TOP EUROPE STORIES Terror arrest at Heathrow Airport

May 31, 2014 -- Updated 1935 GMT (0335 HKT)
London's Metropolitan Police confirmed that officers from the police's Counter Terrorism Command, SO15, have arrested a 19-year-old man on suspicion of preparing for acts of terrorism. FULL STORY



Terror arrest at Heathrow Airport

Man arrested at Heathrow Airport on terrorism charges

By Leslie Holland, CNN
May 31, 2014 -- Updated 1551 GMT (2351 HKT)
London's Metropolitan Police say the man was arrested at Heathrow Airport; he was taken to a police station in south London.
London's Metropolitan Police say the man was arrested at Heathrow Airport; he was taken to a police station in south London.
  • 19-year-old was man arrested at London's Heathrow Airport
  • The man was arrested on suspicion of preparing for terrorist acts
  • Scotland Yard said arrest is not in response to any immediate risk or threat
(CNN) -- London's Metropolitan Police confirmed that officers from the police's Counter Terrorism Command, SO15, have arrested a 19-year-old man on suspicion of preparing for acts of terrorism.
Though they are not yet releasing details on the charges or the man's name, Scotland Yard said the man was arrested at London's Heathrow Airport on Saturday and remains in custody at a police station in South London.
Scotland Yard also said the arrest is not in response to any immediate risk or threat. Police have searched an address in Camden, a northern borough of London, though no information is being released on that search at this point.
From CNN's Joseph Netto.

Best of TV Google spells out how to be 'forgotten' THE PSYCHOPATHIC EDGE Psychopaths: Better in business? ARE YOU A PSYCHOPATH? TAKE THE TEST HERE


May 30, 2014 -- Updated 1450 GMT (2250 HKT)
Google in Europe allows people to request links about them be removed from search results if the content is outdated, inappropriate or irrelevant. FULL STORY | ARE WE READY FOR THIS? | HEADACHE FOR GOOGLE


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    Google spells out how to be 'forgotten' in search

      @AlannaPetroff May 30, 2014: 11:05 AM ET

    google eye Google is legally required to delete search results in Europe that are deemed inappropriate or irrelevant.
    • 538

    LONDON (CNNMoney)

    Google has launched a new online form that allows people in Europe to request that links about them be removed from search results if the content is outdated, inappropriate or irrelevant.

    The new form has been made available to people in 28 European Union countries and four neighboring nations after the European Union's top court ruled that people have the "right to be forgotten."
    The ruling means that search engines like Google (GOOGL) must remove certain unwanted links from search results if requested.
    "We will assess each individual request and attempt to balance the privacy rights of the individual with the public's right to know and distribute information," Google says on the form.
    A Google spokesperson said the form could be used by Europeans, expats living in Europe and people living abroad who have strong ties to the continent, such as family and business connections. People in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland can also apply, even though they're not technically part of the European Union.
    Those living outside Europe can make requests using a different form, but Google is not legally obligated to take action or make changes.
    In deciding whether content would be removed from its search results, Google said it would consider "whether there's a public interest in the information -- for example, information about financial scams, professional malpractice, criminal convictions, or public conduct of government officials."
    At the same time, Google said it would continue refining the online request form.
    The company is also creating an advisory committee to review difficult requests and ethical issues. The committee will be headed by Google's chairman, Eric Schmidt, and the company's chief legal officer, David Drummond. Members will reportedly include Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales.
    Related: Google fielding 'take-down requests' after privacy ruling
    In mid-May, the European Court of Justice ruled that search engines were responsible for removing certain unwanted links if requested. The decision came as a surprise to the industry and legal experts.
    Google is used to handling take-down requests. It has received more than 25 million requests from companies claiming Google results linked to material that infringes on copyrights. Google also receives thousands of requests from governments to take down links. Google complies with fewer than half of the government take-down requests but does not specify its compliance rate for copyright-related requests.
    But copyright and many other laws are considerably clearer cut that the test of "relevance to public interest" that Google must now abide by in Europe. To top of page
    Google admitted this week that the company is "not where we want to be when it comes to diversity." The facts show that 70% of the overall Google staff are men, and that 61% are white. Asians make up 30%, Hispanics 3%, and blacks 2% of the total staff.

