Brasil prohíbe de manera definitiva polémicas prótesis mamarias PIP

Brasil prohíbe de manera definitiva polémicas prótesis mamarias PIP

AFPBrasil canceló el registro sanitario de las polémicas prótesis mamarias francesas PIP, cuya comercialización estaba suspendida desde 2010, informó la máxima autoridad sanitaria este viernes.

La Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria (Anvisa) adoptó la decisión con base en los controles de las autoridades francesas, que determinaron que los implantes contenían una silicona distinta de la autorizada y con riesgo potencial para la salud en caso de ruptura.
Brasil ya había suspendido su distribución en 2010. El país importó 34.631 implantes, de los cuales 24.534 fueron comercializados.
Las otras 10.097 prótesis no alcanzaron a ser comercializadas y serán recogidas por las autoridades, agregó Anvisa.
Asimismo, el organismo recomendó a las mujeres con implantes de la marca Poly Implant Prothèse (PIP) que se sometan a una evaluación médica para descartar cualquier riesgo.
La silicona utilizada en esas prótesis puede provocar irritación en caso de romperse, según los exámenes realizados por las autoridades francesas, que por ahora descartaron riesgo de toxicidad y cáncer, recordó Anvisa.
En Francia, fueron reportados ocho casos de cáncer en mujeres con prótesis PIP, aunque hasta el momento no se ha podido establecer ninguna relación causa efecto.
El gobierno francés recomendó la semana pasada retirar "a título preventivo" los implantes PIP de unas 30.000 mujeres, aunque aclaró que no hay pruebas de que las prótesis aumenten el riesgo de cáncer. El gobierno venezolano también retirará gratuitamente a las mujeres que lo soliciten los implantes PIP.
La empresa PIP llegó a fabricar 100.000 prótesis mamarias al año y exportaba casi el 84% de su producción a Sudamérica, España y Gran Bretaña. En 2010, la firma entró en colapso ante reiteradas denuncias de rupturas de los implantes.
Al igual que Brasil, las autoridades de Argentina, Ecuador, Chile y Colombia prohibieron la comercialización de ese producto. COPIADO :

Sismo de 5,3 grados en sur de Perú, sin daños ni víctimas

Sismo de 5,3 grados en sur de Perú, sin daños ni víctimas


Un sismo de 5,3 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las ciudades de Ica, Palpa y Nasca en la región Ica (sur) sin causar daños ni víctimas, informó el Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP).
El movimiento se registró a las 04:22 local (09:22 GMT) y su epicentro se ubicó en el océano Pacífico, a 83 kilómetros al suroeste del departamento de Ica (a unos 300 km de Lima) con una profundidad 54 Km.
El jueves un sismo de 4,6 grados remeció la ciudad de Lima, causando solo alarma.
En lo que va del año se han reportado en el Perú 149 sismos, siendo el más fuerte el del 28 de octubre de 6,7 grados Richter en la región Ica que dejó un saldo de 83 heridos leves y más de 1.705 personas damnificadas.
El IGP recuerda que Perú se encuentra en el denominado 'Cinturón de fuego del Pacífico', donde se registra el 85% de la actividad sísmica mundial. COPIADO :

What drives young Africans to search for a new life in Europe? How do they get there? And do their dreams come true? The 15-part "Destination Europe" series goes inside the real lives of African migrants and follows them from the moment they decide to leave their home to their experiences in Europe.

What drives young Africans to search for a new life in Europe? How do they get there? And do their dreams come true? The 15-part "Destination Europe" series goes inside the real lives of African migrants and follows them from the moment they decide to leave their home to their experiences in Europe.

Ban Ki-Moon's second term: the bridge to where?

United Nations | 30.12.2011

Ban Ki-Moon's second term: the bridge to where?


On January 1 Ban Ki-Moon will start his second term as UN Secretary-General. To leave a lasting mark Ban needs to go beyond his self-styled role as a 'global bridge-builder' argues Thorsten Benner.


