Jeremy Bernard makes sure White House events like the state dinner for the British prime minister are suitably elegant. Right, the place settings.

White Gloves Not Needed

From left: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/Associated Press, Charles Dharapak/Associated Press
Jeremy Bernard makes sure White House events like the state dinner for the British prime minister are suitably elegant.  Right, the place settings.




SOME months after Jeremy Bernard became the first man and openly gay person to be the White House social secretary, he visited an assisted living center in suburban Maryland. There, he and Letitia Baldrige, the 86-year-old legendary social secretary of the Kennedy administration, spent what Mrs. Baldrige fondly remembers as a convivial hour and a half over a French white wine chatting about guest lists and other secrets of the job.
Mrs. Baldrige said she also offered Mr. Bernard an important piece of advice: “Keep your mouth shut.”
And so he has.
Now more than a year into what has become a massive event-planning job for the most famous couple in the world, Mr. Bernard, 50, has played a crucial but largely silent role managing some of the biggest, showiest parties in the history of the White House. He has overseen hundreds of events, from this month’s Easter Egg Roll for a record 35,000 participants — Mr. Bernard kept watch from the sidelines, jauntily chewing gum in dark sunglasses — to a stampede of Christmas celebrations to three state dinners. At the most recent one, in honor of Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain, 362 guests, including celebrities like George Clooney and Elizabeth McGovern, dined on the South Lawn in what the White House called a “tent” but was in fact a mammoth pavilion theatrically lighted in magenta hues, with orbs of green hydrangeas rising up from the tables on pedestal vases. Mr. Bernard had contracted out the décor to Rafanelli Events, the planner behind Chelsea Clinton’s wedding and events for clients like Giorgio Armani and Bain Capital.
It is safe to say that he is a long way from the white-gloved days of Mrs. Baldrige or even Muffie Brandon Cabot, who as one of Nancy Reagan’s social secretaries proclaimed a “tablecloth crisis” in the White House and mended a tear in one herself. Mr. Bernard, who raised tens of millions of dollars in Los Angeles gay circles for Mr. Obama in 2008, has moved the position further into the realm of the corporate as he carries out the Obamas’ vision: big celebrations that bypass large swaths of the Washington establishment but open up the White House to youth, military families and, in 2012, big contributors to the president’s re-election campaign.
Known for his affable social skills, particularly among the tight sorority of former White House social secretaries that has embraced him — “He fits in beautifully,” said Amy Zantzinger, a social secretary in the George W. Bush White House — it is Mr. Bernard’s fund-raising and political skills that matter now. During this election year, he is making sure that many of the White House guests are political donors, as well.
In a city where White House guest lists are dissected like WikiLeaks cables, insiders have already seen the hand of Mr. Bernard in the presence at the dinner for Mr. Cameron of nearly four dozen “bundlers,” or people who solicit campaign checks for Mr. Obama from their friends and associates. Mr. Bernard has at the same time become an important White House gatekeeper for prominent gay people, one of Mr. Obama’s most important but impatient constituencies, which remains frustrated that the president opposes gay marriage (Mr. Obama has said his views are “evolving”). In recent months, the president has turned more and more to gay men and women in search of new veins of large campaign donations, particularly after antagonizing Wall Street, a traditional but now less fruitful source of cash.
Many of the bundlers at the dinner for Mr. Cameron were friends of Mr. Bernard, among them Chad H. Griffin, the incoming president of the Human Rights Campaign, a national gay advocacy group. (Mr. Griffin and his date, Jerome Fallon, got a seat with the Obamas at the head table.) Other bundler friends of Mr. Bernard at the dinner included Dana Perlman, a Los Angeles lawyer who is on the board of the Human Rights Campaign and who brought his husband, Hugh Kinsellagh.
“I doubt he put anybody on that list just because they were friends,” said a friend of Mr. Bernard who is an advocate for gay issues in Washington and who asked not to be identified talking about what he considered the sensitive topic of political donors and the White House. “But he made very astute political calculations that were in the best interest of the president’s future.”