    Are you in one of these underrepresented groups? Let us help you get your job skills in front of Google. Tell us why Google should hire you, in 300 words or less.

Does being a psychopath make you more successful?

By Nina dos Santos, CNN
May 29, 2014 -- Updated 1613 GMT (0013 HKT)
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Are psychopaths more successful?

  • Andy McNab argues being a psychopath is good for business, and that leaders should not have empathy
  • The former SAS soldier and author is a psychopath and says he always knew he was different
  • He tells Nina dos Santos he did not feel remorse when he killed during his time in the military
  • But McNab says being a psychopath can be a matter of striking a balance
Editor's note: Nina dos Santos is a news anchor and correspondent based in London. She is the host of CNN International's new business show, The Business View, which airs weekdays at 12pm CET. Follow her on Twitter or tweet the show on #cnnbusinessview to tell us, after taking the test at the bottom of the story, what your psychopath score is.
London (CNN) -- Andy McNab is trying to convince me that being a psychopath is good for business.
"When I look at CEOs, or even political leaders, I don't want them to have empathy," he says. "What I want them to do is to have focus and to make the best decisions possible.
"I want them to be ruthless," says the ex-soldier with a hint of passion so fierce it risks betraying his claim to "have no feelings."
If the timbre of McNab's voice gives much away, his face is inscrutable in the darkened basement room chosen for our interview.
His true identity is hidden because of the anti-terrorism operations he was once engaged in as a member of Britain's elite SAS.
Nina Dos Santos
Nina Dos Santos
McNab isn't even his real name, rather a pseudonym adopted to write the 1993 book, Bravo Two Zero, recounting his time behind enemy lines in Iraq.
Trauma, it seems, has been a recurring theme in McNab's life, which may explain the man's ability to master his emotions.
Left at the door of a London hospital as a baby in a Harrods carrier bag, McNab had a rough upbringing, in and out of juvenile detention in South West London, before finding himself suited to the discipline of the army, which he joined at 19.
Although he was only officially diagnosed as a psychopath four years ago, McNab says he always knew he was different.
"As kids you run around the housing estates in gangs," he says. "Well, when the gangs started their smoking and their drinking, it didn't interest me at all... I was always slightly detached from that."
As a professional soldier, McNab says he first killed a person during his first year in the military and was surprised to have felt no remorse.
In my line of work, I have found where I am on the psychopathic scale has been nothing but an advantage
Andy McNab
"You are in a situation where nine out of ten times in conflict they are trying to do the same to you. So you've got a responsibility to yourself to stay alive... you've got a responsibility to keep everybody else alive," he says.
But what exactly is a psychopath? And is the disorder a hindrance or can it be a help?
From Charles Manson, to Ted Bundy, the annals of crime history are replete with examples of what you might term traditional -- or dysfunctional -- psychopaths, people capable of carrying out the most abhorrent crimes, those without feeling or the ability establish meaningful relationships.
Now after extensive research scientists have begun to realize a scale of less extreme psychopathic traits that may lie in some of us, ones which, if harnessed correctly, McNab says can be a secret weapon.
"When we look at psychopaths, we always look at the Hannibal Lecter-type character. Or Norman Bates, but it's a broad spectrum," he says.
"Focus is the key. And, in my line of work, I have found where I am on the psychopathic scale has been nothing but an advantage."
Today, though, the grenades and guns are long gone.
McNab saves his fighting talk for the boardroom, coaching top management on how to become better leaders, with a seat on five boards and a new book called The Good Psychopath's Guide to Success.
"The board room is the same as the situation room," McNab says. "Nine out of ten times the decision processes are the same.
"I tell them, get rid of the empathy. Focus on what you've got to do. The most important thing is the mission," he says. "Ask yourself what am I here to achieve?"
And "empathy," he concludes, "doesn't help you get there."
While McNab's message might sound harsh, his doctrine isn't new.
In 2011, Jon Ronson's book "The Psychopath: A Journey Through the Madness of Industry" estimated the incidence of psychopathy among CEOs was four times larger than in the rest of society at large.
In an interview with Forbes magazine, the journalist said the prevalence of psychopaths in the business world appears heightened because capitalism selects for their specific behavioral features.
Are psychopaths more successful?
The psychopath, Ronson tells the publication has been "hailed and given high powered jobs, and the more ruthlessly his administration behaved, the more his share price shot up."
And nothing makes a share price soar more than news of cost cuts.
Which brings me to the question: how does a psychopath fire someone?
McNab, it seems, is often called upon to help navigate this corporate minefield.
"One particular woman I spoke to was brought on board to make about 400 people redundant. She had empathy for these people, for their families, for their mortgages."
"For her it was [taking] a huge emotional toll. And it was a case of sitting down with her and trying to get her to think of it in a different way."
So does McNab think the free market has taken the stigma out of the word "psycho" to society's detriment?
"Certainly if we are looking at capitalism, what we have seen is the ones who step up more tend to be high on the psychopath trait level. That doesn't mean to say they're the Gordon Gekko types. Far from it."
McNab says some two million people have logged on to take his web site's psychopath test while numerous chief executives have bought his new book.
But McNab insists he isn't trying to convert all heads of industry to his unique line of thought.
"We're not trying to make everyone a psychopath. That would be totally counterproductive.
"What we are trying to do is to clear the decks for them to understand how their brands work, how their brains work, so that they can become more productive."
And to sum up his strategy McNab uses a word rarely mentioned in the context of the psychopath's condition.
"It's about striking a balance," he says.