Thorsten Benner is co-founder and associate director of the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) in Berlin and a co-author of "The New World of UN Peace Operations: Learning to Build Peace?"(Oxford University Press 2011).
"This is the World Cup of diplomacy - it's happening fast and furious." These are the lines with which a recent UN-produced image video seeks to create excitement about the work of UN chief, Ban Ki-Moon.
Yet, there is precious little excitement to be found as the UN Secretary-General begins his second five-year term this Sunday. Not among UN member states who in a rare show of unity re-elected Ban unanimously in June not least because his unexciting style does not cause them much trouble. Not among UN staff who do not seem to be fired up by the prospect of having Ban as their boss for another half decade.
And not among the world public where Ban's hard and committed daily work as the UN's standard-bearer mostly goes unnoticed. Ban's lack of rhetorical skills tends to make him a non-entity for the global media. Virtually the only one excited seems to be Ban himself. In the promotional video he proclaims: "I start every morning as if this is the first day in my office as Secretary-General." 
Presumably, part of what keeps Ban going is the pride in his record as a self-styled "harmonizer and bridge-builder - among the member states, within the United Nations system and among a rich diversity of global partners." At a time of momentous geopolitical shifts and global crises, this is no small feat. Unfortunately, this will not be enough to turn himself into an effective leader of the world's premier universal body for the years to come.
Building bridges is a fine pursuit. But at long as it remains unclear where these bridges lead and as long as the world's pivotal powers refuse to cross them in the right direction it is also a rather futile activity. Right now, at the UN the old powers of the West all too often cling to their privileges while the rising powers refuse to contribute in a meaningful way to global public goods. All the while the majority of poor countries mostly content themselves with engaging in predictably petty politics of grandstanding and patronage in the fora where they make their voices heard due to the "one country, one vote" principle.
While Ban should continue to seek for common ground among the UN's 193 member states, for the sake of  "we, the peoples," he should not shy away from calling them out if they are so evidently acting in bad faith. Liberated from the need to curry anyone's favors in order to win another term, Ban might as well do just that. To this end, Ban can take a leaf from the playbook of his very courageous stance on the Arab uprisings. He called on the region's rulers to "act boldly, now, before it is too late," to make use of this "once-in-a-generation opportunity to advance freedom and democracy."
On Syria, Ban has argued that the killings "cannot go on. In the name of humanity, it is time for the international community to act." Ban was even bolder on Libya taking sides against the Gadhafi regime early on. In doing so, Ban argues that "we have carved out a new dimension for the responsibility to protect." He even took the step of defending NATO's interpretation of the Libya resolution arguing that the "military operation done by the NATO forces was strictly within (resolution) 1973." Ban might have gotten a bit ahead of himself with this rather one-eyed assessment. Ironically, in this case we might need more of Ban the bridge-builder.
As UN analysts Richard Gowan and Bruce Jones have pointed out, Ban will "need to work hard at generating better understandings between the western and emerging powers on the issues that confront the UN on human rights, responsibility to protect, and the use of force" - while continuing to speak out for universal rights and responsibilities.
But there are a host of other issues where Ban will need to speak out forcefully against conventional UN wisdom. Let us just name three: climate change, peace operations and global development. On climate change, Ban's signature topic, it becomes increasingly clear that the current multilateral negotiation process in the UN-sponsored UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - the ed.) will not be able to prevent catastrophic climate change. Rather than claiming that "at Durban, we defied the sceptics," Ban should advocate for creative ways to complement the UNFCCC process.
On peace operations, the UN's flagship activity, Ban has demonstrated rather limited interest. It is about time he spelled out a blueprint for a better political and knowledge architecture for these missions while recognizing their limits. On global development, with the UN's "Millennium Development Goals (MDG)" nearing (and likely missing) their target dates in 2015, there is an urgent need for Ban to spearhead a fundamental re-assessment of global development governance beyond the MDGs.
Ban can only be successful at all this if he also brings his own house in order and reconnects with the UN's staff. You cannot govern the multinational UN bureaucracy like the Korean foreign ministry but Ban tried exactly that. At a senior management retreat in 2009, Ban complained, "I tried to lead by example. Nobody followed," without quite understanding why he failed to change an apparatus that indeed urgently needs shaking up. It did not help that he added that "in choosing my senior advisers, I have always cared less about a person's intellectual attainments than his or her ability to work well with others."
With that attitude, one can imagine the stimulating exchanges within the UN's senior leadership team. Committing to a five-year term limit for his senior staff, Ban has vowed to "build a new team that is strong on substance and diverse in composition" for his second term. To this end, he should appoint independent-minded leaders to key positions and encourage them to challenge him. UN member states should take inspiration from Ban's policy of a five-year term limit for senior staff and in the future also apply it to the position of the UN Secretary-General.
That way, UN leaders can be bold from day one because they will not need to campaign for re-election. And member states might be more open to choosing competent, charismatic and independent personalities for the job. After all, they would only have to live with them for five years.
Editor: Rob Mudge

Cairo raids spark ire in Berlin

Arab World | 29.12.2011

Cairo raids spark ire in Berlin


Germany and the US have expressed great concern over Egyptian raids on non-government organizations. Human rights groups are describing the raids as a campaign against them by the country's military rulers.


Berlin has summoned Egypt's ambassador over raids carried out by Egyptian police on offices of pro-democracy and human rights groups in Cairo.
Germany's Konrad Adenauer Foundation, a group with close ties to the ruling Christian Democrat Union party, was among the 17 international organizations whose offices were raided Thursday in the Egyptian capital.
Germany's Foreign office reacted with "great concern," saying the organization had been active in Egypt without problem for years.
German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle on Thursday said he expected "that the issue be sorted out as quickly as possible so that the Foundation may continue its work as quickly as possible without obstruction."
Logo of Freedom HouseMistrust of foreign-funded groups is rife in Egypt
US funds at stake
In Washington, US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told a news briefing that the US was "deeply concerned that Egyptian judicial and police officials raided the offices of a number of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) today."
"This action is inconsistent with the bilateral cooperation we have had over many years," Nuland said. “We call on the Egyptian government to immediately end the harassment of NGO staff, return all property and resolve this issue immediately."
Nuland also indicated that the $1.3 billion (1 billion euros) in direct aid that the US gives Egypt's military could be reconsidered if the situation did not improve.
Foreign funds probe
The official MENA news agency said the raids were part of an investigation into alleged illicit foreign funding of the organizations. No arrests were reported, but the authorities reportedly confiscated equipment and documents.
Egyptian authorities have been blaming foreign-funded groups for political unrest in the country after Hosni Mubarak was ousted as president in a February uprising.
Election monitors
The raided offices included those of the US-based International Republican Institute (IRI), the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and Freedom House, a democratic watchdog group.
In a statement, NDI President Kenneth Wollack said, "Cracking down on organizations whose sole purpose is to support the democratic process during Egypt's historic transition sends a disturbing signal."
Both NDI and IRI have been monitoring Egyptian elections.
Author: Timothy Jones (Reuters, AFP)
Editor: David Levitz

Reconciliation is the goal, says Stasi archives commissioner

Reconciliation is the goal, says Stasi archives commissioner


The commissioner for the Stasi archives, former East German dissident Roland Jahn, takes stock of the agency's work 20 years after it was founded. He spoke to Mario Dobovisek of public radio station Deutschlandfunk.


