Anonymous: We snooped an FBI cybercrime call


(Credit: Screen capture by Martin LaMonica/CNET)
Anonymous today released a recording of a conference call between the FBI and U.K. law enforcement over Anonymous and other online activist groups.
A Twitter message posted earlier this morning from AnonymousIRC handle, says "The #FBI might be curious how we're able to continuously read their internal comms for some time now. #OpInfiltration."
A link to a Youtube video also posted today records a conversation apparently between U.S. and U.K. law enforcement officials discussing people behind specific hacking cases and legal strategies. Real names of individuals are bleeped out, although nicknames are used.
The FBI confirmed to the Associated Press that the call, apparently done in January, "was intended for law enforcement officers only and was illegally obtained."
The hackers were able to obtain an e-mail with details of the scheduled conference call, according to reports. The e-mail of one of the recipients may have been infiltrated.
The purpose of the call was to "discuss the on-going investigations related to Anonymous, Lulzsec, Antisec, and other associated splinter groups," according to an image on the Sophos Naked Security site.

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