Rebels in Syria Claim Control of Resources - Some Movement Is Seen in Syria Peace Talks

Rebels in Syria Claim Control of Oil and Gas Resources

Islamist rebels and extremists are using proceeds from the country’s resources to underwrite their fights against one another and the president, American officials say.

A tank at an oil refinery in Homs Province burned in November. Violence has damaged pipelines and other energy infrastructure in Syria, leaving it dependent on imports from allies.

Rebels in Syria Claim Control of Resources

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A tank at an oil refinery in Homs Province burned in November. Violence has damaged pipelines and other energy infrastructure in Syria, leaving it dependent on imports from allies. European Pressphoto Agency

    BEIRUT, Lebanon — Islamist rebels and extremist groups have seized control of most of Syria’s oil and gas resources, a rare generator of cash in the country’s war-battered economy, and are now using the proceeds to underwrite their fights against one another as well as President Bashar al-Assad, American officials say.
    While the oil and gas fields are in serious decline, control of them has bolstered the fortunes of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, and the Nusra Front, both of which are offshoots of Al Qaeda. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is even selling fuel to the Assad government, lending weight to allegations by opposition leaders that it is secretly working with Damascus to weaken the other rebel groups and discourage international support for their cause.

    Although there is no clear evidence of direct tactical coordination between the group and Mr. Assad, American officials say that his government has facilitated the group’s rise not only by purchasing its oil but by exempting some of its headquarters from the airstrikes that have tormented other rebel groups.

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    The Nusra Front and other groups are providing fuel to the government, too, in exchange for electricity and relief from airstrikes, according to opposition activists in Syria’s oil regions.
    The scramble for Syria’s oil is described by analysts as a war within the broader civil war, one that is turning what was once an essential source of income for Syria into a driving force in a conflict that is tearing the country apart. “Syria is an oil country and has resources, but in the past they were all stolen by the regime,” said Abu Nizar, an antigovernment activist in Deir al-Zour. “Now they are being stolen by those who are profiting from the revolution.”
    He described the situation in his oil-rich province as “overwhelming chaos.”
    The Western-backed rebel groups do not appear to be involved in the oil trade, in large part because they have not taken over any oil fields.
    Syria was once an important supplier of oil to Europe, and attracted international oil companies like Royal Dutch Shell and Suncor to develop its fields. Declining even before the anti-Assad uprising began, the oil industry has taken a beating since, with production down to no more than 80,000 barrels a day at the end of 2013 from about 400,000 barrels a day in 2011. Violence has damaged pipelines and other infrastructure, aggravating energy shortages and leaving the country heavily dependent on imports from its allies.
    As the war has progressed, rebel groups have seized control of the oil and gas fields scattered across the country’s north and east, while Kurdish militias have taken over areas near the border with Iraqi Kurdistan.
    Filling the void left by the government’s withdrawal is a Wild West-like patchwork of local efforts to try to wring any possible profit from the remnants of the oil industry. In some areas, locals have used primitive methods to extract usable products from crude they drain from pipelines or storage tanks, often causing environmental and health problems in their communities.
    Elaborate trade networks have also evolved, with oil being smuggled across borders in plastic jugs and transported by trucks and on donkeys into Iraq and Turkey.
    “The government practically doesn’t control anything anymore,” said Dragan Vuckovic, president of Mediterranean International, an oil service company that operates across the Middle East and North Africa. “The oil is controlled by crooks and extremists. They sell it for a bargain wherever they can find a buyer.”
    Oil has proved to be a boon for the extremists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, who have seized control of most of the oil-rich northern province of Raqqa. The group typically sells crude to middlemen who resell it to the government but sometimes sells it directly to the government, said Omar Abu Laila, a spokesman for the rebels’ Supreme Military Council.

    “Selling the oil brings in more cash, so why not sell it to the regime, which offers higher prices?” he asked.
    An American official said the United States had received multiple credible reports that the Syrian government had purchased crude from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria that was delivered in tanker trucks from areas the group controls to behind Syrian government lines.
    The official also said Mr. Assad’s government had refrained from bombing the group’s headquarters in Raqqa and elsewhere, although their locations are well known and clearly marked with black flags and banners.
    A second American official said that while Mr. Assad’s government is growing ever more desperate for oil, the group is becoming increasingly independent of wealthy donors in the Persian Gulf and other funding sources. As the group has gained control of more territory, it has been able to sustain its operations through a combination of oil revenues, border tolls, extortion and granary sales, the official said.
    While other American officials discounted the possibility of tactical military cooperation between the group and Mr. Assad’s government, they said that Syrian intelligence had almost certainly infiltrated opposition groups, including the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and the Nusra Front, to track their activities.