The Agency of the Federal Commissioner for the Stasi Records (BStU) stores the records of the former East German secret police, the Stasi. It grants private citizens, public institutions, journalists and researchers access to these files. On the occasion of the agency's 20th anniversary, Commissioner Roland Jahn said the BStU has made the Stasi's operations transparent while at the same time protecting the data the secret police gathered on individuals in East Germany.   
Mario Dobovisek: Actually, the Stasi Records Act was passed twice: in 1990 by East Germany's last parliament, the Volkskammer, and then much later by the German lower house of parliament, the Bundestag, on December 29, 1991. Why did that take so long?
Roland Jahn: During German unification, authorities struggled with the Stasi records, that's why it was a long, drawn-out process; but in the end, the result was much better and that's what counts.
Back then, Lothar de Maiziere, the last East German leader, feared "bloody murder" should the Stasi archives be opened.  Why do you believe the Stasi's victims did not, in fact, resort to acts of revenge?
Because we managed to develop a method allowing people access to the files, and we gave it a legal basis. On the one hand, we managed to make the Stasi's actions transparent; on the other hand, we managed to protect the data the secret police gathered, in violation of human rights, on East Germans - that is crucial.
You, for instance, found out the names of the people who spied on you. How do you feel about them?Roland Jahn Roland Jahn took office in March 2011
That's very personal, and it has changed, too. The first time I had access to my files was on January 2, 1992, almost 20 years ago, and that was a shock. Reading what friends had spied on me really got under my skin. Of course, you're excited at that point. But over the years, you adopt a more relaxed attitude about how to approach the problem and especially concerning what you've learned about how the system worked. What made an individual become a spy? How did it work? That's what it really boils down to: we want to understand how it worked.
Twenty-one years after reunification, this relaxed attitude threatens to spread a nostalgic fog over parts of the East German past, along the lines of: it wasn't all bad. Would you agree?
I don't think so. I believe that the 20 years of the Stasi Records Act have contributed to creating transparency about how a dictatorship functions. It's crucial that society here can openly deal with it, come to terms with it and enable what Culture Minister Bernd Neumann has always urged: that people make their peace with it, with possible reconciliation as the final goal.
Sedition for East German crimes does not exist as a statutory offense. How do you deal with falsified history?
I believe that the past 20 years of using the Stasi Records Act have shown that East German history has been dealt with in a very careful manner; people didn't necessarily need to resort to threatening those who had a different view of history with the law. Instead, there's been an open debate and the Stasi files helped show how things worked back then. The records are documents that are constantly in demand, especially by the media and researchers.
At first, there was a great run on the agency. On the very first day the records were made public, the 20.000 application forms available were gone within hours. How much interest is there today in gaining access to the old files?
The interest is just as high today. Many people are surprised that there are still so many applications to access the files. In 2010, we had 87.000 applications by people who wanted to access their files, there were almost as many this year, and I believe that it will be a few years before the figures drop.
Let's turn to the amendment to the Stasi Records Act that goes into effect on January 1, 2012. Among other things, it is about the disciplinary relocation of some the agency's former Stasi employees. The agency's very first head, Joachim Gauck, criticized you personally. He said: "I think the debate about employing people who used to get their pay check from the Stasi is exaggerated. I wouldn't have chosen this approach. First of all, I'd like to make it clear that most of these people never persecuted the population but worked as body and security guards. And I only employed those that were fully trusted by members of the democracy movement that had already supported us."
Why do you think the step is appropriate all the same?
First of all, I think Joachim Gauck is saying, this is an old discussion, more than 20 years old. I've always been critical of the position Joachim Gauck is defending here, we just didn't see eye-to-eye. But of course one has to admit that during his years as Federal Commissioner, Joachim Gauck did a fabulous job und for that reason, I believe it is important that we resolve these different positions. One thing is clear to me: the problem arose by employing these Stasi people - they were, by the way, full-time Stasi officers, not just somebody - at the very agency that is supposed to process the Stasi past. The problem still exists. Before I took on this job, I spoke to the victims' associations.
Was it a mistake when Joachim Gauck employed these people?
I believe it was clearly a mistake to employ these people. But now we have to deal with it and so the amendment to the Stasi Records Act is a good precondition to ensure that former Stasi employees who currently work at the BStU can be relocated to other federal institutions. And that gives us the chance to solve the conflict that victims aren't faced with former Stasi officers when they come to the agency to review their files.
But do you really think disciplinary relocation is the right way to deal with employees, some of whom were outstanding?
It will be a regular relocation, just like in other public services. It is about…...
You don't need a law for that.
You don't need a law for that, but the German Bundestag wanted to send a political signal, especially to the victims, so the law isn't divisive. It's crucial that we find a solution  and that over the next few weeks, the federal public administration  allocate jobs for these employees in other federal agencies.
Interview: Mario Dobovisek / db
Editor: Nicole Goebel COPIADO :

Harsh conditions slow down anti-whaling activists

Endangered species | 29.12.2011

Harsh conditions slow down anti-whaling activists


One of Sea Shepherd's vessels has been badly damaged by a wave in bad weather conditions off the coast of Antarctica. The conservationist group had been trying to interfere with the annual Japanese whale hunt.


One of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society's boats has been severely damaged after getting caught in choppy waters with six meter swells off Antarctica. The Brigitte Bardot was hit by a wave which cracked its hull while chasing the Japanese fleet's Nisshin Maru factory vessel on its annual whale hunt.
The conservationist group's leader, Paul Watson, told the press he was disappointed about the drawback but that they had been prepared for such situations. He said the group's main ship, the Steve Irwin, would be going to the help of the 10-member crew stuck on the Brigitte Bardot, but that it would take around 20 hours to reach the crippled boat.
The ship's captain, Jonathan Miles Renecle, said that while the crack was getting bigger, he was "confident that the ship will stay afloat until the Steve Irwin arrives."
Seamen lift the carcass of a whale onto a boatCommercial whaling was banned in an international moratorium in 1986
Activist drones
After picking up the trail using a military-style drone on Sunday, three Sea Shepherd vessels had been chasing the Japanese fleet to disrupt their hunt. With two ships out of the race, the Sea Shepherd now only has one, the Bob Barker, on the tail of the whalers.
The conservationist group is on its eighth consecutive annual mission to interfere with the annual Japanese whale hunt. It receives support from the international community, who are against Japan carrying out whaling for "lethal research" since 1987 despite an international moratorium on commercial whaling, which was introduced in 1986.
Japanese whalers kill hundreds of whales on their annual hunt. But last season, the Japanese had to cut short their mission due to Sea Shepherd harassment. The conservationist group claims to have saved 800 whales from being killed in the Southern Ocean last season alone.
A whaling boat fitted with a harpoon goes in search of Minke whales off the coast of Reykjavik, Iceland Iceland and Japan claim to carry out whale hunting for scientific purposes
Legal action