TOP ASIA STORIES More Asia U.S. soldier held captive in Afghanistan freed, 5 years on Arrests in rape, hanging of Indian girls

May 30, 2014 -- Updated 1759 GMT (0159 HKT)
A police officer and two other people were arrested after an alleged gang-rape that left two teenage girls dead in an Indian village, authorities said Friday. FULL STORY | OUTRAGED VILLAGERS AT SCENE  Video


Three arrested after girls are gang-raped and left hanging from tree in India

By Harmeet Shah Singh and Jethro Mullen, CNN
May 30, 2014 -- Updated 1538 GMT (2338 HKT)
Watch this video

Do women feel safe in India?

  • NEW: Violence against women is "entrenched," a rights activist says
  • Three brothers have been accused of rape and murder by the girls' families
  • Two of them have been arrested; the other is being sought by police
  • A police officer has also been arrested amid allegations of siding with the suspects
New Delhi (CNN) -- A police officer and two other people have been arrested after two teenage girls were gang-raped and left hanging from the branches of a mango tree in a northern Indian village, authorities said Friday.
The shocking attack on the girls -- two cousins aged 14 and 16 -- sparked outrage in the village of Katra Sadatganj and beyond.
Angry villagers protested around the bodies, preventing police from taking them down from the tree for about 15 hours Wednesday, the day after the attack, said Mukesh Saxena, a local police official.
A photo from the village, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, showed the body of one girl, dressed in a green tunic and pants, hanging from the tree. A large group of people, many of them young children, were gathered around the grisly scene.
Police said an autopsy confirmed the girls had been raped and strangled. The cremation of their remains took place late Wednesday night in line with Hindu customs, Saxena said.
Armed police officers have been deployed in the village to prevent any further unrest, he added.
Police under scrutiny
The girls' families accused three brothers of carrying out the rape and killing. Two of the brothers are now in custody, said R.K.S. Rathore, a deputy-inspector general of police. One was arrested Thursday night, he said.
Police are still searching for the third brother.
The families of the victims have accused local police of initially failing to respond and siding with the suspects when the parents went to report the case. The allegations have fueled anger among the villagers.
Saxena said three police officers have been temporarily suspended for negligence of duty, and one has been arrested.
He said the girls had gone out into the orchard to relieve themselves Tuesday night when they were grabbed by the attackers.
Some people saw the abduction but were unable to stop it, he said, citing eyewitnesses.
'Endemic' violence
The horrific gang rape and murder of a 23-year-old woman in New Delhi in late 2012 shook India, focusing sharp attention on violent crimes against women in the country, the world's second most populous after China.
The case prompted protests in many cities, soul-searching in the media and changes to the law. But shocking instances of sexual violence continue to come to light with grim regularity.
"Laws can only do so much when you have to end something which is as endemic and as entrenched as violence against women," said Divya Iyer, a senior researcher for Amnesty International in Bangalore, India.
The country's new prime minister, Narendra Modi, has said he wants to take steps to make sure woman are safe, particularly in rural India. But women's rights groups have criticized what they say is a lack of specific proposals to tackle the problem, suggesting gender inequality doesn't appear to be high on his list of priorities.
"There is a lot more to do," Iyer told CNN. "That political leadership is unfortunately missing."
'Medieval lawlessness'
An opinion article in The Times of India, a prominent daily newspaper, linked the attack this week to rising crime and a crisis of authority in Uttar Pradesh, which it said was sliding into "medieval lawlessness."
It wasn't immediately clear whether India's entrenched caste system, which continues to cause prejudice and persecution in some rural areas, played a role in the attack. Rathore, the police official, said that the victims and the suspects belonged to different low caste groups.
Zainab Salbi, the founder of Women for Women International, pointed out that "violence against women is a global issue," not limited to developing countries.
But Salbi told CNN that in many Asian and Middle Eastern countries, "the concept of women as property is still a common thing," meaning they don't get treated as equal human beings.
CNN's Harmeet Shah Singh reported from New Delhi, and Jethro Mullen reported and wrote from Hong Kong. CNN's Sumnima Udas contributed to this report.


