Proposed pay rise for MPs unacceptable, says David Cameron

Proposed pay rise for MPs unacceptable, says David Cameron

11 Dec 2013: PM hints he could scrap Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority if it does not rethink planned increase 
PM hints he could scrap Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority if it does not rethink planned increase
David Cameron
David Cameron in the Commons. Photograph: PA
David Cameron has ruled out allowing a "simply unacceptable" £8,000 pay rise for MPs and demanded that the independent watchdog thinks again about its proposals.
The prime minister hinted that he could be prepared to scrap the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (Ipsa) if it did not abandon its plan for an 11% increase in MPs' salaries.
There is mounting anxiety in Westminster that Ipsa, which was set up in the aftermath of the expenses scandal of 2009, this week will recommend an increase from around £66,000 to £74,000 after the next election.
Cameron joined Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, in condemning the proposals at a time when the pay rises of public sector workers such as nurses, teachers and civil servants have been limited to less than 1% a year for the whole of this parliament.
The prime minister said in the House of Commons: "I think it would be wrong for MPs to get a big pay rise at a time of public sector pay restraint. All three party leaders agree on that, we have all made that point to Ipsa. I think we should be clear that what they have said is not a final recommendation.
"Let me briefly make three points. First, the idea of an 11% pay rise in one year at a time of pay restraint is simply unacceptable. Secondly, Ipsa do need to think again and unless they do so, I don't think anyone will want to rule anything out. No one wants to go back to MPs voting on their own pay but we have got to have a process and an outcome that can build public confidence. Third, in my view, I think this should all be accompanied with a cut in the cost of politics."
Previously Downing Street has said the issue of MPs' pay "does not arise" until 2015 as there will be a review of Ipsa's recommendation in the first year of the next parliament. However, Miliband has called for cross-party talks on the issue and warned Cameron not to kick it into the long grass.
"I hope you agree with me that waiting and seeing won't work and we do have to get together to deal with this," Miliband said. "The reason why this is not the right time for this pay rise is because most people are going through the biggest cost of living crisis in a generation."
Over the weekend Philip Hammond, the defence secretary, publicly rejected the idea of a big salary increase, saying there would be a cabinet-wide decision to reject higher pay. Danny Alexander, the Lib Dem chief secretary to the Treasury, said the proposed increase was "utterly incomprehensible".
However, a number of Tory backbenchers are campaigning for the increase to be accepted. On Sunday Sir Peter Bottomley, a Conservative MP, said his colleagues should accept Ipsa's ruling.
"Each leader will say this is the wrong amount at the wrong time. The fact is, it was the leaders who set up the Ipsa system who are given the responsibility to set the level of pay and people can't interfere with it," he said. "The only way MPs could overturn this is to defy their leaders and pass a law saying Ipsa is abolished or it will be ignored. That's impractical given the public interest in setting up Ipsa in the first place."
Ipsa was created after the MPs' expenses scandal because it was thought that it was best for MPs to lose the right to set the level of their own pay and expenses. MPs have no power to block the increase unless they pass legislation tearing up the whole Ipsa framework.
Cameron's rejection of Ipsa's likely recommendation was met with a frosty silence from his backbenchers in the Commons. Peter Lilley, a Conservative MP and former minister, suggested Cameron should revive boundary reforms blocked by the Liberal Democrats if he really wanted to bring down the cost of politics. This could allow for fewer, better-paid MPs. 

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