Salmond bounces back: SNP leader crushes weak Darling in second TV debate and pulls his dream of Scottish independence back from the brink

Salmond bounces back: SNP leader crushes weak Darling in second TV debate and pulls his dream of Scottish independence back from the brink

Mr Salmond easily won the crunch debate, according to a snap poll. Some 71 per cent of voters said the SNP leader was the victor. Just 29 per cent thought Mr Darling had won the contest. The victory is a dramatic turn around for Mr Salmond who was left flailing earlier this month after Mr Darling challenged him over the economy and the future of the pound. 

Salmond bounces back: SNP leader crushes weak Darling in second TV debate and pulls his dream of Scottish independence back from the brink

  • First Minister and ex-Chancellor took part in live 90 minute debate on BBC
  • Voters to decide Scotland's fate in historic referendum on September 18
  • Snap Guardian/ICM poll showed 71% of voters thought Salmond had won 
  • Up to half a million people are still undecided with just weeks to go
  • Pair clashed over the future of the pound in an independent Scotland
  • Mr Darling admitted Scotland could use sterling without the UK's permission
  • SNP leader Mr Salmond accepted Scotland could adopt other currencies
  • Debate descended into slanging match after Mr Salmond went on attack
Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond last night crushed Alistair Darling in the second independence debate - just three weeks before the country goes to the polls on September 18.
Mr Salmond easily won the contest according to a snap poll. Some 71 per cent of voters said the SNP leader was the victor. Just 29 per cent thought Mr Darling had won the contest.
Last night's victory is a dramatic turn around for Mr Salmond who was left flailing earlier this month after Mr Darling successfully challenged him over the economy and the future of the pound.
But last night Mr Salmond came armed with a number of currency options for an independent Scotland, but insisted keeping the pound was the best. Mr Darling meanwhile was left repeating his criticism that Mr Salmond had not offered a plan B if Westminster stopped Scotland using sterling.
While Mr Salmond emerged the clear winner, his aggressive debating style left many viewers unhappy. At one point the pair were repeatedly shouting over each other to be heard.
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Alex Salmond (right)  and Alistair Darling (left) clashed in last night's heated live television debate on the BBC
Alex Salmond (right) and Alistair Darling (left) clashed in last night's heated live television debate on the BBC
Scotland's First Minister  want on the attack, accusing Mr Darling of being a 'one trick pony' by brining up the future of the pound
Scotland's First Minister want on the attack, accusing Mr Darling of being a 'one trick pony' by brining up the future of the pound
Former Labour Chancellor Mr Darling was put on the backfoot by Mr Salmond after the SNP leader offered a number of alternative currency options to the pound
Former Labour Chancellor Mr Darling was put on the backfoot by Mr Salmond after the SNP leader offered a number of alternative currency options to the pound
The Scottish First Minister went on the attack immediately - questioning what would happen to the NHS, welfare and oil under Tory rule from London after 2015.
Mr Salmond also claimed the former Labour Chancellor had made the ‘biggest revelation’ in the independence debate so far after he admitted Scotland could use the pound without the rest of the UK’s permission after independence.
But Mr Darling said this would leave Scotland at the mercy of a ‘foreign country’ telling it how much it could spend like Eurozone countries which have to get their budgets signed off in Brussels.
Mr Salmond also admitted for the first time that there were other options for Scotland than keeping the pound.
He said: ‘I'm looking for a mandate to share sterling in a currency union.’ But he added: ‘There are other options for Scotland.’
However Mr Darling said: ‘The thing about a currency union is both sides have to agree to it. We are talking about a huge risk if we assume it’s going to fall into line.
‘It’s not a matter for Alex Salmond what the alternative is. If it’s the Panama model I want to know. If it’s the Euro I don’t want that either. I want to know what plan B is.’
But after being pressed by Mr Salmond he admitted: ‘We could us the pound.’
First Minister Alex Salmond gets his make-make up during an interval in the second television debate last night
First Minister Alex Salmond gets his make-make up during an interval in the second television debate last night
Former Chancellor Alistair Darling was left reeling after Mr Salmond went all out attack
Former Chancellor Alistair Darling was left reeling after Mr Salmond went all out attack
Mr Salmond said: ‘Alistair admitted we could use the pound anyway. They cannot stop us using the pound – the most important revelation in this debate.’
The pair also clashed over North Sea oil and the NHS.
The SNP leader said every other country in Europe would give their ‘eye teeth’ for North Sea oil.
But Mr Darling said: ‘Once it’s gone it’s gone. What I don’t want to see is my country so dependent on something that is so volatile.’
He added: ‘He is asking us to take his word on everything. ‘We need answers to tonight, right here right now. Are we going to place all our bets on Alex Salmond alone being right?’
Mr Darling said: ‘This is a decision for which there is no turning back.’
But Mr Salmond said: ‘This is an extraordinary time for us all. The eyes of the world and, indeed, focus is on Scotland.’ He added: There is much far too much, far too much, that is still controlled in Westminster. We couldn't stop the bedroom tax, we couldn't stop illegal wars.’
He added: ‘Three weeks on Thursday we can take things back to Scottish hands. Absolutely no-one, non-one, can run the affairs of Scotland better than the people of Scotland.’
Mr Salmond added: ‘This is our time, it’s our moment, let us do it now.’
The audience loudly cheered on a number of occasions after Mr Salmond attacked the Labour MP's arguments
The audience loudly cheered on a number of occasions after Mr Salmond attacked the Labour MP's arguments
Mr Darling, the leader of the Better Together campaign, looked ruffled after the debate
Mr Darling, the leader of the Better Together campaign, looked ruffled after the debate
The debate descended into an ugly slanging match during a section in which the pair were able to interrogate each other.
Mr Salmond adopted an aggressive strategy – consistently interrupting his opponent – sparking accusations that his tone could put off voters.
Tory MP Conor Burns said: 'Salmond's bullying and hectoring tone towards Darling may explain why more women are voting No. Very unattractive debating style. No humour.'
Mr Darling chose to question the SNP leader about the currency. Mr Salmond said: ‘I’ve heard of one-trick ponies, but this is the most extraordinary thing tonight.’
Scotland’s First Minister said he had given him three plan Bs, but would fight to keep the pound. He said Scotland could adopt currencies like the Scandinavian states like Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
He added: ‘You admitted it earlier we could be stopped from falling using the pound.’
But Mr Darling said the SNP leader was not giving a straight answer. He said Mr Salmond was not telling the Scottish voters which option he would prefer if Westminster rejected a currency union.
Lib Dem Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander backed Mr Darling. On Twitter he wrote: ‘Darling right Salmond refusing to give a straight answer on currency, on oil, on public services - SNP plans don't add up.’
The debate between the former Labour Chancellor Darling and Mr Salmond (right) descended into an ugly slanging match
The Scottish rivals greeted each other amicably at the start of the second TV debate in Glasgow but soon exchanged strong words
The Scottish rivals greeted each other amicably at the start of the second TV debate in Glasgow but soon exchanged strong words
Last night's debate, just three weeks next month's referendum, was being touted beforehand as Mr Salmond’s ‘last opportunity’ to convince Scots to back independence.
More than 700,000 postal voters – nearly a fifth of Scotland's electorate – will receive their ballots tomorrow, ahead of the September 18 referendum.
A recent poll of polls found 57 per cent of Scots will vote No to independence on September 18, while 43 per cent plan to vote Yes.
The leaders' first live debate on August 5 was widely seen as a victory for Mr Darling, after the former Chancellor cornering the SNP leader over Scotland’s future currency.
Last night's 90-minute event was held at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow in front of an audience of 200 people selected by polling and research consultancy ComRes.
Beforehand, Prof John Curtice of Stratchlyde University said Mr Salmond had to land significant blows – or see his dream of independence vanish.


