'I would burn him with my own hands': Cruel taunt by CHILD among crowds watching the murder of Jordanian pilot on giant screens in Syria... who CHEER when the airman goes up in flames Is this where the pilot was torched to death? Syrian activists claim to have pinpointed location in Raqqa by identifying landmarks in execution video on aerial photographs Even Al-Qaeda condemn murder of Jordanian pilot as 'deviant'... and leading Muslim cleric calls for ISIS militants to be killed, crucified and have limbs 'chopped'


'I would burn him with my own hands': Cruel taunt by CHILD among crowds watching the murder of Jordanian pilot on giant screens in Syria... who CHEER when the airman goes up in flames

A sickening video has emerged showing Islamic State supporters gathering to watch Moaz al-Kasasbeh being burnt alive on big screen in the centre of the terror group's de facto capital Raqqa (centre). In the new four minute video, titled 'Muslims' Joy at Burning of Jordanian Pilot', the crowd can be seen cheering and shouting religious slogans as the airman goes up in flames (right). Later, members of the crowd - including smiling young children (left) - are asked for their views on the atrocity.


'I would burn him with my own hands': Cruel taunt by CHILD among crowds watching the murder of Jordanian pilot on giant screens in Syria... who CHEER when the airman goes up in flames 

  • Shocking video shows ISIS supporters gathering to watch murder footage
  • Big screens have been erected in terror group's de facto capital Raqqa
  • Film of Moaz al-Kasasbeh being burnt alive appears to be playing on loop
  • Crowd cheer and shout religious slogans as pilot is engulfed by flames
  • Film then shows locals - including children - talking about the atrocity 
  • Chilling new release is titled 'Muslims' Joy at Burning of Jordanian Pilot'
A sickening video showing cheering crowds of ISIS supporters watching the barbaric murder of a Jordanian pilot on specially erected giant screens also features a smiling child telling an interviewer: 'I would've burnt him [Moaz al-Kasasbeh] with my own hands.'
Filmed in the terror group's de facto capital Raqqa, the four minute clip is titled 'Muslims' Joy at Burning of Jordanian Pilot' and was released this afternoon.
The crowd can be heard cheering and shouting religious slogans as the airman goes up in flames, before an interviewer asks for their views on the atrocity, which has been widely condemned as one of the most sickening acts ever committed to film.
Among those questioned is a child who appears no more than eight-years-old. He is seen smiling and talking vividly about the murder, while eulogising about ISIS and their barbaric acts.
Jordan's King Abdullah II today returned home after cutting short a visit to the US where he was when news broke that the pilot had been savagely murdered.
'We are waging this war to protect our faith, our values and human principles and our war for their sake will be relentless and will hit them in their own ground', he said.
Scroll down for video 
Horror: Among those watching the atrocity on Raqqa's giant screens was this child, who appears no older than eight. He is seen smiling and talking vividly about the murder, while eulogising about ISIS and their barbaric acts and telling an interviewer: 'I would've burnt him [Moaz al-Kasasbeh] with my own hands'
Horror: Among those watching the atrocity on Raqqa's giant screens was this child, who appears no older than eight. He is seen smiling and talking vividly about the murder, while eulogising about ISIS and their barbaric acts and telling an interviewer: 'I would've burnt him [Moaz al-Kasasbeh] with my own hands'
Support: The video shows crowds of Islamic State supporters cheering the barbaric murder of Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh on specially erected giant screens in the terror group's de facto capital Raqqa
Broadcast: The four minute video, which appears to be an official ISIS release, shows young men and children gathering in the busy streets of the city to watch footage of Kasasbeh being burnt alive by terrorists
The short video is filmed in a documentary style using HD cameras and contains logos and slogans associated with ISIS' self-styled media centres.
It begins with a short interview with a man who identifies himself as a fighter with the terror group, before going on include short exchanges with members of the local population.
While the interviews take place footage from Kasasbeh's original murder video are seen being played to large crowds in the background. As those being interviewed are not paying attention to the video, it is likely the gruesome execution is being broadcast on a loop in the city centre.
