More than 200 people have been injured in a fire that reportedly occured when flammable powder exploded during an event at a theme park in Taiwan.
Authorities said the fire broke out on Saturday evening near a performance stage, where about 1,000 people were gathered for a party.
Video footage of the incident was published online shortly after the event, showing powder being sprayed over the heads of those gathered in the crowd.
As the powder was sprayed, it appeared to ignite, causing hundreds of people to run away after their clothes caught fire.
Wang Wei-sheng, a liaison with the fire department command center, said 83 people suffered serious injuries, while 131 others were also hurt.
The injured were rushed to hospitals, according to local fire officials.
Taiwan's Central News Agency reported the fire at the Formosa Water Park in New Taipei City, near the island's capital, was quickly brought under control.
It was not clear if the powder was being used as part of a performance. The cause of the fire is being investigated.
Source: Al Jazeera and agencies