A Nobel Prize winning economist who was chairman of US president Bill Clinton's council of economic advisers, said a currency union between an independent Scotland and the rest of the UK could work, as he dismissed the refusal of the main Westminster parties to agree to such a deal as ‘bluffs’.
Professor Joseph Stiglitz said: ‘One of the things as an outsider I've looked at the debate, particularly from the No side, I've been a little bit shocked how much of it is based on fear, trying to get anxiety levels up and how little of it has been based on vision.
‘There is a vision on the Yes side that I see - what would an independent Scotland be like, what could it do that it can't do now.’
Regarding the rejection of a currency union by the Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats, he said: ‘For the most part these are bluffs.’
The economics expert told the Edinburgh International Book festival that if there was a Yes vote on September 18, there would have to be talks between Scotland and the rest of the UK.
‘People are going to be looking at what is in the best interests of the each of the two parties and there will be a negotiation. I think inevitably they are bluffing.’
He argued currency union could work, saying: ‘If you look at the statistics for the similarities of Scotland and England they are sufficiently similar that a currency area could work, that's what the Fiscal Commission recommended.’
He said: 'With the Yes side still behind in the polls and postal voting forms about to land on doormats, the encounter will be [Mr Salmond's] last opportunity to get his message across to a mass audience.'
Mr Salmond has been under sustained pressure to reveal his ‘Plan B’ if Westminster blocks his preferred option of keeping the pound in a currency union with the remainder of the UK.
The First Minister has dismissed this as pre-referendum posturing, and insisted Scotland will keep the pound ‘come what may’.
Ahead of the debate the ‘Yes’ campaign went on the attack over the threat to Scotland’s public services by staying in the UK.
The SNP wants to convince voters that only independence can protect Scotland from further austerity and privatisation.
In an interview in the Guardian, Scotland’s deputy first minister Nicola Sturgeon said: ‘A few months after the referendum we may find ourselves waking up to another five years of a Conservative government that we didn't vote for.'
She said the next Tory government would be ‘intent on implementing further cuts and austerity that will hit our public services and hit the most vulnerable in our society’.
Ms Sturgeon added that Scotland would also be ‘looking at the prospect of an in/out EU referendum that runs the risk of Scotland being taken out of the European Union against our will’.
She said: ‘The key thing if we don't vote yes is that all these key decisions that shape our future will be taken not by us but by Westminster as we are left on the sidelines complaining and wishing it were different.’
Last week the Scottish government's health secretary Alex Neil accused Mr Darling of being ‘defender-in-chief of Tory cuts’.
But a Better Together spokesman said: ‘The biggest threat to our public services in Scotland, like our schools and our NHS, is the £6 billion extra spending cuts the impartial experts at the Institute for Fiscal Studies say would be needed if we vote for separation. The reality is that independence would mean austerity plus.’
Gordon Brown last week unveiled new research showing that each Scot currently receives £200 more in health care spending a year than the average Englishman.
‘The only person who could privatise the NHS in Scotland today is actually Alex Salmond,’ the former Labour leader told party activists during a speech in Glasgow.
Last year Scottish health care spending was the equivalent of £2,116 per person – far higher than the £1,912 in England and £1,964 in Wales, figures showed.
Furthermore, Scotland in total receives around £950 million more towards health care than it would if the allocation was worked out by population share. 

