Immigration and asylum Surge in immigration as Cameron unveils illegal working bill Analysis Cameron's plans are absurd in face of latest figures

Surge in immigration as Cameron unveils illegal working bill

Figures show immigration surge as Cameron unveils illegal working bill

Net migration to UK reached 318,000 in 2014, just below all-time peak in 2005, with immigration from outside Europe rising strongly
Speaking in Whitehall on Thursday, David Cameron announces a crackdown on illegal foreign workers
Net migration to Britain surged to 318,000 in 2014, just below its previous peak under the Labour government in 2005.
The latest quarterly migration figures from the Office for National Statistics show that net immigration from outside Europe – up 42,000 – is now rising almost as strongly as from within Europe – up 67,000.
The figures came as David Cameron announced new measures to combat illegal working and reduce immigration.
Net migration from outside Europe is now at its highest level since 2011 and the latest rise brings to an end a recent decline as a result of the last government crackdowns. The fresh rise in non-EU immigration dashes Cameron’s hopes of achieving an early return to a downward path in immigration figures by tackling the issue of free movement within Europe.
The latest net migration quarterly figure of 318,000 for the 12 months to December 2014 is 20,000 higher than the previous quarterly total of 298,000. The rise shows that Cameron’s ambition of getting net immigration down below 100,000 is further away than ever.
The ONS said the 318,000 figure for 2014 was 109,000 higher than in 2013 and just below the previous peak recorded of 320,000 in 2005 in the midst of the first major wave of east European migration to Britain.
The latest figures show that Britain’s relatively expanding economy is now drawing in highly skilled workers from around the world who are in turn, according to the Office for Budget Responsibility, partly driving that economic growth. The statisticians say that the recent rise in net migration is being driven by higher levels of immigration – which hit 641,000 in 2014 – coupled with stable levels of emigration, which remains at 323,000 a year.
The detailed figures confirm that the largest increase has been in those coming to live in Britain to work, up 70,000 in 2014. The number of EU nationals, other than Britons, in employment in the UK was 283,000 higher in March than 12 months earlier. The number from outside Europe in work rose by 11,000, while employment of British nationals increased by 279,000 over the same period.
The ONS figures show that the number of overseas students in Britain rose by 11,000 in 2014 with continuing falls in the numbers from India – down 8% – and Pakistan – down 20% – matched by increasing numbers from China and Malaysia.
The number of people migrating to Britain to join spouses and other close family members rose by 20,000 on the latest figures to 91,000.
Asylum seekers accounted for only 25,020 of the new arrivals to Britain in the year to March. This is an increase of 5% over the previous 12 months with the largest numbers coming from Eritrea (3,552), Pakistan (2,421) and Syria (2,222).
Madeleine Sumption, director of the Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford, said: “Today’s figures show how difficult it would be to reduce net migration to the ‘tens of thousands’. Net migration has risen even despite new restrictions on family, work and student visas that were introduced during the last parliament.”
She predicted that the government’s cap on skilled migration from outside Europe would shortly start preventing employers from accessing certain non-EU staff. She said: “The first people it will affect will be skilled migrants on relatively low wages – those with salaries just above the minimum threshold of £20,800. One of the largest groups of these is nurses.”
Cameron attempted to brush off the embarrassing net migration figures by announcing details of a new immigration bill to be included in the Queen’s speech, which will propose a new criminal offence of illegal working that would allow police to seize the wages of anyone employed unlawfully.
It has been estimated that the backlog of people in Britain who have overstayed their visas and whose whereabouts are unknown is 300,000, but it is not known how many are working.
Cameron managed to survive the general election despite once urging voters to kick him out if he failed to bring net migration down to the tens of thousands.
In practice, his success in reducing immigration this parliament will not depend solely on new legislation but also on deeper trends in the European labour market and any agreements reached on tightening social security entitlements within the EU – one of his key targets in his renegotiation of the UK relationship with the rest of the trading bloc.
In his latest speech on immigration – clearly designed to address the latest figures – Cameron promised that the Queen’s speech would contain a bill designed to bring the whole of government into the battle to reduce immigration flows. He promised that the bill would make “Britain a less attractive place to come and work illegally”.
Migrants with current leave to remain but who are working illegally in breach of their conditions may be prosecuted under the Immigration Act 1971 and be liable on summary conviction to a six-month custodial sentence and/or an unlimited fine.
But ministers say there is a loophole for migrants who entered illegally or have overstayed their leave and are not therefore subject to current conditions of stay.
The new offence will address this gap and close another loophole whereby the wages of some illegal migrants fall outside of the scope of the confiscation provisions in the Proceeds of Crime Act, unlike those individuals who are working in breach of leave conditions. The offence will apply to those who arrived illegally or those who entered the UK legally but then overstayed.
Cameron said: “A strong country isn’t one that pulls up the drawbridge … it is one that controls immigration. Because if you have uncontrolled immigration, you have uncontrolled pressure on public services. And that is a basic issue of fairness.
“Uncontrolled immigration can damage our labour market and push down wages. It means too many people entering the UK legally but staying illegally. The British people want these things sorted.
“That means … dealing with those who shouldn’t be here by rooting out illegal immigrants and bolstering deportations. Reforming our immigration and labour market rules so we reduce the demand for skilled migrant labour and crack down on the exploitation of unskilled workers. That starts with making Britain a less attractive place to come and work illegally.”
He promised the bill would put “an end to houses packed full of illegal workers; stop illegal migrants stalling deportation; give British people the skills to do the jobs Britain needs”.
The home secretary said on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that the amendments would act as a deterrent to people working in the UK illegally.
Theresa May said: “It is about making it harder for people to be working illegally and setting a clear deterrent for those that want to stay here illegally. I think most people would think it is entirely fair and right to say that if you’re here illegally you have got no right to be here and you’re working, that is an offence, and we should be able to deal with the wages as the proceeds of crime.”

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