Última Hora Explosão controlada junto à linha da meta na prova de ciclismo Duas polícias atacadas por homem com faca de mato As agentes estão hospitalizadas. Atacante foi atingido a tiro e morreu no hospital Detidos na Bélgica dois irmãos suspeitos de prepararem atentado Homem matou uma mulher com machete e feriu duas pessoas

Última Hora
Police have carried out a controlled explosion of a bag near the cycling course

  • Italian rescue workers say the bodies of two British climbers who went missing on Thursday have been found on the
  • Update - Belgian police have confirmed man who attacked & injured 2 officers with machete in has died after being shot by police
  • Update - Belgian media reports a man who attacked two police officers with a machete in has died from gunshot wounds
  • Belgian police say two police officers have been injured by a man with a machete who shouted "Allahu Akbar" - the man was shot but is alive
  • 19-year-old Zakaria Bulhan remanded in custody after being charged with the murder of Darlene Horton in the Russell Square knife attack
  • Monitoring group: U.S.-backed forces take "almost complete control" of the city of Manbij from Islamic State - pockets of resistance remain
  • West Midlands Police: investigation launched after three men were found with stab wounds at a house in
  • 19-year-old Zakaria Bulhan has been charged with murder over the killing of Darlene Horton in the knife attack
  • U.S. media has reported that Republican sources say Donald is expected to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan for re-election
  • has written to organising committee saying he cannot light the Olympic flame at the opening ceremony due to physical frailty
  • Police in Northern Ireland have uncovered a significant dissident republican arms dump in & are dealing with fully constructed bomb
  • The RMT union says talks with aimed at avoiding strike action have broken down and five-day strike likely to begin on Monday
  • Poll by suggests 47% of people think a lower interest rate is good for the UK economy overall
  • Poll by suggests 37% of people think the Bank of England interest rate cut will make no difference to their personal finances
  • 59-year-old man arrested by detectives investigating sectarian murder of 10 Protestant workmen at in Northern Ireland in 1976
  • Update - Police in Rio de Janeiro say boxer Hassan Saada will be jailed for period of 15 days while they conduct rape investigation
  • Update - Police in Rio de Janeiro arrested boxer Hassan Saada over claims he sexually assaulted two waitresses in Olympic Village
  • Police in Rio de Janeiro have arrested Moroccan boxer in connection with alleged sex attack & have jailed him day before his fight
  • Avon and Somerset Police says a human foot has been found in the garden of a property on Cranwells Park in
  • Labour MP Keith Vaz has told Shami Chakrabarti "made a mistake" by accepting peerage and should have entered House of Commons first
  • Campaigners from a fathers' rights group are staging a protest on the roof of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn's house
  • 's independent Ethics Committee has announced President Gianni Infantino has been cleared of any violation of its Code of Ethics
  • Update - Metropolitan Police says 10 people have been arrested at the demonstration near airport
  • Update - Sky Sources: Six protesters have locked themselves to boxes blocking lanes leading to airport entrance
  • protesters calling for "a nationwide " have blocked roads leading to the entrance to airport
  • UN Refugee Agency says it has reports from Iraq that I.S. captured 3,000 people trying to flee from their villages & 12 killed in captivity
  • Royal Bank of Scotland has reported a £2.04bn loss for the first half of the year
  • Egyptian military has released a statement saying an leader Abu Duaa al-Ansari has been killed in
  • Former Chancellor George Osborne has been made a Companion of Honour in David Cameron's resignation honours list
  • Samantha Cameron's special adviser Isabel Spearman is among those awarded honours in David Cameron's resignation honours list
  • Met Police says British man who suffered stab wound to his stomach in attack is in "serious but stable" condition in hospital
  • Update - Chancellor Philip Hammond says "it is right that monetary policy is used to support the economy through this period of adjustment"
  • Bank of England Governor Mark Carney: UK's decision to leave EU marks a regime change & some adjustments to this new reality will take time
  • Bank of England will buy a further £60bn of Government debt taking the total size of the quantitative easing scheme to £435bn
  • Bank of England has cut the cost of borrowing from 0.5% to a new record low of 0.25%
  • Update - Metropolitan Police: attack was likely triggered by mental health issues & there is no evidence terrorism was motive
  • Update - Metropolitan Police says knife attack suspect is a Norwegian national of Somali origin
  • Update - Metropolitan Police has confirmed the woman who was killed in the knife attack was an American citizen
  • Govt officials in Afghanistan eight British tourists have been wounded after gunmen attacked convoy as it passed through province
  • AFP: Police in say a Briton has been arrested on suspicion of involvement in a siege on a cafe in the capital on 1 July
  • Update - Met Police: man arrested on suspicion of murder after woman in her 60s was killed & five injured in knife attack in
  • Update - Police say two people who were injured in the knife attack remain in hospital and three others have been discharged
  • Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has urged public to remain "calm and vigilant" after a woman was stabbed and killed last night in
  • UK Anti-Doping: Tyson Fury was charged & provisionally suspended in June over presence of banned substance - ban lifted pending a hearing
  • A man has died after reportedly being stabbed in Kelloe in County Durham
  • Andy Murray will carry the Team GB flag at the opening ceremony of the Olympics
  • Update - 13 children have been injured and two taken to hospital after a bouncy castle came loose from its moorings in Swanage in Dorset
  • Emirates chairman says a Dubai firefighter died whilst responding to the plane that crash-landed at Dubai airport
  • A High Court judge has ruled that the father of a British woman who has been keeping her in Saudi Arabia must pay for her return to the UK
  • Update - Three children have minor injuries after a bouncy castle came loose from its position in Swanage in Dorset
  • A number of children are being treated by paramedics after a bouncy castle came loose from its position in Swanage in Dorset
  • Washington Post: Washington area transit police officer charged with attempting to provide material support to Islamic State
  • EDF chief exec says he knew UK Govt wanted to take more time to review Point contract before board's decision to approve investment
  • Steven Woolfe says he is "extremely disappointed" to have been excluded from leadership race & ruling committee "not fit for purpose"
  • Update - 3 members of National Executive Committee have resigned in protest at decision to exclude Steven Woolfe from leadership race
  • has announced that Steven Woolfe has been excluded from the party's leadership race
  • Update - Departure flights from have been delayed until further notice after an airline plane coming from India crash-landed
  • airlines confirms flight from India to Dubai has been involved in an accident at - all 275 on board safely removed from plane
  • Update - government says plane from India crash-landed at , passengers were evacuated from plane - no reports of injuries so far

    Quem seguir

    • Incidente ocorreu junto à linha da meta da prova de ciclismo
      Polícia detonou uma mala abandonada, avança a Sky News
      A polícia brasileira detonou esta tarde uma mala junto à linha da meta da prova de ciclismo dos Jogos Olímpicos Rio2016. Segundo a estação britânica SkyNews, as autoridades fizeram uma explosão controlada do objeto, que se encontrava abandonado e, foi entendido, representava um risco de segurança.

      (Em atualização)

    As agentes estão hospitalizadas. Atacante foi atingido a tiro e morreu no hospital

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