'Two-tier NHS would face stealth privatisation' under Tories, says Ed Miliband Ed Miliband is winning the waverers, says Lord Ashcroft

'Two-tier NHS would face stealth privatisation' under Tories, says Ed Miliband

Miliband has warned about the dangers of NHS privatisation
Labour leader says patients could only expect longer queues


General election 2015: NHS faces 'stealth privatisation' under Tories, Ed Miliband claims

Labour leader said that under Tories patients could only expect 'longer and longer' queues in a 'two-tier' system

Labour leader Ed Miliband has warned of the “stealth privatisation” of a “two-tier” NHS under a Conservative government.
The Labour leader, campaigning in Stevenage earlier today, said that ordinary people faced being “pushed to the back of longer and longer queues” and called for a cap on the proportion of private work NHS trusts could carry out.
Mr Miliband’s party says leading English hospitals saw their income from private patients rise by more than half since 2010 – a charge denied by Conservatives.
The Tories claim that private patient income was falling as a proportion of hospital budgets, and that under their governance private health provision within the National Health Service slowed after accelerating under Labour.
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Backed by the Liberal Democrats - who claim that Labour were “totally beholden to the private sector” – the coalition parties have argued that private health provision only increased from two per cent over the last five years.
But Mr Miliband claimed: "A Tory second term means stealth privatisation of the National Health Service - NHS patients finding themselves pushed to the back of longer and longer queues, operations delayed and an NHS not there when people need it.
"Under the Tories, it would be a two-tier NHS where you have to pay to get seen."

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The average income from private patients per NHS foundation trust rose 58 per cent from £1.7m (2009/10) to £2.7m (2013/14), according to documents from NHS trusts and financial regulator Monitor.
Labour claim that over the same period, waiting times for A&E and cancelled operations increased.
Mr Miliband’s two per cent cap on work for private patients as a proportion of total income would dramatically scale back the coalition’s health reforms.

 The 2013 Health and Social Care Act, which came into effect in England, allowed trusts to earn up to 49 per cent of their total income from private services.
Despite his promises, the Labour leader has added a caveat that if the trust meet strict safeguards to ensure NHS patients are unaffected then hospitals can exceed the two per cent limit.
A Conservative spokesperson called Labour claims a “gimmick”, adding that Labour were “fixating” on the issue of “privatisation”.
They added that “official figures show that outsourcing accounts for just 6p in each NHS pound, and private patient income is actually falling as a proportion of hospital budgets."

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Ed Miliband is winning the waverers, says Lord Ashcroft

Lord Ashcroft says some people who prefer Cameron to Miliband as voting Labour

General Election 2015: Why Miliband leads Cameron in battle for wavering voters - according to Lord Ashcroft

Exclusive: Ashcroft asserts that some people who prefer Cameron to Miliband are deciding to vote Labour, as the Labour leader performs better than expected

Political Editor
The influential Conservative peer Lord Ashcroft has blamed David Cameron for the party’s failure to open up an opinion poll lead over Labour, as the election heads for a draw that could put Ed Miliband in Downing Street.
The former Tory deputy chairman, who is now a pollster, asserts that some people who prefer Mr Cameron to Mr Miliband are deciding to vote Labour, as the Labour leader performs better than voters and the Tories expected. Writing in The Independent he says: “Far from crumbling, Miliband has shown a good deal of resilience in the face of some rather unseemly attacks.”
His comments come as the Tories’ hopes of a breakthrough are dashed by the latest “poll of polls” for The Independent, which shows that the two biggest parties remain deadlocked. They are both on 33 per cent, with Ukip on 14 per cent, the Liberal Democrats on 8 per cent and the Greens on 5 per cent.
As the electoral map favours Labour, such a result would give the party 293 seats to the Tories’ 270, putting Mr Miliband in pole position to become prime minister in a hung parliament.

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After a week dominated by Tory attacks on the dangers of a Labour government propped up by the Scottish National Party, Lord Ashcroft warns: “Too much emphasis on the opposing leader’s weaknesses (or, in this case, the deals he may or may not do to get himself into office) suggests to voters that a party can’t have much to say for itself.” He also says that Labour appears to be winning the “ground war” in the constituencies. The Tory peer declines to join criticism of Lynton Crosby, the Australian strategist running the Tory campaign, whose repeated predictions that the party would move ahead in the polls have failed to materialise.
Ashcroft has declined to join criticism of Lynton Crosby (Getty) Ashcroft has declined to join criticism of Lynton Crosby (Getty)
Instead, Lord Ashcroft lays the blame at Mr Cameron’s door, saying: “Rather than relying on the identity of their leader and the risks of change, the Tories over the last five years ought to have laid the foundations for a campaign in which they could talk confidently about their plans for public services, and to describe a Conservative vision of opportunity and prosperity for all.”
But Labour suffered a setback yesterday when Mr Miliband made a tactical retreat after suggesting Mr Cameron was partly to blame for the deaths of migrants in the Mediterranean because he failed to plan for the aftermath of the UK-backed air strikes on Libya, which helped to overthrow Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Hundreds of migrants from Libya have drowned trying to cross to Europe in recent weeks.
After a rare foreign affairs speech aimed at enhancing his credentials as a prime minister-in-waiting, Mr Miliband was accused by the Tories of a “provocative and shameful intervention” which showed he was not fit for the post.
 The Labour leader faced media questions over whether he was accusing Mr Cameron of having “blood on his hands”.
Mr Miliband replied: “Anyone who reads my speech would see that that is very, very wide of the mark. The only people trying to whip up a big storm about this are the Conservative Party.
“I am making a very important point, I believe, about post-conflict planning in Libya. The international community as a whole, including our Government, bears some responsibility for the crisis we see in Libya. I think that is undeniable. As far as what is happening in terms of the tragic scenes of people drowning in the Mediterranean, that is a result of the people traffickers who are engaged in those issues.”
Labour officials accused the Tories of “a deliberately and wilful misinterpretation of Ed’s words to dodge their record on foreign policy”.
Mr Cameron said: “I have learned as Prime Minister that it is so important in a dangerous and uncertain world that you show clarity, consistency and strength on these foreign policy issues. People will look at these ill-judged remarks and they will reach their own conclusions.”
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George Osborne, the Chancellor, said Mr Miliband was “not up to the job”, adding: “To try to score political points out of deaths of migrants in the Mediterranean is pretty demeaning and shows a real lack of judgement.” Liam Fox, the Tory former Defence Secretary, accused Mr Miliband of “trying to weaponise drowning migrants”.
Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader, said it was “pretty distasteful to reduce this total human tragedy, hundreds of people dying in the Mediterranean, to a political point-scoring blame game”.
Meanwhile, Labour seized on HSBC’s announcement yesterday that it may move its headquarters from London, with Hong Kong seen as the front-runner.
The bank blamed “regulatory and structural reform” to banking in the UK. But Labour pointed to HSBC citing uncertainty about Britain’s position in the EU because of Mr Cameron’s pledge of an in/out referendum by 2017.

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