Equally noticeable were the gay couples at ease enough at the state dinner for Mr. Cameron to walk hand in hand past the cameras set up for guest arrivals — an evolution in attitudes and etiquette that Mr. Bernard’s friends partly credit to him.
“He has had an impact on the obvious, which is the comfort of people who he needs to support the president in the next election,” said Steve Clemons, a foreign policy blogger and the director of the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation, who is an acquaintance of Mr. Bernard.
By all accounts, Mr. Bernard has excelled at another part of his job, which is remaining in a media deep freeze after the messy departure of the Obamas’ first social secretary, Desirée Rogers, a stylish, camera-cozy Harvard M.B.A. who was blamed when a pair of aspiring television reality stars crashed her maiden state dinner. (A second social secretary, Julianna Smoot, left after 10 months to become a deputy manager for the Obama re-election campaign.)
Under orders from an East Wing nervous about another Desirée-like debacle, he has turned down all requests for interviews. In a year in the job, he is not known to have spoken to a single reporter, at least not while on duty or on the record. Occasionally he can be spotted at White House events — at last year’s Easter Egg Roll he was seen walking and chatting with Mr. Obama, and at this year’s he had a big hello for Valerie Jarrett, a senior White House adviser — but such sightings are rare.
Mr. Bernard is by no means a recluse, however. In recent months he has turned up at the media-heavy Washington premiere of the HBO film “Game Change;” at  a book party at the Georgetown home of Gahl Burt, a social secretary in the Reagan White House; and at a black-tie dinner for the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center. (He was wearing Valentino, he told Women’s Wear Daily, adding “Thank you for asking.”)  
“He knows the scene here,” Mr. Clemons said.
Mr. Bernard’s social outreach has extended to the former White House social secretaries, who were invited to lunch in the White House last fall. Everyone told off-the-record war stories, Michelle Obama dropped by to say hello, and Mr. Bernard sent them all home with bouquets.
“I adore him,” Ms. Burt said. “He seems totally to get it.”
JEREMY BERNARD grew up in San Antonio as the son of a lawyer, Herschel Bernard, who did civil rights work and raised money for the presidential campaigns of Robert F. and Edward M. Kennedy. The young Mr. Bernard headed east to Hunter College in New York but never graduated, moved to Los Angeles, waited tables and met David Mixner, a gay rights leader who soon became his mentor and helped him raise money for Bill Clinton’s first presidential run.
In the 1990s, Mr. Bernard went to work for Marc Nathanson, a billionaire cable-television executive. “Jeremy is very social,” Mr. Nathanson told The Daily Beast last year. “There was never a party he did not like to go to.”
By 2007 Mr. Bernard and Rufus Gifford, his partner at the time, began bundling what would be tens of millions of dollars for candidate Obama through their consulting firm, B & G Associates. After the election Mr. Bernard was rewarded with the job of White House liaison to the National Endowment of the Humanities, where his lack of a college degree would seem to have posed a problem.
“I thought it might, and I was proven totally wrong,” said Jim Leach, the endowment’s chairman. Instead, Mr. Bernard “would give these reports, and he would have these somewhat stolid academics in the palm of his hand with cute observations.”

After two years Mr. Bernard crossed the Atlantic to help the American ambassador to France and a friend from Los Angeles, Charles H. Rivkin, dial up the wattage at embassy soirees in Paris. He had barely settled in before he was summoned back to Washington to tackle parties at the White House. By then he had broken up with Mr. Gifford, who is now the finance director for the Obama campaign.



He was hailed in the press as a “historic choice,” but friends said he was also an exotic one for Washington.
“Forget about the fact that he’s male and gay, it’s more that he’s top-to-bottom Dolce & Gabbana and wildly flirtatious,” said an acquaintance of Mr. Bernard who is active in the capital’s Democratic fund-raising circles, and who did not want to be identified discussing Mr. Bernard’s personality for fear of offending him. “He definitely adds a little bit of sizzle to a position that traditionally has been about which set of china are we using.”
In contracting out to Rafanelli Events, Mr. Bernard is stepping up a practice begun by Ms. Smoot. Rafanelli, which features photographs of a bat mitzvah and “love ball” among its work on its Web site, likes to project light stencils called gobos as part of its décor. (For a state dinner last fall for the president of South Korea, the event planner projected stencils of autumn leaves all over the East Room ceiling.)
“Rafanelli loves gobos,” said Eddie Gehman Kohan, who chronicles the East Wing on Obama Foodorama, her Web site.
If Mr. Bernard’s (and the Obamas’) large-scale state dinners are not to everyone’s taste, they do hew roughly along modern partisan lines: Democrats, who promote themselves as the inclusive party of the “big tent,” have state dinners so large they require a literal one (Obama and Clinton especially); Republicans, who don’t see the point in inviting people to the White House if they’re going to be fed on the lawn, hold them to 120 guests to fit in the neoclassical confines of the State Dining Room (Reagan and Bush I and II).
There are, of course, many exceptions.
“My own personal viewpoint is that those dinners for 500 people in a tent are for the birds,” Mrs. Baldrige told Vanity Fair for an article about Ms. Rogers and White House state dinners in 2010.
Nonetheless, Mrs. Baldrige proclaimed herself pleased with her successor, and still pleased Mr. Bernard paid a call.
“I was so eager to help him, and he was so eager to receive my help,” she said. Then she added quickly: “Although, of course, he didn’t need it.”        COPY :

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