Breaking News
Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, U.S. soldier held captive for nearly five years by militants during the Afghanistan war, is released, the White House says.

Bowe Bergdahl, U.S. soldier held in Afghanistan, freed in swap

By Ray Sanchez and Barbara Starr, CNN
May 31, 2014 -- Updated 1905 GMT (0305 HKT)
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U.S. Army Sergeant released by Taliban

  • NEW: Plane carrying detainees leaves Navy base in Cuba
  • Parents say they are "joyful and relieved"
  • American soldier captured by Taliban in June 2009
  • Five detainees are being sent from Guantanamo to Qatar in exchange
(CNN) -- Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the American soldier held captive for nearly five years by militants during the Afghanistan war, has been released in exchange for five Guantanamo detainees, authorities said Saturday.
"Today the American people are pleased that we will be able to welcome home Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl," the White House said in a statement.
Bergdahl, the only remaining U.S. soldier captured during conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, was recovered by U.S. special operations forces about 10:30 a.m. ET in a peaceful handover in eastern Afghanistan, a senior Defense official told CNN. There were 18 Taliban members present.
Once on the American helicopter, Bergdahl, 28, used a paper plate to communicate because of the noise. He wrote on it, "SF?" meaning, "Special Forces?" The operators sitting with Bergdahl responded loudly: "Yes, we've been looking for you for a long time," according to the official.
Bergdahl broke down crying, the official recounted.
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said in a separate statement that he had informed Congress of the decision to transfer five detainees from Guantanamo Bay to Qatar in exchange for Bergdahl, who was the only remaining American soldier captured from conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"A few hours ago, the family of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was informed by President Obama that their long wait for his return will soon be over," Hagel said.
Photos: Americans detained abroad Photos: Americans detained abroad
New hope for U.S. soldier held captive
U.S. Army Sergeant released by Taliban
"Sgt. Bergdahl is now under the care of the U.S. military after being handed over by his captors in Afghanistan. We will give him all the support he needs to help him recover from this ordeal, and we are grateful that he will soon be reunited with his family."
A statement from Bergdahl's parents, Bob and Jani, said: "We were so joyful and relieved when President Obama called us today to give us the news that Bowe is finally coming home! We cannot wait to wrap our arms around our only son. We want to thank Bowe's many supporters in Idaho, around the nation and around the world. We thank the Amir of Qatar for his efforts. And of course, we want to take this opportunity to thank all those in the many U.S. Government agencies who never gave up. Today, we are ecstatic!"
Secretary of State John Kerry said the "cost of years of captivity to Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl and his family is immeasurable."
"As we look to the future in Afghanistan, the United States will continue to support steps that improve the climate for conversations between Afghans about how to end the bloodshed in their country through an Afghan-led reconciliation process," Kerry said in a statement.
In exchange for Bergdahl's release, five detainees at Guantanamo Bay will be released to Qatar. The U.S. has "appropriate assurances" that Qatar will be able to secure the detainees there, where they are under a travel ban for a year.
A U.S. Air Force aircraft carrying the detainees left the U.S. Navy base in Cuba on Saturday afternoon, a senior Defense official told CNN.
Hagel said the United States "coordinated closely with Qatar to ensure that security measures are in place and the national security of the United States will not be compromised."
The United States believes Bergdahl had been held for the bulk of his captivity in Pakistan, the official said. It was unclear when he was moved to Afghanistan.
The transfer was brokered through the local Qatari government, the official said. Talks for the transfer began about a week ago.
U.S. officials had said this year that one route to getting Bergdahl back was through Qatari officials, who had been talking to the Taliban. But Bergdahl was believed to be held by operatives from the Haqqani network, an insurgent force affiliated with the Taliban and al Qaeda, and it was not clear whether Haqqani operatives would abide by any agreement among the United States, Qatar and the Taliban.
For now, Bergdahl is at a forward operating base in Afghanistan.
Bergdahl's parents happened to still be in Washington, having visited for Memorial Day.
President Obama said in the White House statement, "On behalf of the American people, I was honored to call his parents to express our joy that they can expect his safe return, mindful of their courage and sacrifice throughout this ordeal."
Bergdahl was deployed to Afghanistan in May 2009 and captured by the Taliban on June 30, 2009, in Paktika province.
In July of that year, a U.S. military official said the soldier was being held by the clan of warlord Siraj Haqqani.
The United States has long declared that it won't negotiate with terrorists, which is what it considers the Taliban, but analysts have said the U.S. has effectively maneuvered around the edges of that declaration over the years.
The Taliban had long demanded the release of five detainees at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. But U.S. officials said that releasing them would be difficult because Congress would have to be notified in advance, and lawmakers have previously resisted releasing them.
Bergdahl, of Wood River Valley, Idaho, appeared in diminished health in a video that the U.S. military obtained in January. His family also received a letter from him last year via the Red Cross.
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Global Times' Jornal chama "monte de lixo" ao Congresso dos EUA