In 2010, Sea Shepherd's speedboat Ady Gil sank in a clash with the whalers. This year, the Japanese harpooners are being accompanied by an unspecified number of coastguard vessels – an endeavor supposedly being partially financed with tsunami reconstruction funds.
While Australia with the help of New Zealand has taken up legal action against Japan in the International Court of Justice in the Hague, Netherlands, the whalers are taking legal action in Washington against Sea Shepherd for their "life-threatening" campaign.
Author: Sarah Berning (AFP, dpa, AP)
Editor: Arun Chowdhury COPIADO :

Conheça sete ditadores que continuam vivos e poderosos

21/12/2011 atualizado em 21/12/2011


Conheça sete ditadores que continuam vivos e poderosos

Ibarahim Usta/07.06.2010/APIbarahim Usta/07.06.2010/AP
Foto 1 de 7
O presidente sírio Bashar al Assad, de 46 anos, é um o mais jovem e mais ameaçado tirano de nossa lista. Isso porque ele parece ser o próximo alvo da famigerada Primavera Árabe, a onda de revoluções que, desde janeiro, tem confrontado regimes em diversos países no norte da África e Oriente Médio. Na Síria, as revoltas começaram em meados de março e, desde então, vêm sofrendo uma repressão violenta das forças de segurança. Segundo a ONU, mais de 5.000 pessoas já morreram e a guerra civil já é uma realidade no país, mas Assad afirma que “nunca deu ordens para matar”. De acordo com o ditador (que assumiu o poder após a morte do pai, Hafez, em 2000) os protestos são obra de imigrantes e terroristas, e não da população comum. No entanto, os últimos meses afastaram aliados importantes como a vizinha Turquia, colocando-o nos mesmos trilhos percorridos por gente como Hosni Mubarak (no Egito) ou Muammar Gaddafi (na Líbia)
Outras fotos

Conheça sete ditadores que continuam vivos e poderosos

Kim Jong-il e Muammar Gaddafi se foram, mas o mundo continua repleto de tiranos que continuam a cometer crimes sem ser incomodados
Imagens do dia

Imagens do dia

Veja as principais imagens desta terça-feira (20)COPIADO :

Rebeldes sírios anunciam trégua à espera

publicado em 30/12/2011 às 10h45:

Rebeldes sírios anunciam trégua à espera
de reunião com monitores árabes

Grupo armado de oposição ordena que forças interrompam ataques

Síria protestosAFP
Imagens captadas por militante de oposição, postadas no YouTube, mostram soldados do governo prendendo manifestante com violência em Duma. Não está claro até que ponto as ordens do comando dos rebeldes serão atendidas pelos opositores - já que o governo continua matando manifestantes
O Exército Livre Sírio, grupo armado de oposição ao governo, ordenou que suas forças interrompam as ações ofensivas, à espera de uma reunião com a delegação da Liga Árabe que monitora o compromisso do presidente Bashar al Assad com um plano de paz para o país, disse o comandante dos rebeldes na sexta-feira (30).
O coronel Riad al Assad afirmou que suas forças não puderam,  por enquanto, conversar com os monitores, e que ele está buscando um contato urgente. A delegação estrangeira chegou na semana passada à Síria, para uma missão de um mês.
"Emiti uma ordem para parar todas as operações a partir do dia em que o comitê entrou na Síria, na sexta-feira passada. Todas as operações contra o regime devem ser interrompidas, exceto numa situação de autodefesa", disse ele à Reuters.
"Tentamos nos comunicar com eles (monitores) e solicitamos uma reunião com a equipe. Até agora, não houve sucesso. Não recebemos nenhum número (telefônico) dos monitores, o que havíamos solicitado. Ninguém nos contatou tampouco."
O coronel Assad está baseado na Turquia, e não está claro até que ponto suas ordens são atendidas pelos rebeldes. Um vídeo gravado nesta semana por rebeldes mostrou uma emboscada contra um comboio de ônibus do Exército oficial da Síria, resultando, segundo ativistas, na morte de quatro soldados.
O presidente sírio, Bashar al Assad, aceitou recentemente um plano de paz da Liga Árabe destinado a acabar com a violência na Síria. A ONU estima que mais de 5.000 pessoas já morreram desde março, a maioria na repressão a protestos pacíficos pela democratização do país.
O plano da Liga Árabe prevê a retirada das Forças Armadas das cidades onde há protestos, a libertação de presos políticos e o início de um diálogo com a oposição.
A missão regional de monitoramento tem despertado ceticismo, por causa da sua dimensão limitada, da sua composição e do fato de depender da logística do governo sírio. O desconforto da oposição com a missão se agravou depois de uma declaração do chefe dos monitores, um general sudanês, que disse ter tido uma primeira impressão "tranquilizadora".
O general sudanês Mustafa al Dabi, acusado por alguns de ligação com crimes de guerra ocorridos na década de 1990 na região de Darfur, fez na terça-feira (27) uma rápida visita à cidade de Homs, epicentro dos confrontos, e disse não ter visto "nada de assustador".
Vídeos gravados por ativistas em Homs nos últimos meses mostram o rastro de morte e destruição deixado pela repressão militar, e ativistas dizem que centenas de pessoas morreram na cidade nos últimos meses.
Não é possível verificar de forma independente esses relatos, uma vez que o governo sírio expulsou a maior parte dos correspondentes estrangeiros do país.
O Observatório Sírio de Direitos Humanos, que funciona em Londres e é ligado à oposição, relatou que houve novos protestos na sexta-feira em vários pontos do país, inclusive uma manifestação com 70 mil pessoas em Douma, subúrbio de Damasco, onde os monitores estavam presentes.
Foram relatadas também manifestações a favor do presidente Assad.
O Observatório disse também que as forças sírias mataram quatro pessoas, inclusive dois desertores, numa emboscada em Talkalakh, perto da fronteira com o Líbano.COPIADO :

Naufrágio de cargueiro vietnamita

Publicado em 30/12/2011 às 11h16:

Naufrágio de cargueiro vietnamita
deixa 22 desaparecidos

Vítimas podem ter afundado com o navio que ia da Indonésia à China
Uma pessoa foi resgatada com vida e outras 22 estão desaparecidas após o naufrágio de um cargueiro vietnamita que transportava 54,4 mil toneladas de níquel da Indonésia à China, informaram nesta sexta-feira (30) as autoridades marítimas do Vietnã.