RECAP: How Darling left Salmond reeling in round one after landing blow over the future of the pound


YOU MIGHT BE WRONG: 'I want you to do something that is really difficult. I want you to contemplate for one minute you might be wrong'
STUPIDITY ON STILTS'A currency union is stupidity on stilts. If you leave the United Kingdom you leave the pound. What is your plan B if you don't get a currency union.'
IRELAND AND ICELAND ARE BUST: 'If Scotland had been independent at the time it would have been in exactly the same position as Ireland and Iceland.'
In the last debate the Scottish First Minister took a pounding over how his dream of independence would work in practice.
Mr Salmond was widely considered to have lost in the battle with Mr Darling after floundering when questioned about a future currency and labelled 'snide' by audience members.
Better Together leader Mr Darling shed his reputation for being dull to go on the attack.
Mr Darling branded plans to keep the pound 'stupidity on stilts' and accused the Yes campaign of using figures based on 'guess work, blind faith and crossed fingers'.
Mr Salmond repeatedly complained that independence was the only way to prevent a future Tory government while Mr Darling insisted Scotland was stronger as part of the UK.
A snap exit poll by ICM for the Guardian of more than 500 viewers found that 56 per cent believed Mr Darling won, with just 44 per cent backing the SNP leader. 


Sir Sean Connery
Sir Sean Connery
Actor Sir Sean Connery: 'The people of Scotland are the best guardians of their own future'.
Actor Alan Cumming : 'The world is waiting for us. I know Scotland is ready.''
The Proclaimers: 'Scotland has huge national resources, with its people, its wave power – all the possibilities that this country has...we need to take charge of our own affairs'
Comedian Kevin Bridges: 'If the referendum was tomorrow, I'd probably vote yes.'
David Bowie
David Bowie
David Bowie: 'Scotland, stay with us.'
Singer Rod Stewart : 'I'd hate to see the Union broken after all these years — and I don't think it will happen.'
Cyclist Sir Chris Hoy said: 'I've said numerous times how proud I am to be Scottish and how proud I have been to compete for Britain too. I don't think these two things necessarily have to be mutually exclusive.'
Ewan McGregor: 'I'm a Scotsman and I love Scotland with all my heart. But I also like the idea of Great Britain, and I don't know that it wouldn't be a terrible shame to break it all up.'
Susan Boyle: 'I am a proud, patriotic Scot, passionate about my heritage and my country. But I am not a nationalist.'
Billy Connolly: 'I don't believe in having more layers of government that ordinary people will have to pay for. I think it's time for people to get together, not split apart.' 
Wee Jimmy Krankie aka Janette Tough: 'Alex Salmond can sod off 'cos I don't want it. We don't live in Scotland so we won't get to vote and I don't think it's fair.'
Andy Murray
Andy Murray
Singer Annie Lennox: 'It will be taken by the citizens of Scotland themselves, who need to seriously weigh up the pros and cons, as the responsibility lies wholeheartedly upon their shoulders.'
Tennis player Andy Murray: 'It's very difficult to have an opinion these days because half the people will agree with you and half of the people will think you're an absolute idiot'
Actor James McAvoy: ''I won't be getting involved at all. It's just counter-productive to my job, it's not what I do, and I don't think it's helpful to have me involved in it.'


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