'Global Times'

Jornal chama "monte de lixo" ao Congresso dos EUA

Um jornal oficial chinês acusou hoje o Congresso norte-americano de se ter tornado "um monte de lixo cheio de sentimentos anti-China" e defendeu as medidas tomadas há 25 anos para esmagar o movimento...

Global Times'

Jornal chama "monte de lixo" ao Congresso dos EUA

por Lusa
Um jornal oficial chinês acusou hoje o Congresso norte-americano de se ter tornado "um monte de lixo cheio de sentimentos anti-China" e defendeu as medidas tomadas há 25 anos para esmagar o movimento pró-democracia da Praça Tiananmen.
"Estamos hoje a viver numa outra China, onde os nossos direitos melhoraram de modo fundamental", afirma o Global Times a propósito da moção aprovada na quarta-feira em Washington apelando à China para "parar de censurar a informação sobre o massacre de Tiananmen".
Segundo realça o jornal, no início da década de 1990, "a maioria dos chineses estava a lutar para sair da pobreza" e "nunca imaginava que um dia conduziria o seu próprio automóvel, tinha propriedades pessoais e planeava viajar".
"Entretanto, muitos países em vias de desenvolvimento que seguiram cegamente as artimanhas de Washington sofreram dramáticos tumultos ou até guerra, e o seu desenvolvimento social afundou-se", acrescenta o Global Times, uma publicação do grupo Diário do Povo, o órgão central do Partido Comunista Chines (PCC).
Referindo-se ao "incidente político de 1989 na Praça Tiananmen", mas sem mencionar a sangrenta intervenção militar nas ruas de Pequim, o jornal refere que as medidas tomadas entao pelo governo visavam "salvaguardar a estabilidade social".
Centenas de pessoas morreram e milhares de outras foram presas ou exilaram-se.
 Um quarto de século depois, o movimento de 1989, iniciado por estudantes de grandes universidades de Pequim, continua a ser considerado "uma rebelião contra-revolucionária" e a data da sua liquidação, 4 de junho, ainda é tabu.

Internet Refugiadas sírias à venda no Facebook para casar

Refugiadas sírias à venda no Facebook para casar

Refugiadas sírias à venda no Facebook para casar

Bastam uns milhares de euros para comprar uma refugiada síria através da Internet. No Facebook, a página Sírias à Procura de Casamento propunha comprar jovens, algumas menores, que fugiram à guerra na...


