has been phenomenal.

"We've pushed the debate into the mainstream. The economic system's been questioned."

Occupy London, which campaigns against corporate greed, set up the camp at St Paul's Cathedral on 15 October.

The campaigners lost a High Court battle which meant the eviction could proceed.

During the wrangle the Rev Giles Fraser resigned as canon chancellor of St Paul's in support of the protesters.

Ed Thornton of the Church Times said after the eviction: "The cathedral really made efforts to reach an amicable solution.

"It's a source of regret for the cathedral that the protesters were forcibly evicted.
'Lofty ambition'
"The cathedral would've liked to have come to a more peaceful resolution."

Harry Cole, a right wing political blogger, had scorn for the protesters.

He said: "Making it through winter was always going to be a lofty ambition for this lot.

"And all they seem to have done is to lose support for their message.

"The tactics they used seemed to put people off joining them."

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