O diretor do Centro de Coordenação de Salvamento Marinho do Vietnã, Nguyen Anh Vu, declarou à Agência Efe que 23 pessoas viajavam no Vinalines Queen e que perderam o contato com o barco no último domingo (25), quando a embarcação estava em águas ao noroeste da ilha filipina de Luzon.

The London Courage, um navio britânico que navegava pela região, resgatou um sobrevivente que está sendo levado para Cingapura. Conforme relatou o náufrago, o cargueiro afundou rapidamente e ele só teve tempo de lançar na água uma lancha salva-vidas e subir nela.

Nenhum dos demais membros da tripulação conseguiu subir no bote de salvamento. Ele acredita que todos tenham afundado com o Vinalines Queen. O Centro de Coordenação de Salvamentos Marítimos do Vietnã indicou que enquanto não encontrarem os corpos todos continuarão sendo dados como desaparecidos.
O "Vinalines" foi construído no Japão em 2005 e era um dos navios mais modernos da Marinha vietnamita.

Online PHR Provider Featured in Health IT Article

Online PHR Provider Featured in Health IT Article, an online provider of personal health record (PHR) services for patients and care providers, was featured in an article on The health IT article focused on the importance of personal health records (PHRs) for health consumers and providers, and showcased Zweena as a trusted Online PHR platform and service that could revolutionize PHR adoption and delivery in the United States.

Quote startThere's an evolution going on...Google Health's model didn't work because they were focused on getting millions of eyeballs for their PHR site, but it's really about putting the patient at the center of their information, and making it easy.Quote end
Skillman, NJ (PRWEB) December 30, 2011, a provider of online personal health record (PHR) services, was recently featured in the Healthcare section of the business technology weekly, The health technology news piece focused on as a provider of digitized personal health record service which solves many issues patients face when trying to maintain a personal health record. Zweena provides patients with a stress-free, customized and optimized PHR service by assembling paper-based medical records from various healthcare providers and presenting this information in a clear and useful way on a platform that is safe, private and easy to access and share with providers and other parties.
Zweena stands out because it does all the work for the patient by gathering patient medical records from multiple healthcare providers, assembling these records in a structured format, and then securely storing the organized records in both and Microsoft HealthVault, providing a highly secure and private online PHR and health information management platform that can be accessed at any time and from any location, empowering patients with timely, accurate and up-to-date information that can save a life and improve the overall quality of healthcare provided.
The benefits of having a digitized Personal Health Record (PHR) like the one Zweena provides cannot be overemphasized;
A digitized PHR allows patient health information and records to be stored in a single online location, providing secure, private and easy access to this information whenever it is needed.
Digitized PHR's also classify and organize this information in a standard format, providing data interoperability and allowing patient health records to be shared seamlessly with providers across supported platforms.
The digitization of patient health records using a service like Zweena also allows patient records to be structured into meaningful, useful and actionable segments of information that can be easily and clearly understood and updated.
Other benefits that a digitized PHR like Zweena provides include a significant reduction in medical error and empowering people to improve their healthcare by giving them the ability to play a role in their care.
Quoting John Phelan, CEO Zweena LLC, about the uniqueness of the Zweena service and why it continues to attract an increasing number of users daily;
"There's an evolution going on...Google Health's model didn't work because they were focused on getting millions of eyeballs for their PHR site, but it's really about putting the patient at the center of their information, and making it easy."
Zweena presents a wonderful opportunity for patients to have a truly comprehensive, accurate and accessible online personal health record. By minimizing stress and error and presenting useful health information in a clear and actionable way, Zweena allows patients to really be in control of their health information, and makes it possible for providers to access updated and accurate information that saves time, cost and in emergency cases, human life.
The Zweena service is available as a free trial. To learn more or get started, please visit, send an email to info(at)zweenahealth(dot)com or call the Zweena help line on 877-848-4248 for more information.
Medical Records Online -
About Zweena
Zweena empowers patients, their families and healthcare providers to get the best care and make the best health decisions proactively. Zweena achieves this by collecting patient medical records, assembling and storing them with Microsoft HealthVault, and delivering an online personal health record that is safe, private, and easy to access and share at any time, and from any place. Zweena provides you with an easy and structured way to access and store your personal health record, helping you to make sense of it all and always keeping your vital health  COPIADO :

La croissance allemande a bénéficié de la monnaie unique

La croissance allemande a bénéficié de la monnaie unique

LEMONDE | 30.12.11 | 13h18

l'Allemagne, bien que contributrice nette des fonds de solidarité européens, est toujours la grande gagnante de l'euro
l'Allemagne, bien que contributrice nette des fonds de solidarité européens, est toujours la grande gagnante de l'euroAFP/PHILIPPE HUGUEN

Berlin Correspondance - En Allemagne, les études mesurant l'opinion de la population sur l'euro se suivent, et parfois... se contredisent. Une enquête publiée en décembre 2011 par le Centre pour les études politiques européennes (CEPS) assurait que deux Allemands sur trois soutenaient la monnaie unique. Des résultats en décalage avec les enquêtes menées par l'institut de sondages d'opinion d'Allensbach, qui estime de son côté que deux Allemands sur trois... n'ont pas confiance dans l'euro et regrettent le deutschemark.