Refugiadas sírias à venda no Facebook para casar

por H.T.
Refugiadas sírias à venda no Facebook para casar
Fotografia © Reuters
Bastam uns milhares de euros para comprar uma refugiada síria através da Internet. No Facebook, a página Sírias à Procura de Casamento propunha comprar jovens, algumas menores, que fugiram à guerra na Síria e vivem em campos de refugiados nos países vizinhos.
A denúncia foi feita por grupos árabes de defesa dos direitos das mulheres. Segundo estes, o fenómeno da venda de refugiadas sírias não é novo. Já em 2013 surgiram notícias de jovens a viver em campos de refugiados na Jordânia, Turquia e Iraque vendidas a homens de países árabes, sobretudo da região do Golfo. As ONG denunciaram ainda casos de violência e assédio sexual sofridos pelas jovens, algumas com apenas 12 ou 13 anos, que fugiram a três anos de guerra civil.
A página do Facebook que oferecia jovens sírias em casamento teve milhares de seguidores até ser encerrada há dias, depois das queixas apresentadas pelas organziações de defesa dos direitos das mulheres.
Em mais de três anos, a guerra entre os rebeldes e as forças do regime liderado pelo Presidente Bashar al-Assad fez mais de 160 mil mortos e nove milhões de refugiados e deslocados internos.

OSCE anuncia ter perdido contacto com segunda equipa no leste do país Tropas ucranianas anunciam controlo do leste do país Milícias pró-russas anunciam libertação de quatro observadores da OSCE Pelas mílicias pró-russas Observadores da OSCE acusados de espionagem

Pelas mílicias pró-russas
Pró-russo mascarado em Donbass

Observadores da OSCE acusados de espionagem

Os quatro observadores da missão da Organização para a Segurança e Cooperação na Europa retidos desde segunda-feira por milícias pró-russas na região de Donetsk são suspeitos de espionagem, disse um dos...
  • OSCE anuncia ter perdido contacto com segunda equipa no leste do país
  • Tropas ucranianas anunciam controlo do leste do país
  • Milícias pró-russas anunciam libertação de quatro observadores da OSCE
    Pelas mílicias pró-russas

    Observadores da OSCE acusados de espionagem

    por Lusa
    Pró-russo mascarado em Donbass
    Pró-russo mascarado em Donbass Fotografia © Reuters
    Os quatro observadores da missão da Organização para a Segurança e Cooperação na Europa retidos desde segunda-feira por milícias pró-russas na região de Donetsk são suspeitos de espionagem, disse um dos líderes da separatista Frente Popular de Donbass, Vladimir Rogov.
    Rogov afirmou hoje à agência RIA -- Novosti que os detidos, cidadãos da Turquia, Dinamarca, Estónia e Suíça, transportavam "material suspeito".
    "Estamos a verificá-los. Simultaneamente, estamos em contacto permanente com a OSCE. Eles sabem que os seus homens estão bem", declarou.
    O contacto com a equipa de quatro peritos perdeu-se pelas 18:00 locais (15:00 TMG) da passada segunda-feira, quando viajavam de Donetsk para Lugansk.
    Três dias depois, o autoproclamado autarca de Slaviansk, Viacheslav Ponomariov, reconheceu que os observadores tinham sido detidos pelos separatistas e prometeu uma rápida libertação.
    Os rebeldes ucranianos sequestraram outros quatro observadores da OSCE, pelo que já são oito que estão em seu poder.

Num só dia 12 mil já pediram à Google para serem "esquecidos" Google abre a porta ao direito ao "esquecimento" formulário

Num só dia
12 mil já pediram à Google para serem "esquecidos"

12 mil já pediram à Google para serem "esquecidos"

A Google recebeu, em apenas um dia, 12 mil pedidos de internautas europeus que querem ser "apagados" dos resultados do motor de busca na Internet, indicou um porta-voz da empresa na Alemanha à AFP.
  • Google abre a porta ao direito ao "esquecimento"
    Num só dia

