David Cameron's EU review is futile and cynical, says Nigel Farage

David Cameron's EU review is futile and cynical, says Nigel Farage

22 Jul 2013: Ukip leader says first of six reports shows that prime minister intends to maintain Britain's membership 
Ukip leader says first of six reports shows that prime minister intends to maintain Britain's membership
Nigel Farage appearing on This Morning. T
Nigel Farage appearing on This Morning. The UK Independence Party leader called the review a 'PR exercise by the coalition'. Photograph: Ken McKay/Rex
Nigel Farage, the Ukip leader, has accused David Cameron of a "futile and cynical PR exercise" after the first stages of a lengthy review into Britain's relationship with the European Union broadly supported the status quo.
As a leading Tory Eurosceptic called on the prime minister to shake up Britain's EU negotiating team, Farage said on Monday that the review showed that the prime minister aimed to maintain Britain's membership.
"It is a futile and cynical PR exercise by the coalition because it is clear that David Cameron does not really mean it," Farage said after the publication of the first of four reports in the EU balance of competences review.
The coalition launched the review as a result of a compromise between the Tories, who campaigned on a pledge in 2010 to repatriate powers from the EU, and the Liberal Democrats, who believed Britain should try to implement reform in continuing EU negotiations. The review will examine 32 areas over four reports, known as semesters, which will be completed by the autumn of 2014.
The first semester, published covered six areas: the single market, taxation, animal health and welfare and food safety, health, development and foreign policy. It did include some criticisms.
The reports have been compiled by civil servants in the relevant departments. Their work is co-ordinated by Foreign Office officials who report to William Hague and the Europe minister, David Lidington.
The health report highlighted criticism of the working time directive, which imposes a 48-hour week on the NHS.
The report says in its conclusion: "Concerns were raised about specific pieces of legislation, including the Working Time Directive, and a number of themes have emerged with regard to the role of the EU and its impact on health in the UK."
But the health report also concluded that the overall balance in relationship between Britain and the EU was right. It said: "In conclusion, based on the evidence submitted, the current balance of competence between the EU and the UK was considered by stakeholders to be broadly appropriate and that these competences are properly applied but that competence should not be extended further. The definition of health policy, management of health services and medical care and the allocation of resources are all member state competences, and thus matters for the UK.
However, EU activity in areas relating to the single market and public health is recognised to add value in the health sector."
The report on the single market concludes that it had brought economic benefits to Britain and the EU: "Integration has brought to the EU, and hence to the UK, in most if not all observers' opinions, appreciable economic benefits. It has also spread the UK's liberal model of policy-making more widely across the EU."
The report warned, however, that the single market had brought about "burdensome" regulations.
It said: "[The single market] has brought with it constraints on policymaking of varying kinds, and a regulatory framework, which some find difficult to operate within or find burdensome, even if the obligations are not necessarily any greater than would have been imposed nationally.
"Is that trade-off, between cost and benefit, between economics and politics, of overall benefit to the UK?"
Eurosceptics, who argue for Britain to focus more attention on the English- speaking world, received a blow when the Australian foreign minister issued a strong call for Britain to remain in the EU. In a formal submission to the review, Bob Carr wrote: "Australia recognises the UK's strength and resilience and looks forward to seeing it continue as a leading economy and effective power. Strong, active membership of the EU contributes to this."
Sir David Manning, the former British ambassador to Washington, warned that Britain would diminish its influence in the US if it left the EU.
He wrote: "Outside the EU, our influence in Europe would be sharply diminished; but so it would be in the United States. The risk to the UK of leaving the European Union is of a rapid drift into international irrelevance."
Douglas Carswell, a leading Eurosceptic Tory MP, said the reports highlighted the need for Cameron to ensure that Britain's chief negotiator in Brussels is appointed by parliament and has a seat in cabinet.

Carswell said: "It doesn't really bode well for the idea of Dave's new deal. If the people meant to be entering into this new funky renegotiation don't actually think there is much wrong. If I were a Eurocrat sitting at the other end of the negotiating table, I would think the people in front of me clearly don't really believe in this.
"This shows that if the prime minister is really serious about a new deal he needs to take apart and rebuild the UKRep [UK permanent representation to the EU in Brussels] officials in charge. "The head of UKRep needs to be someone directly appointed by him with an approval hearing in parliament and sitting in the cabinet. If you leave it to these Sir Humphreys who drew up this document, the officials on the other side of the table are going to run circles round them.  COPY http://www.guardian.co.uk/

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