Even by ISIS' barbaric standards, the terror group's latest execution video - which lasts 22 minutes and was released yesterday afternoon - reached a truly depraved new low.
Kasasbeh is believed to have been killed a month ago but ISIS only released footage of his agonising death yesterday, drawing widespread condemnation from across the world. 
Jordan responded by hanging two jihadists.
As with previous beheading videos featuring British executioner Jihadi John, the footage is characterised by its slick production values and graphics.
But unlike the others, it contains an added cinematic dimension designed to achieve unparalleled impact on the viewer - as if the horror of watching someone torched to death wasn't enough.
Sick: The short video begins with a short interview with a man who identifies himself as a fighter with the terror group (right), before going on include short exchanges with members of the local population (left)
Professional: The short video is filmed in a documentary style using HD cameras and contains logos and slogans associated with ISIS' self-styled media centres
Professional: The short video is filmed in a documentary style using HD cameras and contains logos and slogans associated with ISIS' self-styled media centres
Militants fighting for the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq yesteday released the video showing Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh being burned alive while locked in a cage
Militants fighting for the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq yesteday released the video showing Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh being burned alive while locked in a cage
Brutal: The footage, which is titled 'Healing the Believers Chests', shows the captured airman wearing an orange jumpsuit as a trail of petrol leading up to the cage is seen being set alight
Brutal: The footage, which is titled 'Healing the Believers Chests', shows the captured airman wearing an orange jumpsuit as a trail of petrol leading up to the cage is seen being set alight
Barbaric: An ISIS extremist lights a trail of petrol leading to the cage in which the 26-year-old stands 
Barbaric: An ISIS extremist lights a trail of petrol leading to the cage in which the 26-year-old stands 
Depraved: The flames reach the cage holding the helpless pilot. It is later flattened by a bulldozer
Depraved: The flames reach the cage holding the helpless pilot. It is later flattened by a bulldozer


The head of Sunni Islam's top university has called for the crucifixion of ISIS militants over the burning of a Jordanian fighter pilot - an act even Al-Qaeda condemned as 'deviant'.
Responding to the murder, the Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar university in Cairo, Ahmed al-Tayib, said those responsible must face 'killing, crucifixion and chopping of the limbs.'
His calls came as a Twitter account linked to Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula - the terror group's Yemeni branch - denounced the killing as 'conclusive proof of Isis' deviance'.
Muslim clerics widely condemned Kasasbeh's burning, saying such a form of killing was considered despicable by Islam, no matter the context.
The 1,000-year-old Al-Azhar university, which is revered by Sunni Muslims around the world, issued a statement expressing 'deep anger over the lowly terrorist act' by what it called a 'Satanic' group.
ISIS blames the F-16 fighter pilot for burning houses - and killing babies - with airstrikes before he was captured in December.
The manner of his death is a symbolic show of strength to strike terror into 'non-believers' and encourage recruits or doubters within their ranks in equal measure.
This morning it emerged that the mother of the Jordanian pilot was reportedly admitted to hospital hours after the horrific video of her son's death emerged.
Issaf al-Kasasbeh is believed to have fainted after learning that her son, Moaz, had suffered such a barbaric killing, according to Jordanian media.
Dr Ali Hamiada, the director of Karak Hospital in Jordan, said her condition was stable.
News of her illness came as her husband Safi al-Kasasbeh demanded a swift and brutal retaliation to his son's murder.
Jordan followed through on its promise to execute two ISIS-linked prisoners, including a would-be female suicide bomber, but Mr al-Kasasbeh said this did not go far enough.
'I demand the revenge be greater than executing prisoners. I demand the ISIS organisation be annihilated,' he said.
