Europe Obama Deplores Russia’s ‘Brute Force’ in Ukraine

Obama Says U.S. ‘Will Never Waver’ on Shielding Allies

President Obama offered a forceful rejoinder against Russia on Wednesday, denouncing the “brute force” it has used to intimidate neighbors and vowing that the United States will stand up for its NATO allies.

President Obama spoke at the Palais Des Beaux Arts on Wedesday in Brussels. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times
BRUSSELS — President Obama offered a sustained and forceful rejoinder against Russia on Wednesday, denouncing the “brute force” he said it has used to intimidate neighbors like Ukraine and vowing that the United States “will never waver” in standing up for its NATO allies against aggression by Moscow.
In a speech meant as a capstone to his trip to Europe in the midst of an East-West confrontation with Russia, Mr. Obama addressed Moscow’s justifications for its intervention in Ukraine point by point, dismissing them as “absurd” or unmerited. He even defended the Iraq war, which he had opposed as a senator, as a stark contrast to the way Russia has seized the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine.
“America and the world and Europe has an interest in a strong and responsible Russia, not a weak one,” Mr. Obama told an audience of leading figures here in the capital of the European Union. “But that does not mean that Russia can run roughshod over its neighbors. Just because Russia has a deep history with Ukraine does not mean it should be able to dictate Ukraine’s future. No amount of propaganda can make right something the world knows is wrong.”
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Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times

Obama Gives Speech in Brussels

At the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels, the president appealed to Europeans to stand behind the ideals of freedom and human dignity, and deplored Russia’s “brute force” in Ukraine.
Mr. Obama rejected as false Moscow’s claims that Russian-speaking citizens were systematically imperiled in Ukraine and that Russia did nothing more in Crimea than the West had done in Kosovo. He also disclaimed any self-interested motivations in supporting a new pro-Western government in Ukraine that toppled Moscow’s ally, President Viktor F. Yanukovych, last month.
“Make no mistake: Neither the United States nor Europe has any interest in controlling Ukraine,” Mr. Obama said. “We have sent no troops there. What we want is for the Ukrainian people to make their own decisions, just like other free people around the world.”
Mr. Obama also took on and dismissed the Russian claim that the United States is being hypocritical because of its invasion of Iraq. He reminded the audience that he had opposed the war. “But even in Iraq, America sought to work within the international system,” he said. “We didn’t claim or annex Iraq’s territory. We did not grab its resources for our own gain.”
The speech came as Mr. Obama moved to deploy additional military forces to Eastern Europe to guard against Russian aggression. The president met with Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the secretary general of NATO, to discuss ways of reassuring Poland and the Baltic states, fellow alliance members that remain acutely nervous about Russia’s actions in the region. The United States has already sent additional planes to patrol the Baltic region and an aviation detachment to Poland.
Mr. Obama vowed to live up to NATO obligations to defend alliance members. “We have to make sure that we have put together very real contingency plans for every one of these members, including those who came in out of Central and Eastern Europe,” he said at a news conference before his speech. “And over the last several years we have worked up a number of these contingency plans.” He said alliance ministers next month would discuss doing more to ensure a “regular NATO presence among some of these states that feel vulnerable.”
The United States has already sent an extra six F-15C Eagles and 60 airmen to Lithuania and 12 F-16 fighter jets and 200 service members to Poland in recent weeks. “We’re prepared to do more,” Mr. Obama said.
Aides said the president would bolster that presence by rotating more ground and naval troops for exercises and training in Poland and the Baltic countries; update contingency planning for specific countries and update NATO’s threat assessment in the region; and increase the capacity of a NATO quick-response force.
Mr. Obama challenged other NATO nations to expand their own efforts, saying that they needed to upgrade their own militaries and help their Eastern allies. “Going forward, every NATO member state must step up and carry its share of the burden,” he said.
But in his speech, at the Palais des Beaux-Arts, perhaps the most prominent cultural site in Belgium, the president made a point of saying he did not consider the current showdown with Russia to be a new Cold War, noting that it was not a global struggle over ideology between blocs of nations but what he called an isolated, out-of-touch power flexing its muscles.
“Russia’s leadership is challenging truths that only a few weeks ago seemed self-evident, that in the 21st century the borders of Europe cannot be redrawn with force, that international law matters, that people and nations can make their own decisions about their future,” he said.
Then in a nod to the inward focus of many Americans, Mr. Obama added that “if we applied a coldhearted calculus, we might decide to look the other way” since Russia’s intimidation of Ukraine did not directly threaten the United States. “But that kind of casual indifference would ignore the lessons that are written in the cemeteries of this continent,” he said. “It would allow the old way of doing things to regain a foothold in this young century.”
The president has spent the first half of his European trip this week immersed in the gritty details of persuading his European allies to support sanctions against Russian officials, business leaders and politicians, and to help finance an economic recovery for Ukraine.
But the speech was an attempt to step back and look at the broader issues, aides said, in the hopes of helping to outline for Americans back home and for allies around the world why it is crucial to confront President Vladimir V. Putin after his takeover of Crimea.

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