    12 mil já pediram à Google para serem "esquecidos"

    por Susana Salvador, com agências
    12 mil já pediram à Google para serem "esquecidos"
    A Google recebeu, em apenas um dia, 12 mil pedidos de internautas europeus que querem ser "apagados" dos resultados do motor de busca na Internet, indicou um porta-voz da empresa na Alemanha à AFP.
    O número tinha sido avançado pelo jornal alemão 'Der Spiegel'.
    Para se adequar a uma decisão do Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia, que decidiu a 13 de maio que os cidadãos da União Europeia têm direito a serem "esquecidos" na Internet, a Google lançou na sexta-feira um formulário que permite aos europeus pedirem para serem apagados dos resultados do motor de busca.
    A decisão do Tribunal Europeu de Justiça foi tomada depois de uma queixa de um cidadão espanhol, e aplica-se a informações "inadequadas, não pertinentes ou já não pertinentes ou excessivas em relação ao objetivo pelo qual foram processadas tendo em conta o tempo decorrido".
    O tribunal baseou a decisão na conclusão de que, ao abrigo das atuais normas de proteção de dados na UE, "um motor de busca na Internet é responsável pelo processamento que faz de dados pessoais".
    Os cidadãos que solicitarem o direito a serem "esquecidos" nos resultados do maior motor de busca da Internet vão ter de juntar uma cópia de uma identificação oficial, bem como explicar porque razão a informação que pretendem "apagar" é inadequada.Os casos vão ser analisados individualmente e não tratados de forma automática, alertou a companhia, pelo que não indicou nenhuma estimativa do tempo que demorará a implementar a medida. 

Chicago Chão de vidro de miradouro a 400m de altura "parte-se"

A Torre Willis tem quatro varandas panorâmicas, verdadeiras caixas de vidro onde se pode ver a cidade a 412 metros de altura

Chão de vidro de miradouro a 400m de altura "parte-se"

O chão transparente de uma das varandas panorâmicas do 103.º andar da Torre Willis, em Chicago (EUA), rachou-se, quinta-feira, quando tinha algumas pessoas em cima. O vidro ficou com aspeto de estar...


Chão de vidro de miradouro a 400m de altura "parte-se"

por RSF
A Torre Willis tem quatro varandas panorâmicas, verdadeiras caixas de vidro onde se pode ver a cidade a 412 metros de altura
A Torre Willis tem quatro varandas panorâmicas, verdadeiras caixas de vidro onde se pode ver a cidade a 412 metros de altura Fotografia © Reuters
O chão transparente de uma das varandas panorâmicas do 103.º andar da Torre Willis, em Chicago (EUA), rachou-se, quinta-feira, quando tinha algumas pessoas em cima. O vidro ficou com aspeto de estar partido, provocando um enorme susto aos turistas.
O caso foi noticiado em primeira mão pelo canal NBC de Chicago e logo reproduzidas por outros media norte-americanos.

À estação de televisão local, Alejandro Garibay, uma das pessoas que estava na varanda panorâmica a 412 metros de altura, afirmou que teve uma "sensação e uma experiência louca".
No entanto, um porta voz do edifício garantiu que a segurança das pessoas nunca esteve em causa. "Estas estruturas são extremamente sólidas", disse Bill Utter à BBC, acrescentando que o que se partiu foi a cobertura anti-risco e não a estrutura em si, composta por três camadas de vidro que é capaz de suportar até cinco toneladas.
De qualquer forma, as quatro varandas panorâmicas do edifício, as antigas Torres Sears, foram fechadas para inspeção, disse o mesmo responsável.

Avança a revista 'Der Spiegel' Cameron terá ameaçado sair da UE por causa de Juncker

Avança a revista 'Der Spiegel'
Jean-Claude Juncker, ex-primeiro-ministro do Luxemburgo, ex-presidente do Eurogrupo, é o candidato do PPE à presidência da Comissão Europeia

Cameron terá ameaçado sair da UE por causa de Juncker

O primeiro-ministro britânico, David Cameron, terá ameaçado indiretamente os seus parceiros europeus com a saída do Reino Unido da União Europeia se o ex-primeiro-ministro luxemburguês Jean-Claude Juncker...