Captured: Muath al-Kasasbeh (centre in white) was captured by the Islamic State after after crashing near its HQ in the Syrian city of Raqqa in December. ISIS is now believed to brutally murdered him
Captured: Muath al-Kasasbeh (centre in white) was captured by the Islamic State after after crashing near its HQ in the Syrian city of Raqqa in December. ISIS is now believed to brutally murdered him
Jordanian officials have told the devastated family of the 26-year-old (pictured) that they believed the footage to be genuine and that the man branded a ‘hero’ in his homeland was dead
Jordanian officials have told the devastated family of the 26-year-old (pictured) that they believed the footage to be genuine and that the man branded a 'hero' in his homeland was dead
Issaf Al-Kasasbeh, the mother of Jordanian pilot Lt Moaz al-Kaseasbeh is pictured during a protest  in Amman calling for her son's release last month. She has reportedly collapsed after learning of his brutal death at the hands of ISIS yesterday after a video of him being burned alive in a cage was released by the terror group
Issaf Al-Kasasbeh, the mother of Jordanian pilot Lt Moaz al-Kaseasbeh is pictured during a protest in Amman calling for her son's release last month. She has reportedly collapsed after learning of his brutal death at the hands of ISIS yesterday after a video of him being burned alive in a cage was released by the terror group
Saif al-Kasaesbeh, father of Jordanian pilot Muath Al Kasasbeh greets an attendee during a vigil at his hometown of Karak earlier this morning
Saif al-Kasaesbeh, father of Jordanian pilot Muath Al Kasasbeh greets an attendee during a vigil at his hometown of Karak earlier this morning
Saif al-Kasaesbeh (front centre) father of Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kasaesbeh, prays at the headquarters of the family's clan in the Jordanian city of Karak this morning
Saif al-Kasaesbeh (front centre) father of Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kasaesbeh, prays at the headquarters of the family's clan in the Jordanian city of Karak this morning
Jordanian soldiers are seen at the HQ of the family clan of Kasaesbeh in the city of Karak this afternoon
Jordanian soldiers are seen at the HQ of the family clan of Kasaesbeh in the city of Karak this afternoon
Senior Jordanian army officers gather during a mourning ceremony for the Jordanian pilot this afternoon
Senior Jordanian army officers gather during a mourning ceremony for the Jordanian pilot this afternoon
'This murderous organisation, made up of militants from all the world countries, is acting in barbaric ways, violating all the international laws, codes of ethics, and prisoners' conventions.
'That is why I strongly demand the government to swiftly take revenge for the blood of Moaz and the dignity of our country,' he told Al Jazeera.


These images purportedly show the exact location where the Jordanian pilot was burned alive by the Islamic State in the Syrian city of Raqqa.
Respected anti-ISIS activists Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently (RIBSS) claim to have pinpointed the area by cross-referencing landmarks in yesterday's execution video with aerial photographs.
Using a series of annotated graphics, the group argues the barbaric murder took place in a compound in the far south of the city, a few hundred metres from the Euphrates River.
Anti-ISIS activists claim to have pinpointed location of Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh's murder by cross-referencing landmarks in yesterday's execution video with aerial photographs. In this image from the video (left) the group claims a tower seen behind the the captive  forms part of this compound (above, right)
Anti-ISIS activists claim to have pinpointed location of Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh's murder by cross-referencing landmarks in yesterday's execution video with aerial photographs. In this image from the video (left) the group claims a tower seen behind the the captive forms part of this compound (above, right)
RIBSS then points out a line of trees behind al-Kasasbeh in a second image which it says confirms the location
RIBSS then points out a line of trees behind al-Kasasbeh in a second image before the pilot apparently walks into the courtyard of the compound where he is beliebed to have meet his gruesome death
If proven correct, they could help coalition forces more accurately target bombing runs and surveillance operations in its attempt to root out the jihadist executioners.
However, MailOnline has been unable to independently verify the images.
The sickening video footage, released by ISIS yesterday, shows Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh being torched to death after he was captured when his F-16 fighter jet crashed over the city.
This third image shows the captive standing inside the courtyard in front of the cage which he is later locked into and torched to death. The picture also shows a wall in the background which, the group claims, confirms the location of the compound
This third image shows the captive standing inside the courtyard in front of the cage which he is later locked into and torched to death. The picture also shows a wall in the background which, the group claims, confirms the location of the compound
Location: RIBSS argues the barbaric murder took place  in the far south of Raqqa, a few hundred metres from the Euphrates River
Location: RIBSS argues the barbaric murder took place in the far south of Raqqa, a few hundred metres from the Euphrates River
As with previous beheading videos featuring British executioner Jihadi John, the 20-minute-long clip is characterised by its slick production values and graphics.