Le débat vieux de dix ans a repris, en cette année de crise de la zone euro, avec la même ardeur qu'à l'époque de l'introduction de la monnaie unique. Le point culminant des débats a été atteint cet été, lorsque trois économistes de renom ont défendu devant la Cour constitutionnelle de Karlsruhe un recours contre les aides accordées par l'Allemagne aux pays en difficulté de la zone euro. Le spectre du "renflouement" des pays défaillants a jeté le doute sur la solidité de la monnaie européenne et attisé la nostalgie du mark.
Pourtant, les études sont unanimes : l'Allemagne, bien que contributrice nette des fonds de solidarité européens, est toujours la grande gagnante de l'euro. Depuis son introduction dans les échanges en 1999, les exportations allemandes en direction des pays de l'Union européenne ont bondi de 9 % par an, contre 3 % par an entre 1990 et 1998. Elles représentent 40 % du total des exportations allemandes. L'euro, en supprimant le risque de change, a notamment facilité les exportations des entreprises de taille moyenne, moteurs de la croissance allemande, vers les pays européens.
Une étude de l'institut fédéral des statistiques Destatis, parue en décembre, montre même que le taux d'inflation, grande préoccupation des Allemands, a été de 1,6 % en moyenne depuis l'introduction de l'euro, contre 2,6 % à l'époque du deutschemark.
Dans ces conditions, comment expliquer cette position ambivalente des Allemands vis-à-vis de la monnaie unique ? Il y a d'abord l'argument psychologique. "Le deutschemark était le symbole du miracle économique et de la réunification ; il était considéré, à côté du franc suisse, comme la monnaie la plus stable d'Europe", rappelait Jens Weidmann, président de la Banque centrale allemande, dans un discours prononcé le 18 décembre.
Il y a aussi l'impression de hausse des prix. Malgré la faible inflation relevée par l'office des statistiques, les biens de consommation courante se sont effectivement renchéris avec l'euro, d'où son surnom de "teuro", de l'adjectif teurer, "plus cher". "Teuro" a été le mot de l'année 2002, mais aussi des années suivantes.
C'est bien de ce côté qu'il faut chercher les raisons du désamour. En 2002, l'Allemagne compte 5 millions de chômeurs et lutte pour retrouver de la compétitivité. En 2005, elle flexibilise son marché du travail, les prestations sociales sont rabotées.
Dans le même temps, la progression des salaires subit un coup de frein. Les entreprises exportent de plus en plus, mais le pouvoir d'achat réel des salariés baisse. Un déclassement que l'euro-"teuro" tend à exacerber. Le parti d'extrême gauche Die Linke rappelle souvent que l'euro, s'il a été bon pour les entreprises, est synonyme de sacrifices importants pour les salariés. A l'heure où l'Europe admire les performances de l'économie allemande, le fossé entre riches et pauvres n'a jamais été aussi profond.
Cécile Boutelet Article paru dans l'édition du 01.01.12  COPIADO :

Avalanche de voeux au pied du mont Fuji

Avalanche de voeux au pied du mont Fuji

Lettre d'Asie | LEMONDE | 30.12.11 | 13h45
Le matin du 1er janvier, les boîtes aux lettres regorgent de cartes de voeux. Même en ce jour de fête, les postiers travaillent - et sans doute plus encore que tout autre jour de l'année. Ils mettent un point d'honneur à ce que les voeux du Nouvel An arrivent bien au matin du jour J. A la poste, la nuit du 31 décembre comme les jours qui précédent, on s'affaire avec, en renfort, des jeunes en quête d'un petit boulot. Pour être distribuées à temps, les cartes doivent être impérativement postées avant le 25 décembre.
Chaque année, le Japon est saisi d'une frénésie de cartes de voeux : en moyenne de 3,5 à 4 milliards (pour une population de 120 millions d'habitants, soit une trentaine par personne) sont postées à travers l'Archipel dans les deux dernières semaines de décembre. Parents, amis, relations, collègues, supérieurs hiérarchiques et commerçants soignant leurs clients : tout le monde y va de ses bons voeux.
L'usage veut toutefois que l'on n'en présente pas aux familles ayant connu un deuil au cours de l'année qui s'achève. Souvent, celles-ci adressent des cartes de deuil annonçant qu'elles n'échangeront pas de voeux cette année, par respect pour le défunt.
En raison du drame qui a frappé en 2011 la population de la région du Tohoku, touchée, en mars, par le fort séisme suivi d'un tsunami, les cartes de voeux envoyées aux habitants comportent des formules imprimées plus sobres que celles, joyeuses et pleines de promesses, qui y figurent généralement. La plupart de celles envoyées dans cette région sont simplement marquées de l'idéogramme choisi comme symbole de l'année 2011 : le lien.
Les Japonais utilisent évidemment des cartes de voeux richement illustrées par différents motifs traditionnels (pin, bambou ou branche de prunier, qui font partie des décorations du Nouvel An, soleil levant sur le mont Fuji, etc.), et surtout, par les signes du zodiaque chinois. Celui-ci a un cycle de douze ans et chaque année est représentée par un animal (rat, tigre, serpent, cheval...). L'année 2012 est celle du Dragon - le seul animal imaginaire du cycle. Il n'y a pas si longtemps, les enfants confectionnaient un tampon avec une patate douce coupée en deux sur laquelle ils gravaient l'animal de l'année. Puis, les cartes imprimées se sont répandues. En 2011, certaines sont même parfumées.
En dépit de ces innovations, la plus populaire reste celle proposée par la poste : une simple carte, postée sans enveloppe, qui comporte, imprimées, les formules consacrées ("Bonne année", "Je m'en remets à votre bienveillance cette année encore"... ), que l'on peut compléter de quelques mots plus personnels.
Ces cartes de voeux sobres, dont l'affranchissement est inclus dans le prix (50 yens, soit 50 centimes d'euro) sont achetées en grandes quantités par les entreprises. Leur popularité tient aussi au fait qu'elles font également office de billets de loterie : chacune d'elles porte un numéro qui permettra au gagnant d'obtenir un cadeau (télévision, téléphone mobile, navigateur...), dont la valeur ne peut excéder 5 000 fois le prix de la carte.
Cette loterie, lancée au lendemain de la seconde guerre mondiale, reflète deux moments du Japon.
A l'époque Heian (fin du VIIIe siècle-fin du XIIe siècle), à la pratique d'aller souhaiter en personne la bonne année à ses parents ou à un supérieur s'ajouta (ou se substitua), dans l'aristocratie, l'envoi de lettres aux personnes géographiquement éloignées. Un moyen de faire savoir à un être cher que l'on était toujours en vie à une époque où les communications étaient difficiles. Cette tradition s'étendit ensuite aux autres couches de la population. A l'époque Meiji (1868-1912), après que le Japon eut adopté le calendrier grégorien - l'année lunaire prévalait jusqu'alors et le début de l'année correspondait à ce que l'on nomme le "Nouvel An chinois" - les cartes de voeux commencèrent à être commercialisées. La distribution des cartes de voeux le 1er janvier fut instituée en 1899. Et, quelques années plus tard, apparurent les cartes prétimbrées.
Au lendemain de la défaite de 1945, de nombreux Japonais étaient sans nouvelles de leurs proches, et des émissions de radio étaient consacrées à leur recherche. Elles donnèrent l'idée à un marchand d'Osaka de proposer au ministère des postes d'encourager ceux qui s'étaient perdus de vue dans le chaos de la guerre à s'envoyer des cartes de voeux. Pour les y inciter davantage, furent commercialisées, à partir de 1949, des cartes de voeux-billets de loterie.
Les lots reflétaient la situation et les besoins d'un pays se relevant à peine de la défaite : il s'agissait d'appareils ménagers de première nécessité, comme des machines à coudre ou des lessiveuses. Aujourd'hui, la loterie fait moins recette : seulement deux tiers des gagnants vont chercher leurs lots.
Les voeux s'échangent de plus en plus sur Internet ou par l'intermédiaire des téléphones portables. Pourtant, la tradition de la carte calligraphiée, qui atteste, par les caractères tracés à la main, d'un lien humain, reste profondément ancrée.

