Looking presidential: The optics of leadership during a disaster

October 29, 2012 -- Updated 2205 GMT (0605 HKT)
President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney revise their campaign schedules, mindful of unseemliness in the midst of a crisis. 

Looking presidential: The optics of leadership during a disaster

By Halimah Abdullah, CNN
October 29, 2012 -- Updated 2205 GMT (0605 HKT)
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Obama hurricane warning: 'Please listen'

  • Hurricane Sandy will impact several states key to the 2012 presidential race
  • Obama cancels several events to return to the White House
  • Romney shifts his focus to campaigning in Ohio, and makes staff available for storm relief
(CNN) -- With Hurricane Sandy slamming the East Coast, President Barack Obama discarded campaign events in Florida and Virginia to return to Washington and address the nation from the White House. Meanwhile, Gov. Mitt Romney adjusted his schedule to hit the battleground state of Ohio, while directing his campaign resources in Virginia and New Hampshire to focus on storm relief.
The candidates are seeking to balance the real threat of a killer storm against the need to squeeze out any last-minute advantages on the campaign trail.
For the next few days, routine campaigning may take a back seat. This week, it may all be about who can behave the most presidential.
David Gergen, a professor of public service at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, said President Obama did the right thing to return to Washington as the storm approached.
"People will claim he did it for political reasons, but I believe he deserves the benefit of any doubts. He did exactly what he should be doing as president," said Gergen, who is also a CNN contributor. "That is part of the job. Presidents are expected to lead in a time of crisis."
The candidates are treading carefully in dealing with the storm's political fallout. Both the president and Romney canceled more than a dozen campaign events since Saturday so as not to appear insensitive, chew up resources and otherwise get in the way of storm preparations.
And early on, the optics may favor Obama, said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia's Center for Politics.
"The more people affected by this storm by the end, the better the response the better Obama is going to look," Sabato said. "The worse the response ... the worse he's going to look. This presidential moment could help or hurt him."
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How Romney, Obama adjust to storm
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Obama administration officials have stressed that they are being proactive in ensuring the Federal Emergency Management Agency is ready to aid the millions of people who will are likely to be affected by the huge storm bearing down on the East Coast. On Sunday, the president was briefed by FEMA in Washington on disaster preparations. And on Monday, he canceled a campaign event in Orlando to return to the White House and address the nation on the storm.
"This is going to be a big storm, it's going to be a difficult storm," Obama said from the briefing room Monday, with the blue oval seal of the White House just a few feet behind him. "The great thing about America is that when we go through tough times like this, we all pull together."
Romney, during a campaign event Monday in Ohio, was also turning his focus to the storm and those affected.
"I want to mention that our hearts and prayers are with all the people in the storm's path," he told an overflow crowd in Avon Lake, Ohio. "Sandy is another devastating hurricane by all accounts, and a lot of people are going to be facing some real tough times as a result of Sandy's fury."
Romney called off a Monday night campaign event in Wisconsin, and sent vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan in his place to another one in Florida. But his continued campaigning in Ohio may not be seen as a issue.
"As long as he is in states where weather is not a problem, I don't see any problem with him campaigning," added Gergen, who is also the director of the Center for Public Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School. "He really has no role in trying to deal with this storm."
Obama also canceled trips Monday and Tuesday to the swing states of Florida and Colorado, far beyond the reach of Hurricane Sandy.
A shrewd move, political experts say.
"As voters, particularly those who are undecided, deliberate over whom they should support, they will watch Obama as he navigates through the storm and the post-storm clean-up," wrote Julian Zelizer, a professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University. "The crisis offers an opportunity for him to act presidential in a way for which some voters are thirsting and to demonstrate the kind of command that has often been lacking."
Obama's very visible posture is in stark contrast to his predecessor.
President George W. Bush's administration was widely criticized for failing to act in a timely manner during Hurricane Katrina.
"Presidents for a generation or two will remember the Bush disaster with Katrina," Sabato said. "Presidents and their staffs go out of their way to avoid another Katrina happening to their president."
Similarly, when Sen. John McCain rushed back to Washington in 2008 at the height of the banking meltdown, effectively "suspending" his presidential campaign against Obama because of the "historic crisis in our financial system," the move was seen as odd and impulsive at a time when steady leadership was needed.
On the other hand, Obama's handling of the financial crisis -- appearing masterful while McCain appeared confused, marked a turning point in the 2008 presidential race, political experts say.
Both campaigns are keenly aware of how it looked.
Optics are tricky, said one top Republican who added the schedule may change depending on what the storm does. A disaster somewhere would make campaigning anywhere difficult.
But at least one Republican found the president's quick return to D.C. interesting.
"You notice that he's canceling his trips over the hurricane. He didn't cancel his trips over Benghazi," former GOP presidential candidate and ex-House Speaker Newt Gingrich said on ABC's "This Week."
Meanwhile Romney quickly dialed back heavy campaigning and steered clear of pontificating on recovery efforts.
"Romney can't do anything but express concern," Sabato said, adding that the GOP presidential hopeful would look callous otherwise.
The Romney campaign says it's mobilizing the campaign bus in Virginia to deliver storm relief supplies.
"I know that right now some people in the country are a little nervous about a storm about to hit the coast," Romney said. "And our thoughts and prayers are with the people who will find themselves in harm's way."
Still, next week's election is always there, even as heavy rain and winds begin to pound New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and the Eastern Seaboard.
And experts disagree about whether it will ultimately have an impact on the outcome of the election.
"My sense is that it is going to be a wash," said Gergen, who has taught a course on presidential leadership at Harvard and served under four presidents from both parties. "It won't change the outcome."
Back in the White House briefing room, a reporter was able to get in one question about whether Obama was worried about the storm's impact on the election.
"I am not worried at this point on the impact on the election. I'm worried about the impact on families, I'm worried about the impact on our first responders, I'm worried about the impact on our economy," said the president. "The election will take care of itself next week."
CNN's Kevin Bohn, Candy Crowley, Kevin Liptak, Gregory Wallace, Ashley Killough, Rachel Streitfeld, Shannon Travis, Jim Acosta and Steve Brusk contributed to this report. COPY  http://edition.cnn.com

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