But crucially it contains an added cinematic dimension, with wider landscape shots and aerial footage, that offers much more detailed views of the landscape than before.
RIBSS now claims to have exploited this to create a detail picture of where the various parts of the video were shot. 
Jordan had vowed a swift and lethal response and government officials this morning revealed that two prisoners, Sajida al-Rishawi and Ziad al-Karbouli, have already been hanged.
Al-Rishawi had been on death row for her role in a triple hotel bombing in the Jordanian capital Amman in 2005 that killed dozens.
The executions took place after gruesome footage emerged showing Jordanian pilot al-Kasasbeh being torched to death by his captors.
The gruesome death of 26-year-old Lt Al-Kaseasbeh, captured while participating in airstrikes by a U.S.-led coalition, sparked outrage and anti-Islamic State group demonstrations in Jordan.
Newspaper headlines warned Jordan 'will take revenge' for his slaying as King Abdullah II, a staunch Western ally, rushed back to his kingdom from Washington.
Inconsolable: Saif al-Kasaesbeh (centre), the father of Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasaesbeh, is seen at the headquarters of the family's tribe in the city of Karak today as he mourns the loss of his son
Inconsolable: Saif al-Kasaesbeh (centre), the father of Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasaesbeh, is seen at the headquarters of the family's tribe in the city of Karak today as he mourns the loss of his son
Saif al-Kasaesbeh (third from right) leads prayers at a vigil for his  son in Karak, Jordan this morning
Saif al-Kasaesbeh (third from right) leads prayers at a vigil for his son in Karak, Jordan this morning
Saif al-Kasaesbeh (centre) leads prayers at a vigil for his son in Karak, Jordan this morning
Saif al-Kasaesbeh (centre) leads prayers at a vigil for his son in Karak, Jordan this morning
Saif al-Kasaesbeh (centre) is surrounded by family members and security forces during today's vigil
Saif al-Kasaesbeh (centre) is surrounded by family members and security forces during today's vigil
Jordanian students shout slogans at a rally to condemn the killing of Kassasbeh today (this image and below)
Jordanian students shout slogans at a rally to condemn the killing of Kassasbeh today (this image and below)
Jordan has executed two ISIS-linked prisoners including Sajida al-Rishawi (pictured) hours after militants released a sickening video that showed captured Jordanian fighter pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh being burned alive
Jordan has executed two ISIS-linked prisoners including Sajida al-Rishawi  hours after militants released a sickening video that showed captured Jordanian fighter pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh (pictured) being burned alive
Jordan has executed two ISIS-linked prisoners including Sajida al-Rishawi (left) hours after militants released a sickening video that showed captured Jordanian fighter pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh (right) being burned alive
Taken away: An ambulance believed to be transporting the bodies of Iraqis Sajida al-Rishawi and Ziad al-Karbouli leaves Swaqa prison near Amman after the Al Qaeda militants were executed 
Taken away: An ambulance believed to be transporting the bodies of Iraqis Sajida al-Rishawi and Ziad al-Karbouli leaves Swaqa prison near Amman after the Al Qaeda militants were executed 
King Abdullah and President Barack Obama vowed in a hastily arranged White House meeting Tuesday not to let up in the fight against the Islamic State group.
Abdullah has portrayed the campaign against the extremists as a battle over values. In a speech later aired on Jordanian state television, he urged his countrymen to unite.
'It's the duty of all of us to stand united and show the real values of Jordanians in the face of these hardships,' Abdullah said.
U.S. Representative Duncan Hunter Jr, a California Republican, said after a meeting with congressional lawmakers and King Abdullah that the Jordanian monarch had been visibly angry and promised swift and certain retaliation against Islamic State group militants.
'They're starting more sorties tomorrow than they've ever had.
'They're starting tomorrow,' Hunter told the Washington Examiner in an interview published online Tuesday night.
