After shooting, Florida to station police officer at every school Florida Governor Rick Scott announced plans to station a police officer at every public school in the state

After shooting, Florida to station police officer at every school

GETTY IMAGES/AFP/File / JOE RAEDLEFlorida Governor Rick Scott announced plans to station a police officer at every public school in the state
A police officer will be stationed at every public school in Florida, the state's governor announced Friday as part of a plan to improve security following last week's deadly high school shooting.
President Donald Trump repeated his call, meanwhile, for arming some of America's teachers and claimed the controversial proposal was increasingly drawing support.
The push to make schools safer came as the local sheriff's office released details of nearly two dozen visits to the residences of Nikolas Cruz, the 19-year-old behind the assault at Marjory Douglas Stoneman High School in Parkland, Florida.
Speaking at a news conference in the state capital Tallahassee, Republican governor Rick Scott unveiled a $450 million security plan in response to the Valentine's Day rampage.
"There is nothing more important than the safety of our children," Scott said. "We must take care of our kids."
"I am proposing at least one law enforcement officer for every 1,000 students," Scott said of putting police in public schools.
AFP / SAUL LOEBUS President Donald Trump pushed his proposal to arm teachers during a speech to a conservative conference
Asked about Trump's proposal that teachers carry concealed weapons, Scott replied: "My focus is on providing more law enforcement officers, not on arming the teachers."
Scott proposed a ban on "bump stocks" -- an accessory which turns a semi-automatic weapon into an automatic one -- and making it easier for courts "to prohibit a violent or mentally ill person from purchasing or possessing a firearm."
Scott also said the age for gun buyers in the state would be raised from 18 to 21 -- a move opposed by the powerful National Rifle Association (NRA) gun lobby.
The governor stopped short, however, of endorsing a ban on assault weapons -- a demand of many of the teenagers who survived the shooting at Stoneman Douglas which left 14 of their classmates and three teachers dead.
"I know there are some who are advocating a mass takeaway of Second Amendment rights for all Americans," Scott said -- referring to America's constitutional right to bear arms. "That is not the answer."
"Keeping guns away from dangerous people and people with mental issues is what we need to do," he said.
Trump also does not support a ban on semi-automatic weapons and in a speech to a conservative gathering near Washington on Friday he returned again to his idea of arming teachers.
- 'Shot the hell out of him' -
Speaking to a receptive crowd of thousands of fellow Republicans at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Trump said "well-trained" teachers could help stop school shootings.
AFP / SAUL LOEBPeople applaud as US President Donald Trump speaks at the 2018 Conservative Political Action Conference
"Maybe 10 percent or 20 percent of the population of teachers," he said. "Not all of them, but you would have a lot.
"And the beauty is it's concealed," Trump said.
Referring to Cruz, the Stoneman Douglas assailant, Trump said "a teacher would have shot the hell out of him before he knew what happened."
Trump claimed his proposal to arm teachers, which has been strongly criticized by the nation's largest teachers' unions, was drawing support.
"Since I started this two days ago a lot of people that were totally opposed to it are now agreeing," he said. "They don't want their students to be killed or to be hurt."
Trump proposed measures preventing the mentally ill from obtaining weapons and to "really strengthen up background checks" for gun buyers.
"And I really believe that Congress is going to get it through this time," he said.
Lawmakers in Washington have been deadlocked on the gun debate, accomplishing nothing despite a spate of mass shootings and polls showing Americans support stricter gun laws by a two-to-one margin.
Trump also criticized by name the sheriff's deputy who allegedly failed to take action against Cruz during the shooting spree.
"When it came time to get in there and do something he didn't have the courage or something happened," Trump told reporters. "But he certainly did a poor job. There's no question about that."
"They didn't react properly under pressure or they were a coward," he said.
The Broward County sheriff said Thursday that Peterson had resigned after being suspended without pay.
On Friday, the sheriff's office released details of 23 calls to the various homes where Cruz lived over the past nine years.
The earliest call dates from November 2008 when Cruz, then nine years old, threw a rock at another boy who had thrown a rock at him.
Other calls to the police were from Cruz's late mother, Linda, after she was involved in altercations with her son or he was fighting with his brother.
Two of the most disturbing calls -- in February 2016 and November 2017 -- were tips that Cruz was armed and may be planning to attack a school.
The sheriff's office said an internal investigation was underway into how those calls were handled.

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