Avança a revista 'Der Spiegel'

Cameron terá ameaçado sair da UE por causa de Juncker

por Patrícia Viegas, com agências
Jean-Claude Juncker, ex-primeiro-ministro do Luxemburgo, ex-presidente do Eurogrupo, é o candidato do PPE à presidência da Comissão Europeia
Jean-Claude Juncker, ex-primeiro-ministro do Luxemburgo, ex-presidente do Eurogrupo, é o candidato do PPE à presidência da Comissão Europeia Fotografia © Reuters
O primeiro-ministro britânico, David Cameron, terá ameaçado indiretamente os seus parceiros europeus com a saída do Reino Unido da União Europeia se o ex-primeiro-ministro luxemburguês Jean-Claude Juncker for presidente da Comissão Europeia, noticia a última edição da revista alemã 'Der Spiegel'.
Citando "fontes próximas dos participantes" da cimeira informal da terça-feira passada, em Bruxelas, a revista refere que Cameron teria dito que a escolha de Juncker para suceder a Durão Barroso "desestabilizaria nesta altura o seu Governo e que isso poderia levá-lo a antecipar o referendo sobre a UE, o qual resultaria provavelmente na vitória do 'Não' à permanência britânica na UE".
Cameron, do Partido Conservador, prometeu para 2017 um referendo sobre a permanência do Reino Unido na União Europeia. O chefe do Governo britânico iria fazer desse um dos temas de campanha para as legislativas de 2015.
Questionado pela AFP, um porta-voz do número 10 de Downing Street recusou fazer comentários sobre os excertos do artigo divulgados pela 'Der Spiegel': "Não fazemos comentários sobre potenciais candidatos nesta altura pois é cedo".
Segundo a publicação alemã, Cameron terá dito aos seus parceiros, entre os quais à chanceler alemã Angela Merkel, que "uma figura dos anos 80 não pode resolver os problemas dos cinco próximos anos".
No mesmo dia, ainda segundo a AFP, o ex-eurodeputados Daniel Cohn-Bendit apelou ao grupo políticos dos Verdes no Parlamento Europeu que apoiem Juncker, ex-presidente do Eurogrupo, para a presidência da Comissão. "Sabem que sou crítico de muitas coisas sobre Juncker, mas dada a situação atual eu recomendo aos eurodeputados que o apoiem", disse, citado pelo jornal 'Frankfurter Rundschau'. Cohn-Bendit, que foi eurodeputado dos Verdes durante 20 anos, argumenta que a eleição de Juncker permitirá fazer evoluir a democracia na União Europeia.
Com o mesmo argumento, Alexis Tsipras, o líder do Syriza, que era candidato da Esquerda Europeia à presidência da Comissão Europeia, também fez saber esta semana, através de um comunicado, que por respeito ao resultado das eleições europeias também considera que deve ser Juncker o primeiro a tentar a sorte, sendo submetido a votação no novo Parlamento Europeu. Para ser aprovado, precisa de uma maioria absoluta de 376 eurodeputados em 751.
Nestas europeias, o PPE elegeu 213 eurodeputados, os Socialistas e Democratas, cujo candidato à liderança da Comissão era Martin Schulz, conseguiram eleger 191. Apesar da vitória, a vantagem é menor do que a que os conservadores europeus têm no Parlamento Europeu cessante.
Além de Juncker, Schulz e Tsipras eram também candidatos à presidência da Comissão Guy Verhofstadt, pelos liberais, José Bové e Ska Keller, pelos Verdes. Participaram em vários debates, realizados em vários países, transmitidos por vários media em diferentes Estados membros, mas mesmo assim a taxa de abstenção nas europeias manteve-se na mesma e foi de 43%.
Segundo o Tratado de Lisboa, à luz do qual é eleito o novo Parlamento Europeu, na hora de escolher um nome para a presidência da Comissão, o Conselho Europeu deve ter em conta o resultado das europeias. Deve. Mas isso não quer dizer que seja obrigado a fazê-lo, como defendem, aliás, algumas vozes na UE.
Na sexta-feira, talvez numa resposta dirigida a David Cameron, o porta-voz da chanceler alemã, Angela Merkel, Steffen Steibert, fez saber, citado pela AFP, que ela mantém o seu apoio a Juncker. "Conduz todas as discussões no espírito de que Jean-Claude Juncker deve ser o presidente da Comissão", disse Steffen Steibert, depois de Merkel ter sido criticada pelos media alemães por não ter manifestado de forma explícita o seu apoio ao ex-primeiro-ministro do Luxemburgo e ex-presidente do Eurogrupo.

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