Philippe Pons

Birmanie : les élections partielles fixées au 1er avril

Birmanie : les élections partielles fixées au 1er avril

LEMONDE.FR avec AFP | 30.12.11 | 13h58

La dissidente birmane pose avec le président Thein Sein, le 19 août 2011. 22/08/11
La dissidente birmane pose avec le président Thein Sein, le 19 août 2011.AFP/MYANMAR NEWS AGENCY

Les élections partielles birmanes, auxquelles l'opposante Aung San Suu Kyi a annoncé sa volonté de se présenter pour la première fois, auront lieu le 1er avril, a indiqué vendredi 30 décembre un responsable gouvernemental birman.

Plus de un an après les élections de novembre 2010, que le parti de Mme Suu Kyi avait boycottées, ce scrutin doit permettre de pourvoir 48 sièges dans les deux assemblées nationales et les assemblées régionales, sièges rendus vacants par des élus étant devenus ministres.
Jeudi, le régime birman avait annoncé de nouvelles libérations de prisonniers politiques. Ces libérations, réclamées par la communauté internationale, pourraient intervenir le 4 janvier et le 12 février, avait indiqué un responsable de la chambre basse du Parlement.

La Hongrie adopte une loi controversée sur sa banque centrale

LEMONDE.FR avec AFP | 30.12.11 | 13h55

Viktor Orban, le premier ministre hongrois, le 17 novembre 2010.
Viktor Orban, le premier ministre hongrois, le 17 novembre 2010.AFP/THIERRY CHARLIER

Le Parlement hongrois a adopté vendredi 30 décembre une loi qui accroît l'influence du gouvernement conservateur de Viktor Orban sur la Banque centrale, malgré les critiques de l'Union européenne (UE), de la Banque centrale européenne (BCE) et du Fonds monétaire international (FMI). La loi a été adoptée avec 293 voix pour, 4 contre et une abstention, grâce à la majorité des deux tiers dont dispose le parti Fidesz du premier ministre, Viktor Orban.

La réforme de la Banque centrale (MNB), qui est censée être indépendante du pouvoir politique, retire à son président la prérogative de choisir ses adjoints, qui passent de deux à trois, et seront dorénavant nommés par le chef du gouvernement. Ce troisième et nouvel adjoint a été par avance qualifié de "commissaire politique" par le gouverneur de la MNB, Andras Simor, qui déplaît notoirement à Viktor Orban en raison de sa politique de taux d'intérêt élevés.
Le conseil monétaire de cette institution, qui décide de la politique de taux d'intérêt, passera par ailleurs de sept à neuf personnes, ses deux membres extérieurs supplémentaires étant, comme quatre autres, nommés par le Parlement, donc par le Fidesz. La réforme de la MNB s'apparente à une "prise de pouvoir totale" de l'institution par le gouvernement conservateur de Viktor Orban, avait dénoncé plus tôt Andras Simor dans un entretien au site d'information en ligne Index. COPIADO :

Siria: cortei in varie citta'; attivisti, gia' 8 vittime

Siria: cortei in varie citta'; attivisti, gia' 8 vittime

Osservatori della Lega Araba a Latakia, circondati da lealisti

30 dicembre, 13:41
  • Marcia di protesta contro il regime di Assad ad Hama (foto archivio) Marcia di protesta contro il regime di Assad ad Hama (foto archivio)
(ANSAmed) - BEIRUT - Manifestazioni di protesta anti-regime si stanno svolgendo in numerose località della Siria, sfidando il massiccio dispiegamento di forze di sicurezza e di milizie lealiste (shabbiha). Lo riferiscono i Comitati di coordinamento locali degli attivisti, secondo cui si registrano gia' 8 vittime, uccise dalle forze fedeli al presidente Bashar al Assad. Cortei e sit-in si svolgono a Homs, Hama, Dayr az Zor, Albukamal, Qamishli, nella regione di Daraa, in quella di Idlib, nei sobborghi di Damasco e in alcuni quartieri della capitale e di Aleppo, le due città finora meno coinvolte nelle proteste anti-regime.