    “The Syrian regime is as Machiavellian as they come, and there is little it won’t do to hold on to power,” said an American counterterrorism official. “If the regime could strike a tactical accord with an enemy faction to achieve its larger strategic goals, it probably would.”
    Denied access to Syria’s oil regions, Mr. Assad’s government has become increasingly dependent on its foreign allies and imports most of its fuel from Iran and Iraq, while Hezbollah smuggles diesel and gasoline over the border from Lebanon, according to regional oil experts. The opposition also accuses Syria’s Kurds of providing the government with oil.
    While rebel oil revenues are small by world market standards, they can help groups exercise local power as well as finance their operations.
    “Even sold at discounted prices, this oil could be generating significant revenue for rebels to arm themselves,” said Badr H. Jafar, chairman of Crescent Petroleum, a regional oil and gas company based in the United Arab Emirates.
    The politics of the local oil trade can be complex, insiders say. When the Nusra Front and other rebel groups took over a natural gas facility in the northern province of Hasaka, they sought to cut the supply to a government facility, said Amer Abdy, a local activist.
    But local tribal leaders objected, saying that would simply invite government airstrikes to destroy the plant. So they brokered a deal to keep a limited amount of gas flowing so the area would not be bombed, Mr. Abdy said.
    When the government first withdrew from the oil fields of Deir al-Zour Province in the country’s east, said Abu Nizar, an activist there, rebel brigades and local tribes took control of wells and sold or tried to refine whatever oil they could extract to buy arms. Recently, however, most of the area’s rebel brigades have left the administration of the wells to an Islamic legal commission set up to run local affairs, he said.
    One facility the group controls is a natural gas plant that feeds a major power station near Homs that is still controlled by the government.
    “We can’t cut off the gas because it would lead to a power cut in a large part of Syria,” Abu Nizar said, adding that he hoped the new commission would effectively manage the area’s resources.
    “Let’s be honest. Some of the wells were used to arm the rebels and to fund aid operations,” he said, “but unfortunately the majority were robbed and exploited by thieves.”
    Ben Hubbard reported from Beirut, Eric Schmitt from Washington, and Clifford Krauss from Houston. Michael R. Gordon contributed reporting from Washington.
    European Pressphoto Agency
    A tank at an oil refinery in Homs Province burned in November. Violence has damaged pipelines and other energy infrastructure in Syria, leaving it dependent on imports from allies.
    Islamist rebels and extremists are using oil and gas proceeds to underwrite their fights against one another as well as President Bashar al-Assad, American officials said.


















    Some Movement Is Seen in Syria Peace Talks

    A spokesman for the opposition said government representatives have discussed the creation of a transitional government.

      GENEVA — After days of deadlock and dispute, Syrian peace talks appeared to inch forward on Wednesday when a spokesman for the opposition said the Syrian government had agreed to negotiate within a framework that calls for it to give way to a transitional government.
      The spokesman, Louay Safi, spoke to reporters after emerging from a two-hour morning meeting with the delegation representing President Bashar al-Assad at the United Nations headquarters here. He said the talks had made “a positive step forward, because for the first time now we are talking about the transitional governing body.”
      The two sides were scheduled to meet separately in the afternoon with Lakhdar Brahimi, the special United Nations envoy for Syria. Talks involving both delegations were scheduled to continue on Thursday and Friday, when the opposition intends to discuss issues like the size and responsibilities of a transitional government, Mr. Safi said.

      The Syrian government delegates in Geneva did not immediately comment, but Mr. Safi’s remarks received some corroboration from Syrian state television. It said, according to Reuters, that the government side had announced its “full readiness” to discuss “paragraph by paragraph” the framework for the talks, which was set out in the communiqué issued at the end of the first Geneva conference on Syria.

      Crisis in Syria

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      That appeared to represent an advance from the position staked out by the Syrian foreign minister, Walid Muallem, when the current conference opened in Montreux last week. At that time, Mr. Muallem said the focus of the talks should be on the Syrian opposition’s “terrorism,” and he dismissed any idea of transferring power. It was not immediately evident whether the government’s reported shift was one of tone or of substance.
      “They seemed to be more ready to discuss the issue” of a transitional government, Mr. Safi said of the Assad delegates. But he acknowledged that pitfalls still lie ahead. And he said the government’s negotiators still wanted to “change the order of the discussion in a way that will make the talks not successful.”
      The two sides have apparently not made any progress so far on humanitarian issues related to the conflict, like prisoner exchanges or getting aid supplies to the besieged residents of the Old City section of Homs.
      The desperation there of civilians, who have been largely cut off for more than a year, was detailed in a videotaped appeal posted online this week by Father Francis, the patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Church. “We, Muslims and Christians, live in hard conditions and suffer from a lot of problems, the biggest of which is hunger — people cannot find food,” he is heard to say in the video, speaking in Arabic with English subtitles. “We do not want to die out of pain and hunger.”
      International aid workers in the region said they were worried that the attention being paid in Geneva to the Homs situation was obscuring the plight of Syrians trapped in other areas besieged by either government or opposition forces. The United Nations lists seven such areas in which a total of about 250,000 people are trapped.
      As he prepared to board a van after discussing the state of the Geneva talks with a throng of reporters, Mr. Safi, the opposition spokesman, appeared to retreat a bit from his initial optimism. “These negotiations are going to be very tough,” Mr. Safi said. “The other party is apparently not willing to give in to the demands of the Geneva communiqué.”


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