Hunter added the king also said: 'The only problem we're going to have is running out of fuel and bullets.'
King Abdullah II drives a Mercedes 4x4 vehicle from Queen Alia airport after cutting short a visit to the U.S.
King Abdullah II drives a Mercedes 4x4 vehicle from Queen Alia airport after cutting short a visit to the U.S.
Hundreds of Jordanians lined the road near Queen Alia International Airport in Amman to greet the king
Hundreds of Jordanians lined the road near Queen Alia International Airport in Amman to greet the king
President Barack Obama (right) met late last night with  King Abdullah II  in the Oval Office of the White House, hours after the Moaz al-Kasasbeh was executed
President Barack Obama (right) met late last night with King Abdullah II in the Oval Office of the White House, hours after the Moaz al-Kasasbeh was executed
People wave the Jordanian flag as they line the street to welcome the king after he cut short a visit to the U.S. (this image and below)
People wave the Jordanian flag as they line the street to welcome the king after he cut short a visit to the U.S. (this image and below)
Jordanian Christians pray  in Amman during a mass for pilot Kassasbeh today (this image and below)
Jordanian Christians pray in Amman during a mass for pilot Kassasbeh today (this image and below)
Jordanian Muslims pray in the capital Amman, during a service for pilot Maaz al-Kassasbeh today
Jordanian Muslims pray in the capital Amman, during a service for pilot Maaz al-Kassasbeh today
After word spread that the pilot had been killed, dozens of people chanting slogans against the Islamic State group marched toward the royal palace to express their anger.
Waving a Jordanian flag, they chanted, 'Damn you, Daesh!' - using the Arabic acronym of the group - and 'We will avenge, we will avenge our son's blood.'
Al-Kaseasbeh is from a tribal area in southern Jordan's Karak district. The tribes are considered a mainstay of support for the monarchy, but the pilot's capture has strained that relationship.
During the weeks of uncertainty about the pilot's fate, members of his family had criticized the government's handling of the crisis and Jordan's participation in the anti-Islamic State group alliance.
However, the tone has changed since the announcement of his death, with family members speaking out against the militants and demanding revenge.


Al-Rishawi, pictured in 2006, hailed from the city of Ramadi in Iraq'
Al-Rishawi, pictured in 2006, hailed from the city of Ramadi in Iraq'
Al-Rishawi, who was from the city of Ramadi in Iraq's militant stronghold of Anbar province, had close family ties to the Iraqi branch of al-Qaeda. 
Three of her brothers were killed during U.S. military operations in Anbar, perhaps providing her with a motive to engage in extremist activities, Associated Press reports. One of them was a lieutenant of al-Zarqawi.
On November 9, 2005, al-Rishawi and her newlywed husband, Ali al-Shamari, entered the ground-floor ballroom of the luxury Raddison SAS hotel in Amman, which was hosting hundreds gathered for a wedding reception. Al-Shamari set off his explosive belt, ripping through a wedding party with 300 guests in the ballroom. Al-Rishawi fled.
The bombing was one of three-near-simultaneous attacks on Amman hotels on that day and killed 60 people.
Al-Zarqawi later claimed responsibility for the attack and mentioned a woman being involved. Jordanian officials arrested her four days later at a safe house, one of two apartments the suicide team rented in a residential neighborhood. 
Several days later, al-Rishawi appeared on Jordanian state television, opening a body-length overcoat to reveal two crude explosive belts, one with RDX and the other with ball-bearings.
'My husband detonated (his bomb) and I tried to explode (mine) but it wouldn't,' al-Rishawi said during the three-minute television segment. 'People fled running and I left running with them.'
Later at the trial, al-Rishawi pleaded not guilty and said through her lawyer that she never tried to detonate her bomb and was forced to take part in the attack. But an explosives expert testified that the trigger mechanism on al-Rishawi's belt had jammed.
Al-Rishawi, who was in her 40s, was sentenced to death by hanging and an appeals court later ratified her sentence, describing her as 'guilty beyond doubt of possessing explosives and having had the intention and the will to carry out terrorist attacks whose outcome is destruction and death.'
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