I Comitati di coordinamento locali hanno diffuso sul loro sito Internet la lista dettagliata dei manifestanti uccisi oggi.

Le vittime si registrano nella regione di Homs, in particolare nella località di Tell Kalakh.

I manifestanti hanno risposto in massa agli appelli lanciati dagli attivisti anti-regime sui loro siti Internet a concentrarsi nelle principali piazze delle città del Paese nel tradizionale venerdì di protesta, con l'intenzione di 'creare tante Tahrir' siriane, in riferimento a piazza Tahrir del Cairo, approfittando della presenza degli osservatori della Lega Araba nel Paese che dovrebbe dissuadere le forze di sicurezza di sparare sulla folla.

Un gruppo di osservatori si trovano ad Hama ed un altro a Idlib, mentre un altro gruppo di delegati della Lega Araba sono stati segnalati in un sobborgo di Damasco, Duma. Una squadra di osservatori si trova inoltre stamani a Latakia, porto nord-occidentale della Siria, e sono circondati da decine di sostenitori del presidente Assad che affermano di essere "gli unici manifestanti in città". Lo mostrano le immagini trasmesse dalla tv ad Dunia, di proprietà di una cordata di imprenditori vicina al regime. Latakia, capoluogo della regione a maggioranza alawita, branca dello sciismo a cui appartengono i clan al potere da 41 anni, è stato teatro sin dall'aprile scorso di proteste da parte dei cittadini della locale comunità sunnita represse nel sangue dalle forze di sicurezza e dalle milizie lealiste.(ANSAmed). COPIADO :

Libia: Aisha Gheddafi chiede aiuto a legale israeliano

Libia: Aisha Gheddafi chiede aiuto a legale israeliano

Vuole inchiesta internazionale su uccisione padre e fratelli

30 dicembre, 12:15
  • Aisha Gheddafi in un'immagine del 2006 Aisha Gheddafi in un'immagine del 2006
(ANSAmed) - TEL AVIV - Aisha Gheddafi, figlia dell'ex dittatore libico Muammar Gheddafi ucciso il 20 ottobre scorso nella città di Sirte, si è rivolta all'avvocato israeliano Nick Kaufman per chiedere alla Corte Penale internazionale (Cpi) dell'Aja di aprire un'inchiesta volta a identificare e processare i responsabili della morte del padre e del fratello Mutassim. Lo ha riferito oggi il quotidiano di Tel Aviv Yedioth Aharonoth, precisando che Kaufman ha fama di grande esperto di diritto penale internazionale e di profondo conoscitore delle procedure della Cpi, della quale è stato in passato membro di collegi d'accusa. "Aisha - ha detto il legale al giornale - è furiosa con i responsabili dell'assassinio del padre e del fratello Mutassim e vuole l'apertura immediata di un'inchiesta della Corte Penale Internazionale sulle circostanze di questi crimini. E' convinta che il governo provvisorio libico non sia capace di condurre l'inchiesta e non ne sia nemmeno interessato".

Kaufman ha detto che a Aisha - che, a suo dire, si trova agli arresti domiciliari in Algeria dove ha ottenuto asilo per motivi umanitari - "pur essendone a conoscenza, non interessa il fatto che sono cittadino israeliano e abito a Gerusalemme". Il legale ha detto di essere stato scelto per la sua fama di grande esperto di diritto penale internazionale. Kaufman ha definito "puri pettegolezzi" voci diffuse da alcuni organi di stampa stando alle quali Aisha vorrebbe chiedere asilo politico in Israele per sfuggire a una sua eventuale estradizione in Libia, dove peraltro non è finora stata accusata di alcun crimine.

Fonti governative interpellate a Gerusalemme dall'ANSA hanno detto di non essere a conoscenza di una richiesta di asilo di Aisha.(ANSAmed).
© Copyright ANSA - Tutti i diritti riservati COPIADO :

Wsj: Capezzone, attendiamo smentite

Wsj: Capezzone, attendiamo smentite

Se non ci saranno avremo idea di reale autonomia dell'Italia

30 dicembre, 14:03
Wsj: Capezzone, attendiamo smentite (ANSA) - ROMA, 30 DIC -''Rispetto al retroscena descritto dal Wall Street Journal, a proposito di una telefonata della cancelliera Merkel al presidente Napolitano (e di una telefonata con quei contenuti cosi' perentori e invasivi), c'e' davvero da sperare che giungano smentite'', dice Daniele Capezzone, portavoce del Pdl. ''In caso contrario, avremo un'idea chiara sull'autonomia e sulla liberta' dell'Italia, nonche' sullo stato di salute della nostra democrazia e sul residuo valore della sovranita' popolare''.

Médicos controlam sangramento no aparelho digestivo de Chico Anysio

Médicos controlam sangramento no aparelho digestivo de Chico Anysio

Rio - Médicos controlaram o sangramento no aparelho digestivo do humorista Chico Anysio, de 80 anos, segundo boletim médico divulgado nesta sexta-feira pelo Hospital Samaritano, em Botafogo, Zona Sul. O quadro de infecção pulmonar responde ao tratamento, mas o artista ainda respira com a ajuda de aparelhos.
Segundo o médico Luiz Alfredo Lamy, o estado clínico de Chico Anysio ainda inspira cuidados. Não há previsão de alta.
Foto: Divulgação
Foto: Divulgação
Neste domingo, o humorista havia deixado o CTI e sido transferido para a Unidade Intermediária do hospital. Contudo, na terça ele retornou ao centro intensivo.
Chico já havia sido internado no dia 30 de novembro por causa de uma infecção urinária, mas tinha recebido alta na quarta-feira (21). No início do ano, o artista ficou 110 dias no hospital após sofrer complicações cardiorrespiratórias. Neste período, entrou em coma por três vezes. Em 2011, o humorista também contraiu pneumonia em duas ocasiões, o que o deixou com a saúde bastante debilitada.

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